Rome, February 15, 2015: In his homily this morning, at the Vatican, Pope Francis told the Cardinals that “The road of the Church is not to condemn anyone eternally”. In his homily, which was published minutes ago in Italian, he went on to say, that God “embraces and welcomes by reintegrating and transfiguring evil into good, condemnation into salvation, exclusion into proclamation” of welcome.
The discourse as a whole, spoke about the need to go to the peripheries:
Consequently, charity cannot be neutral, ascetic, indifferent, tepid or impartial! Charity is contagious, it impassions, it risks, it co-involves! Because true charity is always unmerited, unconditional and gratuitous! (cf. 1 Cor. 13). Charity is creative in finding a proper language to communicate with all who have been considered incurable and hence untouchable. To find the just language … Contact is the true communicative language, the same affective language which transmitted healing to the leper. How many cures we can accomplish and transmit by learning this language of contact! He was a leper and he became an announcer of God’s love. The Gospel says: « But he went off and set out proclaiming and publishing the deed » (Mk, 1:45).
(Translation: our own)
A grave misreading of Scripture
Unfortunately, the healing of the leper by Our Lord, was not what the Pope is proposing. He was not healed by contact with another human body, or by human words; he was healed by an act of the Will and Power of God Himself, the Incarnate One, and hence the Anointed par excellence, the Christ.
And though we are all called to have the charity to help the sick and the outcast, we cannot heal or love in the same manner God does. For God first loves a thing, and only then does it come into being; and when He finds moral depravity, He first wills to cure it and then the immoral person if he accepts the grace, becomes good.
We on the other hand cannot command the power of God or the grace of God or the mercy of God and apply it to whomsoever we wish, or to whichsoever category of sinner we want.
That is why Christ commanded the Apostles to preach, first, faith and penance, then to lay hands upon those who believed.
This point needs to be emphasized. There is absolutely no case in the entire Gospel where a non-believer was cured by Our Lord.
This point needs more emphasis. There is absolutely no case in all of Scripture where God has revealed, said, promised or declared that He has any desire to heal or cure the impenitent.
A False Gospel leads to a False Pastoral Practice
The error of thinking that these 2 points are not important leads directly into the error and heresy of Cardinal Kasper, which Pope Francis has done everything to promote. Even in this homily to the newly created Cardinals he cannot conceal, as much as a Jesuit can, his malignant intent.
For this reason the Church has never allowed public sinners to approach the Sacrament. She has always taught, and Her laws have always held, that public sinners must be excluded. Only if they repent, can they be readmitted. In the ancient Church Lent came into being as the time for which public sinners would do public penance, before being readmitted for Easter though the sacraments of Penance and Eucharist.
In later centuries, when the Catholic Faith embraced the whole of society, the practice of public penance was only reserved for greater public crimes, such as that of kings or rulers. For nearly 1000 years, Catholics have done their penances in private after going to confession.
Thus, Holy Mother Church has defended the Infinite Dignity of the Immaculate Son of God the Father, present in the Eucharist, from the defilement of a sacrilegious communion.
This does not mean that many clergy, even bishops or popes or cardinals never gave communion to public sinners. For the sins of individuals do not constitute the Church’s praxis. Rather, all who did so merited justly everlasting damnation in the fires of Hell. And all who do so today, will merit the same, if they do not repent.
For this reason, it is Cardinal Burke, who is the most charitable of all the Cardinals, since it is he, nearly alone, who has publicly defended, even at personal cost, the duty of sacred pastors to refuse communion to those in irregular situations, such as divorced, cohabiting, etc. or practicing sodomites. He is more charitable, because true charity seeks the true salvation of the sinner; a salvation which cannot be obtained without the sinner being told he is a sinner and worthy only of condemnation, and that penance and a change of morals is the only way to be worthy of the free gift of God’s saving mercy.
It is actions like those of this Cardinal, not homilies of the Pope, which reflect faithfully the teaching which the Church has received from Christ and the Apostles.
Needless to say, to twist the plain sense of scripture for heretical purposes, is itself a grave sin of sacrilege, meriting eternal damnation not only for those who do this, but for those who consent to such evil use.
Jesus said, “Those who are baptized and believe will be saved. Those who don’t believe are already condemned.” Should the pope teach what Jesus taught?
I keep finding more & more people who see this Pope is a heretic & I am appalled. What are we supposed to do & where to turn when he’s so popular? Most Catholics, such good people can see nothing wrong with this Pope. The groundwork has been laid for the past 50 years & 90 per cent don’t know Their Faith. Some say Pope Benedict is still the real, legitimate Pope.
“This point needs to be emphasized. There is absolutely no case in the entire Gospel where a non-believer was cured by Our Lord.”
I didn’t understand this comment. What is the definition of the term “non-believer”? The Gospels relate cures of Samaritans. Weren’t they considered “non-believers”? Can you clarify?
In Matthew’s Gospel, chapter 15, a Canaanite woman asks Christ to heal her possessed daughter, and Jesus does so. There is no evidence to believe that the daughter was a believer. She was a Canaanite who was possessed, and we don’t even know if she even ever met Christ.
Editor replies:
All these had faith, because, while we can today presume they did not believe what we Catholics now believe, the Gospel had not yet been preached in its fullness and there was not yet an obligation to believe everything which Christ taught, so Our Lord, whom St. Bonaventure says, is such a perfect model of a savior, accommodated Himself to the moment to teach us eternal truths, such as faith is necessary to be saved or obtain grace upon prayer.
In other words, you are confusing the act of faith which such an ignorant can have, with the habit of faith that comes from justification and Baptism.
Nearly everyone today is learned enough to read the whole Gospel and believe the whole if he has faith; so the simple act sufficient to obtain a miracle would not suffice for most, though it might suffice for a Jew or Muslim or Buddhist or Taoist who is searching for the truth and seeking it out from Christ.
In sum: to him who has more, more will be required.
In the case of the adulterous or cohabiting or sodomites, who are Catholics, they know better and have no excuse. A prelate would sin if he said they could come to communion, without publicly and interiorly repenting of their sin and removing themselves from the public disavowal of it that their words and deeds necessarily signify.
But to the pharisees who did not have faith, but sought miracles, no miracles were worked. as Our Lord said openly many times.
This reply to the comment above it is just great – very clear. Thank you. One thing that is not emphasized enough is that Pope Francis wipes out 2,000 years of charity with one sermon. Where is the evidence that charity has been neutral, ascetic, indifferent, tepid or partial? St. Vincent de Paul, St. Francis of Assisi, St. John Bosco, Mother Theresa of Calcutta, and others whose lives were complete charity might have something to say about Poor Francis uncharitable words!