Dear Readers of FromRome.Info,
In addition to my work here, I am president of a United States Private Military Corporation dedicated to the security and defense of persecuted Christians. Many do not know of the existence of the Ordo Militaris Catholicis, an international religious association of Catholics dedicated to the defense of persecuted Christians where that defense requires security services and humanitarian aid. We are not a big organization, but nevertheless we have big hearts and give all we can to help persecuted Christians. We would have done much more in our first 3 years of existence, but were systematically ignored and attacked by those on both the Marxist left and the Masonic faux-Right, who saw our goals and organization as a threat to the control they seek to maintain on Catholics of all kinds.
One of our members, Mr. Andrew J. Baalman, has produced a simply video to spread the message of what we do and how you can help. So I wanted to feature it here, for your information.
Mr. Baalman blogs at Ordo Miltiaris Radio at wordpress, where, being that he is a physical descendant of Charlemagne and a relative to nearly all the nobility of Europe, he often speaks from the heart about issues relative to the downfall of Christendom and how to reverse course.
I invite each of you to consider becoming a member of our Order and share in our little work of great love for the most needy. I have 300 military men who would serve with us in the field, but I need the capital investment and funding to put them to use in a true Catholic venture. For more information, see our website
Br. Alexis Bugnolo
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