It is time to show what you believe in!


By Andrew J. Baalman

Desiring to promote the Petition to President Trump, for the welfare of Pope Benedict and all the elderly, I wrote to all of the following individuals and organizations, using social media:

Big Pulpit, Father Z, Radical Mothering, Regina Magazine, Alexander Tschugguel, Lifesite News, John Henry Westen, Maike Hickson, 1Peter Five, Stefanie Nichols, Ann Barnhardt, Mike Church, Frank Walker, Pontificator Maximus, Live Action, Marine Le Pen, Wanderer News, Remnant News, John Zmirak, Nick Donnelly.

The only ones which responded on Twitter  were Big Pulpit, Nick Donnelly and John Zmirak who did so by retweeting the Petition Link and liking the tweet.

Those on Facebook who liked it were only Francesco Joseph Dougan, the Scottish Catholic Historian.

The message I shared when sharing the information of the Petition was this:

The serious Pro Life issue not being talked about is protecting the Elderly from Elderly Abuse, even Pope Benedict XVI, which on Thursday January 16th 2020, Archbishop Carolo Maria Vigano confirmed, Benedict is being abused. 

A Protestant on Youtube, from Texas by the name of David Lynn responded saying, and I quote, “Good Morning AJ, old age is not good to many people; but the alternative is worse! Thank you for sharing.”

A Protestant in the comment of the Ordo Militaris Radio Blog Post on the Petition, from John M said, and I quote, “Please protect Pope Benedict the 16th along with all the elderly and unborn.. Pope Benedict is being persecuted buy the Catholic Church he once headed and now is in exile..”

What do I make the faith of the Catholics in wanting to protect the Pope, and protecting the elderly? Not very high at all.

I had more comments expressing concern from the Protestants than from Catholics: even Ann Barnhardt who supposedly believes Benedict is still Pope, does not respond regarding the Petition.

It is a sad state in the Church when Catholics do not physically respond with comments, but only like and share a tweet, and not a post or a video from their own Youtube Channel.

I would say it is time for that question from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade be asked again, “It is time to see what you believe.” Do they, who call themselves Catholics and Profess to be Traditional, even believe the Pope, even a retired Pope, deserves protection from any and all elderly abuse, abuse confirmed by Archbishop Vigano?


FromRome.Info reported on this Petition earlier this week at:

We publish this report from A. J. Baalman, to shame the Catholic world into action. It is intolerable that anything get in the way of helping pope Benedict! Let’s have a change of heart and starting soliciting signatures on the petition! The very life of Pope Benedict XVI is at stake!

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7 thoughts on “It is time to show what you believe in!”

  1. Very interesting! If the campaign was aimed at helping any other Cardinal (who were “cut” by Benedict), Viganó, Burke, Schneider, Brandmüller, Sarah (why not throw in Gänswein?), the “Catholic” MSM would jump on it

    Follow the club…

    Follow the mammon…

  2. I wonder whether it has more to do with approaching Trump rather than protecting Benedict? How did the poll about rescuing Benedict go? I felt that should have had lots of support.

    1. Dear Remnant Child,

      I see no reason in objective reality, why anyone would not petition every governement leader in the world on this matter, except of course LiPing, the Dictator of China.

  3. As a former Baptist pastor who was converted to the Catholic faith in 1999 there have been many times I have had to admit to myself that the faith group I left were more Catholic on the most essential matters than what I was surrounded with in the four local parishes we have been a part of, most particularly after the only two priests, who we knew believed the faith, retired. Since then it’s at least seemed more like we may have only jumped from the frying pan into the fire. But I have discovered that fire is not such a bad thing as long as you let God use it in your life and with the incredible counsel and affirmations of faith coming from the multitude of special revelations Heaven has given us, and increasingly so since Fatima, we can know the certainty of the victory that is coming over all this confusion, division and evil that now so tries our souls. “For the JOY that was set before Him He endured the Cross . . . ” Hebrews 12:2

    1. Dear David,

      To those who have been given much, much is required. As a convert with some experience in the technique of the apostloate, I urge you to be an apostle of Catholic Truth. Spead knowledge of the Catechism of Trent and its teaching and refute error in season and out of season.

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