by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
This report is a follow up to Cardinal Re’s outrageous circular letter to all the members of the College of Cardinals, against Cardinal Zen’s letter to all the Cardinals on the betrayal of the Catholics in China.
Cardinal Viganò, as an expert diplomat of proven record, in response to the letter from Cardinal Re, writes in support of Cardinal Zen, in an open letter.
First the Italian Original (source), and then my English translation.
Eminenza Carissima,
sono l’arcivescovo Carlo Maria Viganò, già Nunzio Apostolico negli Stati Uniti d’America.
Ho seguito con profonda partecipazione, condividendo la Sua sofferenza nella preghiera, i Suoi numerosi accorati Appelli a papa Bergoglio, per la drammatica situazione della Chiesa Martire in Cina, che lui stesso ha colpevolmente aggravato con il proditorio e sciagurato Accordo segreto firmato dalla Santa Sede con il Governo Comunista Cinese.
I Suoi accorati Appelli, Caro Fratello in Cristo, sono rimasti sistematicamente inascoltati e persino derisi in modo ipocrita e perverso. Quanto al Cardinale Parolin, ha agito da mero sconsiderato esecutore di un malvagio ordine superiore.
Ho letto stamane la ignominiosa e vergognosa Lettera che il Card. Giovanni Battista Re ha indirizzato a tutti i cardinali contro di Lei. Ne sono profondamente rattristato e indignato, e desidero esprimerLe tutto il mio affetto, la mia preghiera e la mia solidarietà fraterna nell’episcopato.
Lei è un coraggioso Confessore della Fede a cui va tutta la mia venerazione e ammirazione!
Purtroppo la menzogna in Vaticano è eretta a sistema, la verità è totalmente stravolta, l’inganno più perverso è spudoratamente praticato anche dai più insospettabili, che ora si prestano ad agire da strumenti complici dell’Avversario. Si è giunti addirittura ad affermare che “papa Benedetto XVI aveva approvato il progetto di Accordo” firmato nel 2018, quando invece tutti sappiamo della sua strenua resistenza e della sua reiterata riprovazione delle condizioni poste da un Regime persecutorio e sanguinario.
Il Vaticano ha fatto di tutto e di più per consegnare nelle mani del Nemico la Chiesa Martire Cinese: lo ha fatto siglando il Patto segreto; lo ha fatto legittimando “vescovi” scomunicati, agenti del regime; lo ha fatto con la deposizione di Vescovi legittimi; lo ha fatto imponendo ai Sacerdoti fedeli di registrarsi presso la chiesa succube della dittatura comunista; lo fa quotidianamente tacendo sulla furia persecutoria che proprio a partire da quell’infausto Accordo è andata inasprendosi in un inaudito crescendo. Lo sta facendo ora con questa ignobile missiva a tutti i cardinali, volta ad accusarLa, a denigrarLa e ad isolarLa.
Nostro Signore ci assicura che niente e nessuno potrà mai strappare dalla Sua mano coloro che resistono al nemico infernale e ai suoi accoliti, trionfando su di loro “per mezzo del Sangue dell’Agnello e grazie alla testimonianza del loro martirio” (Ap. 12, 11).
Il Vostro esempio, Caro Cardinale, e il prezzo altissimo che state pagando per difendere la Causa di Dio e della sua Chiesa, provochi in noi un salutare scossone, ci strappi dall’inerzia e dall’assuefazione con le quali assistiamo supini alla resa della Chiesa Cattolica nei suoi più alti vertici e nella sua gerarchia, all’eresia e all’apostasia, per essersi messa a seguire il Principe di questo mondo, menzognero e omicida sin da principio.
Parce, Domine, parce populo tuo,
quem redemisti, Christe, sanguine tuo,
ne in aeternum irascaris nobis.
+ Carlo Maria Viganò
Arcivescovo tit. di Ulpiana
Nunzio Apostolico
Now my English translation:
Your dearest Eminence,
I am Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America.
I have followed, with profound attention and sympathy, Your suffering in prayer, your numerous heartfelt Appeals to pope Bergoglio, for the dramatic situation of the Martyred Church in China, which he himself has culpably aggravated with the prodigious and wretched secret Accord signed between the Holy See and the Communist Government of China.
Your heartfelt Appeals, dear Brother in Christ, have gone systematically unheeded and even derided in a hypocritical and perverse manner. As much as regards Cardinal Parolin, he has acted as the mere inconsiderate executor of a malign order of his superior.
