by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Rome — Feb. 16, 2020: In a meeting held at Geneva, Switzerland, on Covid-19, the technical name for the Corona virus, world experts in epidemiology predict that at a mininum, the virus will infect two-thirds of the human population throughout the entire globe, on account of this that humans have no natural antigens against the virus.
Though the mortality rate of the Corona Virus was initially estimated very low, in comparison with other devastating plagues such as the Black Death (50-100%) and the Spanish Influenza of 1917 (2.5%), the World Health Organization has moved the estimate for the Chinese virus to 1.5%, which will result in the horrific and apocalyptic scenario of 45 to 50 million deaths world-wide in the next year or so.
Deaths in Italy are expected to be 400 to 450 thousand persons, alone.
Reports of deaths spread to France and Africa this week. In regions without proper nutrition and medical care mortality rates are expected to be much higher. Four persons, so far, outside of China, have succumbed to Corona Virus: A Chinese tourist in France, yesterday; one citizen of the Philippines; one more in Hong Kong, and one in Japan.
There now 67,178 known cases in all the world, according to the World Health Organization, 1,523 confirmed deaths in China and 8,582 known cases of confirmed recovery.
The virologist, Hilary Capua, of the One Health Center of Excellence, at the University of Florida is urging everyone not to panic, since panic will increase not only the spread of the disease but also the neglect of proper treatment of those infected, and thus cause higher mortality rates.
Antonio Socci, writing today in the Italian Newspaper, Libero, in his editorial on p. 5, points out that this new plague shatters the false ideology of Environmentalism which presents Nature as all good and never harmful. He specifically reminds everyone of the falsehoods on this matter coming out of the Vatican:
It is the Bergoglian Church itself which opened the doors to this idea: one recalls the unbelievable ritual for Pachamama (Mother Earth) held in the Vatican and amazingly even in Saint Peter’s during the recent Synod on the Amazon.
And a little further on, in the same article:
Hence, the Corona virus should lead us to abandon the idyllic vision of Nature which today is leading to an irrational veneration of Mother Earth.
I myself cannot fail to notice that this virus has struck the two greatest enemies of Christ on Earth: the Chinese government which is attempting to exterminate the Catholic Church from its nation by the most vile violations of human and religious liberty; and Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the fully deliberate and wilful collaborator with China in that destruction and the promoter of pagan idolatry in the Church throughout the entire world.
There is no doubt, therefore, that God has sent this plague to rid the world of His Enemies, and to show His burning Anger against them.
FromRome.Info advises everyone to follow the instructions given by the Health Authorities in their own nations and to ask your local pastors for dispensation from all fasts and abstinence in Lent, so that your immune systems will be better prepared to resist the coming epidemic. Thankfully, for many of us, living in countries with good Health Systems the mortality rates will be lower. Those of African heritage should take extra precaution because they lack 60+ genes, which the rest of us have, for immune defense, and thus are expected to suffer higher infection rates. — Also those with compromised immune systems, say from HIV infection, will suffer massively higher rates of mortality.
Let everyone, therefore, make a good confession and be prepared to meet their Maker.
CREDITS: The Featured Image is a photo of the Corona virus by Fred Murphy of the Center for Disease Control, in the USA, and is in the public domain.
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Surely the hand of God is now be manifested in His wayward world.
On the deaths in China government figures are totally bogus. All deaths at home, where most occur, are not tallied in the official figures.
Reblogged this on Ordo Militaris Radio and commented:
Important Information On The New Virus affecting the world.
That’s right. The best place to quarantine is the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She is the only Refuge for every christian where no evil shall touch them. Never was it known that anyone who fled to Her protection, implored Her help, or sought Her intercession, was left unaided…
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We can’t forget to put on the armour of God, our sacramentals. ” The St. Benedict medal is effective in curing bodily afflictions especially as protection against contagious diseases. ” National Catholic Register 3. What You Need to Know about St. Benedict and his Medal.
Reblogged this on HAURIETIS AQUAS.
If the predictions are right, isn’t there a biblical prophecy about 2/3 earth being destroyed by plague?
Zechariah 13:8:
And there shall be in all the earth, saith the Lord, that two parts thereof shall be cut off and perish; but the third shall be left therein.
2/3 – 3/4 will be destroyed by fire. The three days of darkness. God’s chastisement of the world. I weep to think of the billions of souls who would descend into hell in an instant.