‘Catholic Vote’ throws itself at Pope Francis’ feet & grovels

Editor’s Note: You can hear and read the psychological turmoil in the souls of professional grifters in this report from CatholicVote, the GOP “get the Catholics to vote for us” political non profit, formerly headed by the nominee for U. S. Ambassador to the Vatican.  — If you want to let your hopes that Trump might help clean up the Vatican, you can let them be dashed with this horrendous piece of sycophantry which mimics the most horrid caricatures of the Catholic Faith regarding the Pope. — Would that this were a comedy piece. But alas, its masonic politics.

In the most luridly twisted fantasies of what pedophiles expect of their victims in response to being abused, a text like this has probably been imagined numerous times.  But this is psychotic, not Catholic.

Pope Francis has time for celebrities, but has ignored this Victim for 5 years

Editor’ Note: Pope Francis without any due process sanctioned 5 years ago a Cardinal from Peru, because he did not receive victims of abuse to speak with them. Likewise, he just accepted the resignation of another Bishop in South America, who was accused of never meeting with victims.

But Pope Francis does the same thing: here is the case of Antonio Messina, a devout Catholic young man who was sexually abused by Father Rugolo, in the Archdiocese of Agrigento, Sicily. He wrote Pope Francis 5 years, and never received a response. In the mean time, Pope Francis praised the Bishop who covered up and attempted to bribe the victim to keep him quiet.

It has to be said, that Pope Francis is a wicked hypocrite and a totally despicable person, as a human being, who in no way lives in accord with his own public claims, let alone the holiness of the office he claims. The Bishops who do not want to remove him from office for his many heresies, blasphemies and injustices are the only ones who are perhaps more morally degraded than himself.

Click the article to read an English translation thereof.

‘National Catholic Reporter’ outraged CRS has not sued for USAID funds

Editor’s Note: Here at FromRome.Info I have often observed that NCR (National Catholic Reporter) a U. S. publication, never faulted by the U.S. Episcopate, is a newspaper of the Left supported by the U.S. Government. But this article at that paper itself confirms this by expressing its outrage that CRS (Catholic Relief Services) would prefer to lay off 50% of its work force, due to USAID funds being cut off, than to sue the Trump Administration for, ostensibly, breach of commitments. — The entire network and nest of the Left inside the Church is revealing itself as U.S. government funded. — The time has come to question the entire Vatican II narrative and uncover exactly what U.S. Government program has been called “the Spirit of Vatican II” for the last 6 years.

Pope Francis instrumentalizes Mother Teresa of Calcutta against Trump

Editor’s Note: The evidence is found in the date of the decree, back in December, but published only on Feb. 11. I personally knew of an ex-sister of Mother Teresa’s order, back when she was praised universally by all the MSM outlets, which have now been exposed as USAID propaganda fronts. This ex-nun told me that she was not poor at all; rather she had 170,000,000 USD in a bank account at the Masonic Chase-Manhatten Bank and had a special “house” in Manhattan simply to handle the financial arrangements of managing that account. The fact that Pope Francis chose to add her to the universal Roman Calendar, even though she is already in the U.S. Bishop’s national calendar, is just one more significant fact adding to that thesis. — Aleteia is also a known U.S. govt. backed website, which has praised pope Francis from the day he usurped the Apostolic Throne. — Mother Teresa became world famous in the 90’s for her care of the destitute and outcast poor. However, these poor were not refugees or immigrants in the modern sense of the words.

An Exposé of Pope Francis

More than 4 years ago the Catholic Radio-TV online station, Ordo Militaris Radio TV, did this exposé on Pope Francis. Back then most Catholics had not yet realized how much propaganda surrounded him and knowledge about him. — Now that the narrative control has broken, FromRome.Info invites you again to watch this detailed investigation into the life and person of Jorge Mario Bergoglio and how he came to power in the Vatican. — Because Pope Benedict XVI never renounced, and was still alive when this video was produced, Pope Francis is called by his baptismal name, “Jorge Mario Bergoglio” in it, throughout, because in the Catholic Church there can only be 1 legitimate pope at any given time.

USA: Denied a heart transplant because unVaxxed, JD Vance relative

Editor’s Note: Now it is obvious, that the DeathVaxx campaign was simply that: a political assassination operation, thickly veiled. The level of political violence in the U.S.A. by BigPharma just totally unmasked itself as they attempt to kill a relative of the sitting Vice President because (1) she refused the DeathVaxx, and (2) the administration of which he is a part is looking with scrutiny into things like the USAID funding for gain-of-function research.

A Criticism of Pope Francis’ Letter to US Bishops on Immigration

Editor’s Note: I have been saying it since 2014, that Pope Francis is willing to jettison any aspect of the Catholic Faith for his agenda. I had hoped that the High Priestly Prayer of Our Lord for him as the pope would make a difference, but he has rejected that grace too. Now the Divine Justice will take its own course. — If the Bishops of the Roman Province responded to the Sutri Petition last year, with true Synodal fraternal action, this battle would have been adverted, with either Pope Francis’ repentance or abdication. They have chosen to go the hard way, into total humiliation. I think we shall either see a call from world leaders for such a council to depose Pope Francis or that the Lord will call him from this life. In either way, his disgrace will be complete, with all the Bishops who supported him.

