Today’s issue of the Italian Newspaper, La Verità, contains a Front Page advertisement for the perpetual novena to Our Lady of Santa Maria Maggiore, with an invitation for all to follow on Youtube, where they can find more information.
Many thanks to the Editors of La Verità who graciously permitted a religious advertisement in their newspaper, something which most newspapers in Italy do not tolerate, since they are controlled by political interests which are opposed to the Catholic Faith.
BUT THANKS MOST OF ALL to all those who participated in the Emmerich Appeal who made this possible.
Thanks also, and especially, to the volunteers of FromRome.Info who prepared the graphical layout and edited the Italian of the advertisement.
This advertisement will appear in 4 more editions of La Verità until March 25.
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Praise the Lord!! Now it is that much more likely, as things progress toward the worse in Italy, that more and more people will be moved by an interior grace to flock to the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore!!