by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
The Italian government announced on Friday the formation of task force to combat fake news which attempts to oppose the Corona Hype sponsored by the government and Italian State controlled TV.
Andrea Martella, a member of the Democratic Party and sub-secretary to the President of the Council of Ministers, and official spokesman for him, affirmed:
We are establishing right now a task-force which we will call, the “Unity for the monitoring the spread of fake news”. It will be an very small organization, very smart, connected to the citizens, which will serve to take down and unmask the false news which could result in damage to our society, to social cohesion, I mean to say, to the very quality of our democracy.
According to Marco Tosatti, the members of this Ministry of Truth will be all from the Left:
- Riccardo Luna, Editor at the Repubblica,
- Francesco Piccinini, Director of Fanpage
- David Puente, A “debunker” di Open
- Prof. Ruben Razzante, blogger at Huffington Post
- Dr. Luisa Verdoliva
- Giovanni Zagni, Director of Pagella Politica
- Dr. Roberta Villa, M. D.
- Dr Fabiana Zollo
This committee will have the duty to decide what is fake news and to ask the Italian Post Office to censor it from the web. In Italy, the Post office has jurisdiction over false statements made on the internet.
Marco Tosatti, renowned and veteran journalist here in Italy for nearly 40 years is not confident that persons of this quality will have the objectivity required, even if what they are proposing was not gravely contrary to the rights of free speech guaranteed by the Italian Constitution.
People’s Republic of China, how we have caught your virus!
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Usually anything called “The Ministry of Truth” is anything but…
Conte is a tyrant moving toward a de facto tyranny and the Italians must revolt. Lord, give them strength and desire to fight for their freedom, if it is in your Divine Will..
Truth in Russian is ПРАВДА (Pravda). The other newspaper was called ИЗВЕСТИЯ (News Report). Russians had a popular joke about it: “In the Pravda there is no truth, and in the Izvestia no news”.
According to other sources the saying is attributed to the Americans. And another version says: “In the Pravda there is no news, and in the Izvestia no truth”.