by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Here is a brief summary in English of the interview. The Q and A in English are paraphrases and not direct quotations.
Q. Do you have the intention to enter politics?
A. I will never join a party. But I do intend to present a list of reforms, but the Constitution requires that every candidate declare his candidacy in a party.
Q. Are you a member of the Right or Left?
A. I come from a family of Carabinieri. When I became a Carabiniere I swore loyalty to the Republic, the Constitution and the people, and to forego favoritism. I will continue on this path.
Q. You are known for opposing Matteo Salvini when he stopped the ship with illegal immigrants from docking, what is your position on immigration?
A. Immigration into Italy has been regulated according to the intentions of international groups which want to exploit Italy. I want a law to regulate immigration and to stop illegal immigration.
Q. Are you are a Freemason? This question is raised by some YouTuber’s who have watched your hand gestures.
A. When, I was young and had just joined the Carabinieri and was a Captain, I was approached by one of these. I told them I am in love with one woman, be patient: the Carabinieri. I do not want to get involved in any sort of infidelity.
Q. Why did the U.N. High Commissioner for on Human Rights tweet to President Trump? And why did they contact you?
A. Because I am the only head of a party in Italy who is speaking about these violations so openly. She contacted Trump because he is one of the most powerful in the world. The Gilet Arancioni are the only ones in Italy taking action.
Q. What does it mean for you to be an Italian?
A. To belong to a history of law and economic inventions, which originates in Italy, a land of such rich culture and art. You can see the greatness of our history, when in the English speaking world, when they speak of legal principles, they always cite them in Latin. In the last 30 years Italy has produced nothing new, she has only copied from other countries. During this comment, he denounces in passing the Mafia of St. Gall. — We need to return to the center of the world, in matters of Christianity and law and economy, and to make Italy a ecological garden.
Q. The protests that you are organizing will be only regional on June 2, because Gilet Arancioni has always been a group to observe the law?
A. We go to vote on May 30 in the Regions, and will provide a way for all to vote via their cell phones: 1) to send this government back home, 2) to make a law for elections for October, 3) to print 700 billion in a new Lira to give help to families and businesses: 500 to each family, for each child, and 20,000 to each small and medium businesses.
Q. EU law allows the printing of a parallel currency in time of emergency. We are already in such a time?
A. Conte can do this, it is allowed. But why does he not do this? Because he intends to destroy the families and businesses of Italy, and the tourist industry.
Q. What will you do if Gilet Arancioni’s effort fails.
A. If Italians fail to act like a free people, I will go back to my house and no longer mix with them. I want nothing to do with a people who want to be slaves, who want to be sheeple. I will return to Tunisia, until Italians want to drive this Dictatorship out of Italy.
Q. If you had the opportunity to chose the next President of Italy who would you chose?
A. The People need to chose their own President. I can name some but I do not want to transgress the freedom of the People by naming anyone.
In conclusion, Dario reminds everyone to vote at VotiamoItalia.It.
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