Readership Feedback: Please comment


by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Here I ask the readers of FromRome.Info to share with me their thoughts, comments, criticisms, advice, etc., regarding FromRome.Info.

Not only in regard to the new header image, but as regards our news coverage etc..

I know that the most common thing I am going to hear is about typographical errors! Bear with me as I work around a tablet which has so little memory, my fingers outpace its ability to type what I type.

But please feel free to comment on anything whatsover. FromRome.Info is yours since you pay the bills, so you have the right to express yourself. I only ask you not to make this a forum for promoting news or other items.

Thank you one and all who have supported FromRome.Info this month, during this panic attack by nation and religious leaders. That means a lot. As a Franciscan hermit, who observes the poverty of the Rule of Saint Francis, I literally cannot do anything with out you.

Finally, many thanks to Lynn Colgan for her work in graphic design for the new header image, which features a photo of mine of Saint Peter’s Basilica, this February, for the background.

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With 1000 subscribers to the YouTube channel at From Rome Info Video, I will really be able to offer you a lot more than this simply website can offer, since then YouTube will allow live broadcasts. There are currently 784 of you who have subscribed, so just another 216 to go! Click that link and the red subscription  button, if you have not yet subscribed yourself.

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With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

17 thoughts on “Readership Feedback: Please comment”

  1. Hi Brother,Love the work thanks for the great work. I dont know of anyone else who is covering what your covering. My only comment is your doing such a good job it’s impossible to read everything. Maybe stop sending out the music postsRegards justin Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

  2. I’ll comment! Whether one believes this virus is hype, exaggerated or not, the result is the same; God grounded us for our behavior. The entire world is grounded. Who is to blame? The world as a whole is too blame! When in Catholic school back in the 40s-50s, I was taught the definition of War was THE SINS OF THE WORLD! It is the sins of the world; we have this warning, and that is all it is a warning. Just wait for the next wave of the scourge, then you will have something to cry about.
    Young people can you imagine a world without the internet. Soon coming to your town.

  3. Salve.

    I will try to be brief.

    I enjoy reading your wonderful articles! Never cease at bringing forth the truth on who the real Pope is, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.

    Recently you were informed of the most secret and largest cover-up in Vatican history… the return of Christ announced by Pope Benedict. This event occurred just following his retirement and remains fiercely censored by Francis. ……

    1. Look, Gabriel. It says quite clearly in Scripture several times, even from the mouth of the Lord Himself, that when He returns you will not have to go looking for Him, all human kind will see him coming on the clouds of Heaven. So if you have been hoodwinked into some sort of cult out of Australia of someone claiming to be Jesus returned, just ask for his birth certificate to prove that false.

      Be assured of my prayers that you are soon delivered of this diabolical deception, into which you have fallen by ignoring the truth of Scripture.

  4. I have no other comment than to keep up your great work of pursuing the truth Br. Alexis. On getting more sign-ups on YouTube I suggest that everyone could sign up again using their alternate e-mail address.

  5. Br. Alexis please strike out my suggestion for obtaining more signups on YouTube as the e-mail approach does not work. To do what I suggest one would have to sign up using an alternate computer, not an e-mail address.

  6. Br Alexis,
    Please PM me privately if you would like something more than a tablet. Perhaps we can work something out. Regards, Greg

    1. GJ you are very kind, but as I am in Rome and you are in the USA, I do not think you can help. I also have to travel light, so a tablet works well for me.

  7. Brother,
    I read your articles every day and you’re my #1 source for Church news. I read on a tablet, and found that sometimes I would miss articles in the headlines. So for a while now, I have been going straight to the column on the right hand side to get the latest articles (which you addressed in a previous article). Personally, on my tablet, I do not like how the 6 main articles are displayed at the top – sometimes they are the most recent and sometimes not – no biggie as I scroll past them anyways.
    I have limited internet, so am unable to view the videos regularly. I wish I could listen to the music you post! When I do get internet access, I will go back and view as many videos as I can.
    I am amazed at the number and quality of the articles you post – well researched and thorough. Do you ever sleep?! Lol
    The articles’ topics are varied and I appreciate that. I’d personally like to see more coverage about bishops and priests who DO believe that Benedict is pope, and what they are saying. I haven’t found anywhere that translates Don Minutella or Don Roncaglia yet.
    I’m also trying to keep my eyes open in terms of what can be expected as the antichrist approaches etc. Providing some guidance there would be appreciated.
    I’ve signed up a few times for email notifications, but found that the frequency of the emails became too much, so I unsubscribed. Otherwise, I would have stayed on as a “follower”.
    Thank you again for all that you do. It is very much appreciated!
    May God continue to bless you abundantly!

  8. Thanks for the great site and articles (especially the sheer number each day as someone else said.). It seems to me that you’re making a lot of “connections” of different information that matches my interests, not to mention very well read and informed in terms of overall scope. Lastly, I NEVER (at least before) post on the internet or social media, but reading your articles has literally made me want to connect so I had to create an account just to comment! David

  9. Dear Br Bugnolo, From Rome is my favourite Catholic website, one which seeks the truth relentlessly and is not afraid of where that search might lead. The corona virus articles are very welcome as a counter to the fearmongering in the mainstream media, and I’ve been able to share the information with others. I like the music posts too. Catherine

  10. This blog is invaluable and it is the first I read every day. I do not know where you get the time to keep it updated through out the day. Since I use a tablet, I understand about typos, so this not a problem. I want to encourage you in your work. I once thought you extreme but that was because I had to admit things were as bad as they are and was afraid of the consequences. People I admired helped me maintain the delusion. They were well intended, but wrong. My conscience and sense of the faith along with your persistence and reasoned conviction gave me the courage to bite the bullet. Truth is all or there is nothing worthy of meaning. God bless you, will send more support next month.

  11. Without Rome. info wouldn’t know where to find truth these days. Thank God for you.

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