By Br. Alexis Bugnolo
As a member of the Roman Church, I cannot remain silent at the gross and vile attack on the Catholic Faithful, given in such a hateful spirit, by one of the formerly chief members of the Clergy at the Vatican: Archbishop Fisichella. His talk can be read in part here and in full here during his interview.
In this talk, the Archbishop cannot be excused for moral perversion, since he so blatantly attacks the immutability of truth. Truth, of the species of which we speak here, refers to the coherence of signification in a verbal phrase with the relation between the mind and the object known by the mind.
For example: If one finds a white stone, his mind recognizes it as such, and his mouth says: “This stone is a white stone”, or “I found a white stone”. Its obvious that the truth of this statement is not dynamic, as the Archbishop claims all truth is, but static, since it exist in the static relationship between mind and object known.
If upon examination, one recognizes that the stone is quartz, then the statement, “The white stone which I found is quartz”, represents a deeper truth, but does not alter or deteriorate the truth of what was said. However, if one says, “The stone which I found was black” or “I did not find a white stone at all”. Its clear that there is a negation of the first truth, a complete alteration of signification.
What the Archbishop in his interview is claiming is that Catholics are not faithful to Tradition because they hold to a notion of fixism in truth, whereas the true notion of truth means that verbal statements can so change as to morph into negations of what was previous affirmed.
Innanzitutto, quando parliamo della verità, dobbiamo sempre averne un concetto dinamico. La verità non è una dimensione fissista.(1)
What the Archbishop is purporting is is pure crap, using “crap” in the metaphorical sense of a discourse full of lies and deceit. And no one can so attack the truth, without having a great and diabolic hatred for it.
All this discourse is an attempt to play a shell game on the word “tradition”. Because in the Catholic Faith, “tradition” is from the Latin for “handing on”. Sacred or Apostolic or Divine Tradition means nothing more than handing on the truth in an unchanged manner, which we have received from God, Christ, or the Apostles, through Scripture or the deeds of the Lord Jesus, the Prophets, and the Apostles. Tradition includes not only truths to believe, but faith in Scripture, the Sacraments and Apostolic Succession. Tradition is living, precisely and only when the truth which is handed down is unaltered in its content.
Its patently obvious that such a malicious attack on truth, to defend Bergoglio’s heretical attempt at altering the Faith of the Church, must be understood as a pertinacious act of heresy against the Catholic Faith. No Catholic in good conscience can regard Fischella as an Archbishop of the Catholic Church, if he refuses to repent.
Let us pray for Fischella, for he has greatly lost his way, and replaced Jesus Christ in his heart and mind, with Modernist nonsense.