STOP EUROPA IT recruits 2 Million since March 13, 2020

An Interview with Michele Farina
Founder of Stop Europa IT

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The odious and vicious dictatorial decrees of Giuseppe Conte and his government has caused a huge political movement against the government, which combines groups from the entire political spectrum.

Attorney Michele Farina is a criminal defense attorney.

Here is a summary of the comments made by Mr. Farina in this interview:

  • We want a serious political protest at Rome, with the first objective as the establishment a parallel currency, and Italian Lira, to reimburse the Italian citizens who were gravely damaged by the actions of Giuseppe Conte’s government and to give Italians a way of running their own economy.
  • We do not want the government create debt.
  • Our objectives are similar to those of Sgarbi.
  • General Pappalardo has joined our movement.
  • A new currency will allow the needed liquidity of Italian families and companies, caused by the insane measures of the government.
  • Since March 13, 2 Million have signed up to our FaceBook Page, but FaceBook erased one million of them in an attempt to shut the movement down.
  • The new Italian Lira will be legal tender in Italy only.
  • The treaties Italy has with the European Union allows each nation have its own national local currency.
  • The national TV channels are censoring the existence of our political protests against the government.
  • We have to organize our Political Protest on May 30, 2020 at Rome in such a way that the mass media cannot ignore us.
  • As of May 18, there will be greater freedom of movement allowed by the government, and hence the political manifestation on May 30 should be able to proceed.
  • We want a family friendly protest with families, at Montecitorio, the seat of the lower house of the Italian Parliament.
  • We want all participants to make known on social media to the rest of Italy, so it can be a national event.
  • The political manifestation begins on May 30 and will last until all other movements arrive, even to June 2.
  • We will issue an Auto-certification which participants can use to pass through security checks imposed by the government.
  • We ask that you wear yellow, red and green vests to show your adhesion to the protest.
  • We invite Italians to come from all over the national.
  • We ask the citizens of Rome to make preparations to receive those from outside the City.
  • Each city in Italy should organize itself to come together on a bus or buses, rather than in cars.
  • Everyone will have to pay his own way. We are an organization which is not supported by bankers or governments. We ask everyone to help one another come.
  • I believe this will be a historic movement for Italy.
  • We need to begin a change of political course for Italy in regard to the institutions of Europe and the Globalists.
  • We have 2000 years of history and we should not be subject to the barbarians which our ancestors civilized.
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