Mike Church: No, Catholics ought not be Brownshirts of the New World Order


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2 thoughts on “Mike Church: No, Catholics ought not be Brownshirts of the New World Order”

  1. Great show. All true. Spread the word. Covid Virus is a hoax and a scam. It has the same death count as a typical bad flu year. Masks and social distancing are dangerous to your health, your mind and your religion.

    We are being played by the devil who controls the MSM and the Democrat Communist Party. Don’t let the devil control you like it others—especially the Catholic Church which should be resisting this madness and telling us the truth.

  2. Thanks for posting! This guy really makes ‘your day. He shows the insane situation in which we live with the social engineering we are undergoing. He makes it funny. He gets the point across. Will watch him whenever I get a chance. He is needed.

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