Dr. Jane Ruby: Beware of the mRNA campaign to be advanced during Trump Presidency
Ex-Priest faults Pope Francis for belittling the gravity of sexual abuse at the Vatican
Editor’s Note: There is a reason why Pope Francis has recently downplayed the gravity of sins of the flesh, as is obvious from how he has and is running the Vatican, but will become more obvious with new revelations of massive corruption for decades in that institution, evidenced by the fact that they never investigated and indeed obstructed the investigation of the disappearance of one of their own citizens — Emanuela Orlandi, a 15 year old girl, who disappeared more than 40 years ago — even though her family had served 7 Roman Pontiffs, and her father worked in the Papal Household of John Paul II. — A Committee in the Italian Senate is currently investigating her disappearance and interviewing all who had any personal knowledge of the facts of the case or those involved. And FromRome.Info will continue to report on these developments.
NICARAGUA: Marxist Dictatorship confiscates Catholic Diocesan Seminary
Editor’s Note: The persecution of the Catholic Church in Nicaragua has strangely had silent collaboration from many “conservatives” and “traditionalists” in the West, who see the Church in Nicaragua as heavily infiltrated by socialists and marxists itself. However, this narrative of tacit consent has blown up with the recent news that the Nicaraguan regime has confiscated a Catholic Seminary to prevent the formation of Catholic priests. It did not make much sense, as has been claimed, that the government was persecuting the “left-wingers” in the Church in Nicaragua, since the government itself is Marxist. — Let us pray for all the clergy and faithful and religious in that country, that they keep the faith and give good testimony to it in these evil times. — And for those in the United States, please make known to your representatives, that such actions against Catholic liberty, in the back yard of the United States, should not be tolerated, if the USA is going to have any credibility on protecting Christians world-wide. Mr. Cruz, the new U. S. Secretary of State, and a Catholic himself, should hear Catholics out on this and take swift action with the Nicaraguan regime.
VATICAN CITY: Sr. Raffaella Petrini to be next Governor of City State
Editor’s Note: When the Popes ruled territory in central Italy “Rome” meant the Papal Court, and decisions emanating from the Apostolic See were said to be “from Rome”. Now a days, the correct practice is to say, “the Vatican”. But what many Catholics often forget is that “the Vatican”, the papal court, is located in the Vatican City State, which is a state with a civil-legal existence like any other independent city state. Yes, it is owned, or more properly said, “to be ruled” by the Pope, as a supreme monarch, but even Monarchs appoint governors of territories. Pope Francis recently announced, that the next governor of the Vatican City State will be a religious sister, a complete novelty in the history of civil states belonging to the Patrimony of Saint Peter. The Vatican City State is about 500 acres in size and has about 5000 employees and residents. It’s much smaller than most towns in developed countries. It has its own stores and police, printeries, offices, museums, archives, financial institutions, and hosts, of course, a large part of the Roman Curia and papal administrative organs, though a good part is also found in buildings outside of Vatican territory, along the Via della Conciliazione and throughout Rome in numerous extra-territorial possessions of the Apostolic See. — However, as someone who has seen how Catholic parishes are organized and run in different parts of the world, I cannot help notice that the clergy who are most “pro-sodomy” or who are the most effeminate, nearly always appoint a woman to run the parish. That model seems now to have arrived at the Vatican.
GERMANY: Afghan kills 2, as they attempt defend group of children
Editor’s Note: In a heart rending story, about a crazed man who lashed out with a knife to stab a group of children, there shown a light to the world, in the self sacrifice of a German man and a Moroccan boy, who lost their lives attempting to prevent the Afghan from harming the children. A story which shows that heroism and the highest form of humanity can be found among men of every nation.
ITALY: Sicilian Bishop, praised by Pope Francis, facing perjury charges
Editor’s Note: In a case regarding the sexual abuse of a minor, the Bishop was caught in recorded phone call by the Italian police to have said to the perpetrator of the alleged crime, “I have buried the case”, meaning “covered it up”, in Italian jargon, says the State prosecutor. Pope Francis had praised the Bishop less than 18 months ago for being a “just man” who is unjustly persecuted. — Pope Francis seems to have the grace to know exactly who is a crook: and they are all those whom he praises. — It’s not for nothing, I remind my readers, that he is called the Don of the Saint Gallen Mafia.
