ITALEXIT calls 2 Million Members to Rome, to protest on May 30th

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The comportment of the Government of Giuseppe Conte, an obscure lawyer known for nothing prior to being appointed by the leader of 5Stelle Party as a compromise candidate for Prime Minister (Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri) in 2018, has riled up all of Italy.

During the Lock-down, the Italian Movement dedicated to getting Italy out of the European Union and out of the Euro started to gather enormous support. In their latest report their FaceBook page got 2 Million likes (the FB equivalent of a subscription for a FB page).

In response, and emboldened by the failure of Conte to stem the horrendous economic disaster of shutting down the entire country, ITALEXIT has decided to organize a massive protest at Rome on May 30th, at 9 A.M. at Montecitorio, the Piazza in front of the official residence of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella.

This is bold move, because political manifestations have been made explicitly illegal by the Government on account of “danger of spreading the virus”,

Recently, a U. N. Official confirmed that the response to Coronavirus has been excessively injurious to human rights and and based on the excuse that the virus is more lethal than it is.

More significantly, ITALEXIT has announced that it is gathered the support of leading monetary experts, who are now holding private meetings weekly to hash out how to restore the Italian Lira and dump the Euro.

The much simpler solution to base a national currency has already been proposed by the Catholic Political movement Per Gli Italiani, per l’Italia e per l’Italianità (Per I.I.I.) in their political program.

Andrea Furetto, writting for L’Unico, the sovreignist journal, says there is no longer mere speculation that the days of the Euro are numbered. It is now the political objective of a large political coalition which will make its political power known to the government at the end of the month.

He confirms, what has reported on extensively, that this will be only one of the major demonstration at Rome in those days. The Gilet Arancioni have called for 1 Million to march on Rome on June 2, to topple the government, and on May 30, the assembly of citizens in every city and town of Italy to vote for a provisional government.


CREDITS: The Featured Image above is a screen shot of the image search results for image search under the rubric, Italexit, and shows how effective of a search engine it is to find images referring to the political cause to remove Italy from the European Union. It is used here according to fair use terms for editorial commentary and as a free advertisement of’s search engine.

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