I read, this morning, the ignominious and shameful Letter which Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re has addressed to all the Cardinals against You. I am deeply saddened and indigant on this account, and I desire to express to You my entire affection, my prayer and my fraternal solidarity in the Episcopate.
You are a corageous Confessor of the Faith who has all my veneration and respect!
Unfortunately, systematic lying is now the structure of the Vatican, truth has been entirely turned on its head, and the most perverse deceit is shamelessly practiced even by the most unexpected persons, who no present themselves to act as complicit instruments of the Adversary. They have gone so far as to affirm that “Pope Benedict XVI approved the project of the Accord” which was signed in 2018, when, on the contrary, everyone knows of his strenuous resistence and of his repeated reproval of the conditions proposed by Regime of persecutors and blood-letters.
The Vatican has done everything and even more to consign the Martyred Church of China into the hands of the Enemy: it did this by signing the secret Pact; it did this by legitimizing excommunicated “bishops”, agents of the regime; it did this by deposing legitimatte Bishops; it did this by imposing puon faithful Priests the duty to register at the local church subjected to the Communist Dictatorship; it does this daily by remaining silent at the mad persecution which indeed after the signing of this inauspicious Accord grows worse and worse in an unheard of crescendo. It is doing this now with this ignoble missive to all the Cardinals, aimed at accusing You, at denigrating You and at isolating You.
Our Lord assures us that nothing and no one can ever snatch from His Hand those who resist the infernal enemey and his altar-boys, as He shall triumph over them “by means of the Blood of the Lamb and thanks to the testimony of their martyrdom” (Apocalypse 12:11).
Your example, dear Cardinal, and the very high price which you are paying for defending the Cause of God and of His Church, provokes in us a salutary response, it snatches us from idleness and from accomodation with those who supinely assist at the surrender of the Catholic Church by Her highest officers and in Her hierarchy, to heresy and apostasy, so as to follow the Prince of this world, a liar and a murderer from the beginning.
Parce, Domine, parce populo tuo,
quem redemisti, Christe, sanguine tuo,
ne in aeternum irascaris nobis.+ Carlo Maria Viganò
Arcivescovo tit. di Ulpiana
Nunzio Apostolico
As always, I do not think I need to add anything to this most noble letter. Let us pray for Archbishop Viganò and Cardinal Zen, that they are led by this event to see that Pope Benedict XVI is the true Pope and that Cardinal Bergoglio is a usurper, a destroyer and a false prophet.
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Amen! They must openly declare Bergoglio and anti pope and stand with BXVI. Abp. Vigano’s letters are a living testament of what Our Lady of Akita said would happen: “The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres (other priests): churches and altars will be sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.” (Blessed Mother, Akita, Japan, October 13, 1973)
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the CDF, said of these messages that those of Fatima and Akita were “essentially the same”.
I am so happy to read this heartfelt letter by Archbishop Vigano to Cardinal Zen, two of the most prominent prelates of the OHC&A Church at this time in Her History, both of whom have suffered greatly at the hands of the Dictator ‘Pope’ who has usurped by evil cunningness the Throne of Peter from PBXVI. I am praying that both these spiritual leaders will join with Bishops Gracida & Lenga in demanding an international investigation into Vatican corruption & in so doing to verify to the world who is the true Vicar of Christ on earth & the genuine holder of the Papal Office.
Awesome. Thank You Jesus.
The only thing Archbishop left out (or got wrong- I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt- is calling Bergoglio the pope. But, hey, I guess I’ll have to take the scraps that fall to the ground.
Well, he did write pope with a small ‘p’ followed by Bergoglio rather than Francis, so I take it that he wasn’t showing the respect he would have to PBXVI.
In Italian, the pope is named with his surname when criticizing his person, not his office. But I think Vigano is slowly realizing the error of regarding that man as the pope.
We can always count on Abp.Vigano to speak out.
It’s interesting that Abp. Vigano does not say”pope Francis” but pope “Bergoglio” This is a deliberate strategy.
Everyone, I think Viganò already suspects if he does not know for sure! Notice what he calls Francis: “pope (little p) “Bergoglio”!!
I think it’s a sign to the Catholic people, who do indeed respect Vigano, that he does not see or believe that so called Francis 1 is the pope at all! I’m not sure what evidence he has seen, other than what faith and reason point to BUT he is definitely going to be convicted if he reads what Br. B discovered. My other thought is that he may be biding his time in announcing it openly in order to garner more support first. It would certainly be better if there were more “fit to elect” Pope Benedict’s successor.