FRANCE: Founder of Emmaus was serial pedophile
Archbishop Viganò: Pope Francis acts like a servant of Satan’s servants
Editor’s Note: It is a principle of the natural law that if you know of a crime, you denounce the guilty party to the proper authorities so that they can take action and arrest and punish him and restore the order of justice. In U. S. Civil Law the failure to report a serious crime is called “misprison of felony”. Even in the new penal code published by Pope Francis during his antipapacy (and therefore having no legal value) reads in canon 1371:
§ 6. A person who neglects to report an offence, when required to do so by a canonical law, is to be punished according to the provision of can. 1336 §§ 2-4, with the addition of other penalties according to the gravity of the offence. (Vatican Official English translation)
So what I do not understand at all about Archbishop Viganò is why he is constantly publishing declamations of the crimes of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, while at the same time never bringing a case against him in any tribunal of the Church.
What does this achieve?
And why does he not instruct the faithful what they can actually do to see Bergoglio brought to trial?
I leave these questions to my readers, to ponder, so as to shed better light on the real crisis in the Church: which is the moral failure and inaction of so many Catholics to do their duty in the Lord.
VATICAN: Ruthless Capitalistic Tactics used to shut down Vatican Supermarket
Father Nix espouses the fundamental error of Sedevacantism, private judgement
Editor’s Note: The protestant error of private judgement is often found to be a tempting alternative to Catholics who do not know their faith and even to clergy who do not know their canon law. Most common in the present crisis of public scandal in the Church, is that more and more Catholics, even Clergy, are resorting to the worst form of private judgement: setting yourself up as the one who determines who is and is not a member of the Catholic Church. While it is true that those living in public sin of any kind can be rightfully refused communion and even excommunicated by the local pastor of the parish, what I a referring to here is the arrogance of those who are not pastors of Churches or Bishops, who say this or that person is not a member of the Church; or worse who claim that the Saints said this, namely that as soon as one is known to you to be a manifest heretic, he or she is by that fact no longer a member of the Church not only spiritually but legally.
Those who embrace this error might not recognize the venom of this position at the beginning, but it leads them imperceptibly to schism from the entire Church and to the heresy of denying Christ’s promises to the Church and finally to despair and the most demonic pride. Most of the priests who claimed to support Pope Benedict XVI, after his death, have fallen into this error, because they want to tell you what rules are in play for the election of a pope, and if they say there is no longer any possible election, then they insist you accept their despair that there will never be another valid pope.
Father Nix should know better. But if he is going to enunciate his error in public, then he deserves to be publicly reproved. Don’t pay attention to this priest. He does not know of what he is speaking.
A Catholic, even if he say, “I am no longer a Catholic” on Monday, and who goes to confess this on Tuesday, has never left the Church. He may not have even left the Church spiritually. That is for his confessor to determine in the tribunal of the confessional. Yes, if we hear someone speak this way we should warn them of their error and great peril. But we cannot presume to go to the next step and make any statement regarding their canonical status. Yes, the Saints speaking in generalities say that one who denies any revealed truth is a heretic and lapses from the Church, but you won’t find any Saint saying that this or that person they know or knew, who was not condemned by the Church, was a heretic or left the Church in the canonical sense.
Only those who read more than snippets of the Saints know these things. And if a priest has little knowledge, beware, it can be a dangerous thing, when in a time of stress he begins to act on the little knowledge he has, rather than seeking advice from someone who has more.
And notice well, that I have not said that Father is a heretic. But I have said that it is dangerous and morally wrong to espouse such an error of presumption. This is the Catholic way. And if any Catholic say that this or that man is a heretic, we should have the charity to presume that he is only referring to a public error espoused by the person and is not saying that that person has lost all his rights in the Church.
Eric Sammons redefines the Deposit of the Faith
Editor’s Note: This article by Eric Sammons, who once worked for the U. S. Government in data collection, is 100% cringe worthy for his audacious presumption to tell Catholics — even though he is a convert — what the Deposit of our Holy Faith contains and does not contain. Here he pontificates and insists that the Hexameron’s teaching that the world was created in 6 days is NOT part of the Deposit of the Faith, and that therefore Catholics cannot claim that belief in alien intelligent corporeal life is contrary to scripture.
For Catholics who know their faith, they will recognize immediately Eric Sammons fallacy, when he insists, that since the Magisterium has not defined either beliefs, they are not part of the Deposit of the Faith. He is quite wrong.
The Deposit of the Faith contains the whole of Sacred Scripture and the whole of Divine and Apostolic Tradition. Sacred Scripture includes all the books of the Bible accepted in the canon at the Council of Trent. The narrative of the creation of the world, in the Book of Genesis, is part of that canon. As Saint Thomas says, to deny that any verse of scripture is true is heresy by definition. To cut out an entire book or part thereof is obviously way worse, being an act of apostasy, because if you change the foundation upon which you build, it’s obvious you are not building the same house.
Also, I seem to remember that the infallible, inerrant prophet Isaiah said in chapter 45:18, that “God made the world … to be lived in.”. A verse which clearly means that a place for life requires the Divine Intervention.
