Pope Benedict is now flanked by 2 Bishops

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

One of the most ancient customs of the Papal court, is that whenever the Roman Pontiff sits in formal audience or session, he is flanked on each side by a Catholic Bishop. The reasons for the double accompaniment go back to the days of the Roman Empire, when Imperial Officials were accompanied on such occasions by other high officials, local or imperial. To sit at the right or left had signified that you were consenting to the acts of the One at the center, you showed his authority by submitting to it, and you were shown your dignity by being on occasionally asked for counsel. In the Catholic Church, this is all true, but it is also done because, as Our Lord says, in Deuteronomy 17:6: condemn no one except on the testimony of two or three witnesses.  The presence of the flanking Bishops therefore fully signifies the jurisdiction of the Pope.

His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, gloriously reigning, now has his two flanking bishops: Archbishop Lenga and Bishop Gracida. Both have in a collegial act publicly recognized that Bergoglio never was the pope and that Benedict XVI is the pope.

Many, many Catholics for seven years have lamented that Bishops were not speaking out. Now they have.

Many, many Catholics for seven years have lamented that Bishop were not doing anything. Now they have.

Many, many Catholics for seven years have lamented that the Bishops were not breaking from Bergoglio. Now they have.

Many, many Catholics for seven years have wondered what will become of the Church, if no Bishop does anything. Now they have.

What Archbishop Lenga and Bishop Gracida have done is historic.

Catholic Bishops have not pronounced that the man controlling the Vatican is an antipope in more than 870 years!

That was when after the election of Pope Innocent II, the majority of the Cardinals elected the antipope Anacletus II.  Pope Innocent, lacking support in the Eternal City had to flee to France, where council after council began to declare Anacletus II an antipope. You can read more about this in the article I wrote on Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Patron and Modle for those who fight against anti-popes.

The Battle has now begun

In declaring for Pope Benedict, the College of the Apostles has denounced in the strongest fashion possible the schism which began on March 13, 2013 and which has by guile, lies and intrigue co-involved nearly all the other Bishops of the Church.

Collegial acts and dogmatic facts regard the Church in the formal, canonical and theological reality of what the Church is. Error regards the Church in the human and material aspect of what She is.

For this reason, we can rightly say, both formally, canonically and theologically, that Holy Mother Church has spoken: Pope Benedict XVI is still the pope and all who are NOT in communion with him are schismatics. They need to return to allegiance to Pope Benedict immediately. Any delay will incur their loss and deprivation of all office in accord with canon 1364, which punishes schism with the Roman Pontiff with immediate excommunication, which does not need to be imposed, because the canon itself imposes it. This means not only Cardinals and Bishops, but also Priests, Religious, Deacons, all al laymen and lay women.  To die in schism is to perish in Hell for all eternity.

Therefore, let us proclaim the truth the Church now solemnly professes in the testimony of these two successors of the Apostles and in the Declaratio of Pope  Benedict. Yes, he has renounced the ministerium, but that does not mean his is no longer the one and only true Roman Pontiff and Successor of Saint Peter. However, it does mean that Bergoglio is not and never was the pope.

Priests and Bishops should show their adhesion by naming only Benedict XVI in the canon of the mass and in omitting the name of the local ordinary until such time as he too names Benedict in the Canon of the Mass.

We who are not clergy should seek out the Masses only of clergy in communion with Pope Benedict. And if we do not have the opportunity, I hold that we are obliged at least, if we attend such masses, to say his name out-loud during the canon of the mass to make everyone know, that schism is a serious sin and we can no longer ignore the truth of what happened in Feb. 2013.

We should and are gravely obliged to seek to convince all to return to allegiance to the true Pope. And here is a booklet length article which explains how to do this:


Finally, I invite all to join in person or in spirit with the Prayers in front of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, every Midnight, here at Rome, and transmitted at FromRome.Info Video, as Our Lady said if the people keep coming to pray, She will grant the victory in this battle. FromRome.Info publishes these every night at 11:54 PM Rome time, which is 6 hours ahead of New York City and 10 hours behind Sydney, Australia.

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7 thoughts on “Pope Benedict is now flanked by 2 Bishops”

  1. Indeed things are chancing. Slowly at the beginning… Seems that we are facing open war in near future. I see some orders are preparing for this (my interpretation) by purchasing properties outside of reach of local dioceses.

    Is there a way to contact +Langa? I know where he resides, but is an internet address to reach him. I can write in his language and very much wish to send him at least words of support.

    I have one question related to your article, brother.
    What is the status of bishops put in charge of dioceses by Bergolio. Are they true bishops? I’ve seen pictures of B16 blessing new cardinals together with Bergolio but am not aware of anything like this, especially regarding bishop’s consecration. Is it my duty to verify who the second consecrating bishop was?

    1. Bishops named or consecrated by Bergoglio are not legitimate ordinaries of their dioceses, but are validly consecrated so long as no satanic or idolatrous ritual was included in their consecration. But we owe such Bishops no more obedience than a drunk on the local street corner.

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