The Epidemic of Kidnapping & Terrrorism

In this show, AJ and Br. Bugnolo discuss the epidemic of kidnapping in countries like Nigeria and how terrorist groups are using this to fund their activities. In part two, they discuss recent revelations of how the U. S. government has sponsored terrorist groups round the world and even inside of the United States.

ITALY: Region of Tuscany approves Euthanasia Law

Editor’s Note: Passed by the Left Wing parties which control the regional legislature, Tuscany, known for its wines, villas, Art and Jewish communities, has passed a law allowing the murder of the sick and elderly, under certain pretexts. Euthanasia has become a world-wide phenomena pushed by elitists who want to rid the earth of “useless eaters” and of heirs who want parents and grandparents out of the way, so that they can raid their estates.

NICARAGUA: Dictatorship openly denies authority of Christ’s Vicar to appoint bishops

Editor’s Note: This is a classic case of when you abuse your authority, you lose your authority, even if those refusing it are worse than yourself. St. Hildegard of Bingen foretold that the day would come when moral corruption would so take over the Roman Church that the authority of the Bishop of Rome would be rejected everywhere except a few dioceses round about the Eternal City. This has been happening since the French Revolution, but Pope Francis is risking to make it even more evident.

USA: Pope Francis promotes “You must DeathVaxx yourself” Bishop to Detroit

And, yes, that is the same bald head, DeathVaxxing is a religious duty Bishop:

This appointment is also a racial slap in the face to the Bishops of Africa, since Detroit is mostly populated by African-Americans. Such an appointment is a way of saying, “I am sending you a destroyer in revenge.” — Pope Francis, put in power of the Mafia of St. Gallen (their name for themselves) has shown like them and the German monies behind them, to have been on multiple occasions prejudiced against and denigratory of Catholics who are of African ancestry, just like the Nazi party of old, which the house of Rampolla, to which Bergoglio belongs, supported 100%. — Click images to read the news stories depicted.

Pope Francis denies the Order of Charity in open rebuke of U. S. Vice President Vance

Editor’s Note: The concept of an order in charity originates with the famous Egyptian scholar, Origen, who while not a Saint, was highly influential in many matters of theology. He was later condemned for holding that no one went to hell, but all men were eventually redeemed through a post-death purification. However, his concept of an order in charity was accepted by Sts. Augustine, Bonaventure, Thomas Aquinas and nearly every Saint and Theologian in the East and West. Pope Francis by openly denying an order in charity is involved in denying the perennial authentic magisterium of the Church. Though not defined in a council, he could be condemned in council for his denial. — This direct attack on the sitting Vice President of the United States has raised the political debate to a new level, that of doctrine. If he keeps pushing this line of confrontation he will end up in a provincial council, condemned as a heretic and usurper. — By abandoning Pope Francis to his wilfulness and heretical inclinations, Our Lord is preparing the way for the Third Council of Sutri. And in this way He is showing his approval for all those Catholics who have already petitioned for this.

VATICAN hosted Zionist Led “Peace & Mutual Understanding” Workshop

Editor’s Note: I ask where the funding came from, and I recall that the World Jewish Congress, affiliated with some of the most hard core Zionist organizations opened an office just outside the Vatican in October 2023, just after the Mossad/CIA backed Hamas started its “war” on Israel. — While it’s great to promote peace and understanding, even with groups as small as this 33 student organization, it would do much more if Zionists explain why their men have 5-12 different Y-Chromosome Haplotypes which are not even related to one another, if they are all supposed to be sons of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. That would start the real peace-process in the Holy Land. I ascribe Zionism to this group, not for their overt political views, but for their origins at the Hebrew University, which was founded by Zionists. — As Catholics, however, we must remember that promoting peace and understanding begins with denouncing the use of terrorism and unjust forms of violence to fake a claim to another person’s homeland, take it by force, retain it by terror, even if, after having done so, you say, “Let’s start a group to promote peace and understanding”, while keeping the stolen property and not atoning for the mass murder used to obtain it.

GERMANY: Bishops let perps flee to South America to evade justice

Editor’s Note: It is journalistic malfeasance to use the word “Catholics” for “Catholic Bishops”, but that is what DW does in this report about how South America was used as a safe haven for priests who committed sexual abuse in the west German republic. — This report from DW (Deutsche Welle, the German State TV channel) is really outrageous, because the post World War II state of West Germany has been documented to be entirely infiltrated by Nazis and former members of Hitler’s government and military, from the national to the local levels, in industry and finance. It was precisely their leaders who fled to South America after the war, with the tacit complicity of the German Republic! — This smear article, which takes a truth and attempts to smear responsibility upon all Catholics in Germany is obviously being perpetrated by Left wingers in German State TV to prevent more conservative political groups arising in Germany. This is the foulest sort of anti-Catholic bigotry imaginable. They are true to their godless Socialist forefathers.

News and Commentary on the Catholic Church