Senator Bagnai: Giuseppe Conte has shown himself to be a serial liar

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

This is an English summary of the comments in the above video.

Senator Bagnai’s discourse is a long criticism of the Corona response by the government of the Italian Prime Minister (Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri). Senator Bagnai is a member of the Lega Party, which has 17% control of the Italian Parliament.

According to the Senator, the Parliament does not represent the will of the people, as found by all the recent polls, which show that the ruling coalition (5 Star Movement & Democratic Party) has 19% support in polls.

The senator says, “We are not sure that the virus was made in a laboratory, but in regard to the Prime Minister we are sure. . . . This Prime Minister was made to make sure that the PD (Democratic Party) return to power.”

A comment made in reference to the political compromised made in 2018, when the Lega Party which had gathered more popular votes but not enough to rule in its own name. So it made a pact with the 5Stelle (5 Star Movement) which was a new party, claiming to distance itself from the left wing Democratic Party which had ruled Italy for many years to the increasing disgust of the Italian people. In that pact, a no body, Giuseppe Conte, from Puglia, a lawyer, with no political experience, was suggested by  Di Maio, the leader of the 5 Star Movement and accepted by the Lega as Prime Minister. Subsequently, the 5 Star Movement broke its alliance with the Lega in the summer of 2019 and broke all its electoral promises and forged an alliance with the Democratic Party to form a government.

The Senator continues:

You have to be hard heads, because the Government is so. If the Government is not permitting elections, it means that voting is important.

Now is not the time to remove ourselves from politics, but to enter into the debate and to demand representation for your rights.

Conte’s decrees have caused Italian businesses to request 10 Billion in loans from banks in Italy, to survive. We demand that the response to the virus has to do with our health, and not to accomplish the agenda of the government to establish a dictatorship.

For generations, the Left in Italy has praised the example of Germany, Sweden, France etc., but now that these nations are opening up, they refuse to follow their example.

The Senator suggests that Italy imitate the practices of the best nations and open up the economy as soon as possible.

But in the end the Senator ignores that the Government has destroyed Italy and lost all natural right to remain in power even another day.

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