By Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Pubblicato in Italiano a ChiesaRomana.Info
Saint Paul warned us long ago: Beware, he said, for not all men have the Faith! He said this at the end of his Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, to whom he revealed so many things about the last days and the Anti-Christ(s) to come. Here is the Douay Rheims English version of 2 Thess. 3, which the Modernists do not preach on any more. But which I want to speak of in this article. The Apostle writes:
For the rest, brethren, pray for us, that the word of God may run, and may be glorified, even as among you; 2 And that we may be delivered from importunate and evil men; for all men have not faith. 3 But God is faithful, who will strengthen and keep you from evil. 4 And we have confidence concerning you in the Lord, that the things which we command, you both do, and will do. 5 And the Lord direct your hearts, in the charity of God, and the patience of Christ. 6 And we charge you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw yourselves from every brother walking disorderly, and not according to the tradition which they have received of us.7 For yourselves know how you ought to imitate us: for we were not disorderly among you; 8 Neither did we eat any man’s bread for nothing, but in labour and in toil we worked night and day, lest we should be chargeable to any of you. 9 Not as if we had not power: but that we might give ourselves a pattern unto you, to imitate us. 10 For also when we were with you, this we declared to you: that, if any man will not work, neither let him eat.
11 For we have heard there are some among you who walk disorderly, working not at all, but curiously meddling. 12 Now we charge them that are such, and beseech them by the Lord Jesus Christ, that, working with silence, they would eat their own bread. 13 But you, brethren, be not weary in well doing.
14 And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and do not keep company with him, that he may be ashamed: 15 Yet do not esteem him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.
16 Now the Lord of peace himself give you everlasting peace in every place. The Lord be with you all. 17 The salutation of Paul with my own hand; which is the sign in every epistle. So I write.
18 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
Bad Company makes bad companies
God made us to know the Truth and the Truth will set us free, because God our Creator is the Truth. It follows then, that we exercise our minds and wills in that which is most essentially directed to our own perfection and destiny when we assent to any truth and will to find it and keep it and put it into practice.
But any member of the Clergy, religious or laity — any hermit — who would hide the truth from you, then, is clearly not being honest, is not doing that which the Creator wants. This is especially true if the truth they are hiding is a truth revealed by God or the importance of which depends directly from what God has said.
The enemies of Peter are the enemies of Christ
Christ said to Peter that whatsoever he would bind on Earth would be bound also in Heaven. All true Catholics accept that. All fake catholics ignore it.
The Catholic Church for more than a 1000 years took this doctrine as so central to true Christianity that it was willing to leave a schism with the Greeks in place and not back down on the duty of all Christians to regard the doctrinal and disciplinary decrees of the Roman Pontiff as obligatory, in virtue of these very words of Jesus Christ.
That is why, you cannot be honestly a Christian, if you are not honestly a Catholic who submits to the Roman Pontiff. And that is also why the enemies of Peter are the enemies of Christ, because if you refuse the one you are calling the other a liar or regarding Him as not God.
Peter has told us when Peter is and is not Peter
And lest anyone be confused, it is the Roman Pontiff who has established in Canon Law the terms by which all can objectively and easily know when a man is the Roman Pontiff and when he is not. To ignore these rules of Canon Law is just as grave as to disobey the Roman Pontiff and go off into schism, because it is an act whereby you say, “Let’s make up our own way of being Christian, apart from submission to the Roman Pontiff.”
This is why we can be 100% absolutely and supernaturally certain that Christ Jesus does not regard any man His Vicar on Earth, if that man’s claim to be pope is not in accord with the norms of Canon Law and papal law.
The corrollary is that, we can be 100% absolutely and supernaturally certain that Christ Jesus does not regard any Vicar of His on Earth no longer His Vicar, if that man’s renunciation is not in accord with the norms of Canon Law and papal law.
Because this is the Catholic Faith, I have extensively investigated both questions, the first in regard to Bergoglio, the second in regard to Benedict. I did not do this on a whim, I did it out of supernatural faith.
There is no doubt about this principle: A man is or is not pope, or is or is no longer the pope, based on the laws of the Church at the time he begins or ceases to be the pope. This legal principle was recognized in the antipapacy of Anacletus II and his defeat by Pope Innocent II, a defeat which was secured by Saint Bernard of Claivaux, who came to Rome to preach the facts of law about the disputed election of 1130 A.D..
All the books printed in the Catholic Church since 1130 up until Feb. 2013 were in agreement. Pope Innocent II was the valid pope, Anacletus was the antipope, because Pope Innocent was elected in accord with the law of his predecessor, who changed the terms of a papal election in the last weeks of his life. But Anacletus claimed to be elected to the prior norm.
For the Modernist, even if he claims to be a Trad ….
For the Modernist, there is not fixed nor lasting truth. What was true yesterday, may not and probably is not true today. Everything is in change and development. Everything mus be alive, they say, but they really mean, has to die.
