Lent is a time for Repentance…


lent_christ_mocked2The season of lent is something so regular in its advent that it is easy to lose the proper sense of what we should be doing differently, and why this season is so important for our lives as Catholics.

Indeed, so scheduled and habitual are the events of modern life, that it is easy to let the season of Lent go by without ever making those changes necessary in our daily schedule, without which it is impossible to gather and taste the spiritual fruits of the season.

To put us on the right track for Lent, it is thus necessary to understand what Lent is all about, and what we should be doing during Lent.  Lent is not only about exterior works, though.  Nevertheless, through these we can come to understand better the interior works.  So lets start with the former.

Lent is a Season for Good Works

First, let’s enumerates many good works that can be done during Lent, which though salutary each in a different manner, do not comprise the essential act that we should be engaged in, frequently, during this season.

Thus, first, there is the lenten resolution, which…

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