It may not be obvious to Eric Sammons, but the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of Life, has to be at work for life to exist. And if Scripture does not say He was at work, then the Deposit of Faith does not say there is life there.
Eric Sammons has shown himself to be a classical modernist and a deceptive publisher, who like many laymen throughout the ages has gone off the cliff of presumption and begun to be his own pope. Like nearly all Catholic social media personalities, who are converts, you waste your time listening to these persons, who are often if not nearly always wrong in something, even when they have academic degrees from Catholic institutions.
Eric Sammons also seems to be utterly uninformed about the recent discoveries in cosmology and biology, both of which by an ever growing consensus of empirical scientists require such a precise and mathematically impossible arrangement of things and causes, that God is the only rational explanation for the existence of the planet Earth and of the abundant life on it. So the truth is, that Sammons by denying parts of the Deposit of the Faith to make room for science, is really making room for scientism and disbelief.
President Donald Trump’s Inauguration Speech — With Commentary
Editor’s Note: Trump is promising many things, but if you notice he does not say anything about arresting the criminals who betrayed the people. In fact, by pushing the DeathVaxx he is one of the betrayers. His new administration will not be able to do as much as he promises since he has taken on 13 billionaires and will do what they want. OMC Radio TV will report on this within two weeks. – Attention: language. — The commentator is a legal immigrant from Argentina, so FromRome.Info has selected this commentary for the sake of those in the Vatican who are watching. Enjoy!
A Chronicle of Pope Francis’ Health Issues
Editor’s Note: There is a consistent inaccuracy in reports about Pope Francis’ health. We are constantly told both that he is in good health, and that he has had only minor problems. But even a cursory search of the internet finds things not found in the above report, such as:
March 2023, when Pope Francis nearly died and was rushed to hospital, unconscious:
And again, when in the summer of 2021, he would have died, if his personal nurse had not discovered blood in his stool and recognized it as a sign of grave issues:
And again, recently Pope Francis fell down for the second time in two months:
And according to at least one study, those who fall down twice in a short period have a 60% higher chance of death:
Editor’s Note Continues: I am no expert in medicine, but I can relate that in the year before my own father passed away, he fell 2 times. And in the 18 months before my mother passed, she fell a number of times. Neither ever fell before or had the habit of falling.
Pope Francis suppresses ‘Sodalitium of Christian Life’ for sadistic sexual-psychological abuse of members
Editor’s Note: From all reports, this action taken is a good one. But an informed Catholic cannot fail to notice that Pope Francis is quicker to take action against “conservative” groups than liberal clerics. Nay, in regard to liberal clerics he often promotes them rather than punishes them for covering up abuse. His recent promotion of the Cardinal Bishop of San Diego, California, to Archbishop of Washington, D. C., in the USA, is a prime and glaring example.
Dr. Martin: Listing the crimes Dr. Anthony Fauci is culpable for
Click the image to listen to the hour long broadcast, which is a must, to be fully informed on this topic, of Anthony Fauci’s long history of crimes. — Among the facts revealed, is that on September 19, 2019, they had prepared the DeathVaxx campaign of U. S. Citizens, a full 5 months before the declaration of the existence of a “pandemic”. — Dr. Martin explains that to receive a presidential pardon, is according to the U. S. Supreme Court standards, to be imputed as one who is preemptively guilty of crime.
Dr. Jane Ruby: What the Dinner between Trump and Bill Gates portends
SPAIN: Minister of “Equality” threatens Priest for refusing Communion to Sodomite
USA withdraws from the WHO!
Editor’s Note: This is the best news, this week. Once again, the editorial policy of FromRome.Info has been vindicated. All those who criticized my constant opposition to the Scamdemic and DeathVaxxes now have something to think about. Let us hope and pray that President Trump urges all NATO member nations to do the same!
Pope Francis permits episcopal consecration of heretical CCP Seminarian
Editor’s Note: At this point, if you claim to take a stand against Pope Francis for any of his errors or misdeeds and do not join the Sutri Initiative and seek his removal of office, you no longer have any credibility. I say this for Catholics both in North America and in Europe. Especially those who love to strain gnats and swallow camels.
Trump pardons 1500 J6 Protestors in first acts of Presidency
Editor’s Note: This was just and right to do. But I cannot help to notice that the United States is walking down the road of internal political strife which the Roman Republic first traced; since in the space of a few days, both the outgoing and incoming Presidents have used their privilege of office to pardon thousands of persons whom they advocate for. — Though this report from the Guardian repeats the calumnies of the Democrats, all the video evidence of that day shows that there never was an “attack” on the Capitol and that if there were any provocateurs they were sent there by Democrat politicians. That the Guardian repeats the false accusations is grossly irresponsible and partisan.