All those who changed their concepts on what makes a true Pope, on Feb. 11, 2013, are deceived by Modernism or are modernists, even if they claim to be a Traditional Catholic. This includes all the publication of the so called Traditional Catholic Movement who hold that Benedict is no longer the pope. Because canon 332 §2 has not changed and it says a pope resigns when he resigns suo muneri, not ministerio. The Vatican knows this and has tried to hide it, and I have proven that indisputably more than 6 months ago. (See the Index to Pope Benedict’s Renunciation)
Stunningly Ann Barnhardt, in her recent podcast, revealed that even Chris Ferrara, the famous attorney, who writes for several Trad publications, admitted to her, that she is probably right on the points of Canon Law regarding the failed renunciation. That was like back in 2016. But Chris still recognizes Bergoglio as the pope. The only honest assessment is that Chris is not being honest either with the public or his own conscience.
From my work here at Rome, I sense the same is true for all the experts. You just mention that Benedict is the Pope and they do not laugh, they attack. They want you to shut up, or to go away. These are signs of deeply conflicted consciences.
If it is not Catholic, it is not Catholic
Men who want to be seen as Catholics but who won’t be responsibly faithful to the duties of the faith, should not be considered faithful Catholics. Those who knowingly deceive the faithful about who is the true pope and who is not the true pope are NOT involved in a little or small controversy. They ARE ACTIVELY SCHISMATIC AND PROMOTING SCHISM.
Saint Paul warned us of such men, and he told us what to do about it.
The true Pope is the mystical Neck of the Church
If you are separated from the true Pope, you won’t remain a Catholic for long. Yes, these men who act like modernists — I do not imagine they are, but they are being constrained by their love of being accepted by errant men and errant men with money and power — have let go of essential truths of the Catholic Faith. But even you, if you follow those who deceive you in such matters, will soon lose your faith. The Church will become something like what the Anglicans have, an all-is-up-for-grabs Christianity, which keeps the names and outward appearances, but has long ago dumped doctrine, morality and faith.
The same thing we see happening with these fake Trads. They are now trying to reinvent the definition of papal infallibility and have totally ignored the teachings of Christ and the saints about papal indefectibility. They are bending doctrine to invent an excuse to remain in communion with an obvious fake and antipope, while refusing communion with the true Pope who defends celibacy. They even attack the true Pope to justify their falsehoods!
This is why all Schismatics lost the true Faith, because they are no longer in union with the mystical neck of the Mystical Body and hence no longer in communion with Christ the Head. Those who fall into such sins cannot be saved, because there is no salvation for those who die separated from Christ.
CREDITS: The Featured Image of the Piazza of St Peter’s at the Vatican, is by Br. Bugnolo.
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Our Lady of Fatima showed the visionaries a picture of Hell. I fear for so many of my family and friends who have left the True Faith- many of them already passed. I pray that all my Rosary intentions have somehow helped them!
This is ABSOLUTELY true. Those Catholics out there who think they can remain faithful to Jesus Christ and continue participating in the Bergoglian Church, are wrong, and they are deceiving themselves. Ever since I made the difficult decision to distance myself from every Bergoglian Catholic I knew (including family), for the sake of making them understand how important it was to remain faithful to the True Pope, I have witnessed some of the most “mighty” Catholics fall like Lucifer from on high, one by one. An I mean, some of the most saintly people. very grave and irreversible sin, apostasy and compromise, some so scandalous, people wouldn’t believe me. I can name several renowned priests, laity, preachers, teachers, prophets, deacons, bishops, serious lay catholic leaders of several diocese (whom I believed were instrumental in my growth a nberbof years ago).
Em S,
What you are seeing, is what I am seeing. That is why I am convinced that we are seeing the Great Apostasy foretold by Saint John, and that Bergoglio is certainly either the False Prophet or the AntiChrist. I incline to the former, because the Fathers of the Church are in agreement that the latter will have a Jewish mother.
Yes, including Matthew 24 (for centuries now) // 2 Peter 3:3 // 2nd Thessalonians 2 (which you touched upon). Looking back at any qualifying candidate in history that could have fit the mold for ‘The False Prophet’, there could not have been, nor could there ever possibly be, a more perfect candidate than Bergoglio. The evidence is truly astounding and overwhelming.
Brother, how smoothly written backed by Scripture that leaves on little room for doubt. And many will follow the anti-pope Bergoglio, but I have to say in talking to people from countries like Africa, India, Pakistan, they don’t even know any of what’s gone on with this man and his heresies, and regard him as they are taught. Many innocents may be lost because of this man.
If only we had realized, as he stood on that balcony the day of his election surround by St Galen’s Mafia…still his time is coming, and indeed has arrived when true Catholics who carry the faith in their hearts, who know the voice of the Shepard AND the wolf do not follow the wolf’s voice but the Shepherd’s and always will. Bergoglio can’t continue much longer.
My fear is for the true pope. I believe he has been held prisoner, that every word he says is scripted and now with this book coming out especially. But he knew the risk as the book was being written.
God bless and be with him.
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