Br. Bugnolo visits the ancient Carthusian Monastery, which in recent years has become the center of an political controversy, between the Dignitiatis Humanae Institute founded by Steve Bannon and the Government of Giuseppe Conte. Brother will show you some of the ancient Monastery, discuss its history and recount the legal controversy, in this exclusive report from FROM ROME INFO VIDEO.
Thanks for the update Brother. I was hoping Steve Bannon would make a go of it. Now that seems unlikely.
But Italy itself is mostly what I’m concerned about. What’s wrong with the Italian people that they don’t rise up against Conte and all his evil initiatives? And beyond that, you could be targeted by your forthright comments on Conte policies. Do you have a plan B like coming back to America which is not as bad as Italy—-yet.
Italians have been oppressed for 2500 years, first by the Romans, and then by everyone else. They are not a people who risk taking initiatives, but try to ignore invaders and make them forget their cruelty, by being good to them and patient. It is thus they have conquered all invaders, in a certain sense. But certainly if there are ever elections again, they will dump Conte.
Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
16th July, A. D. MMXX
Dear Fra Alexis–
Another great travelogue video! Thank you very much, most informative. What a scandal that Catholic men may no longer enter without endorsing the Lie of the Mask and other Lies of the New Regime. Without a center things fall apart–with a nullified Pope and a raging AntiPope.
Trisulti sure is a beautiful monastery, of 1000 years lineage! that’s amazing. It’s our heritage, and like the creeps running the Second Vatican Council and hijacking the Church, the current Italian government has robbed us of this our heritage. It’s also wonderful the Carthusians are still around, scattered here and there at least in Grenoble, several other monasteries in Europe, and on Mount Equinox, Vermont here in the States.
We need to oppose them and in fact throw the bums out, starting with false pope Bergoglio–the Argentine Terminator. What a law the government is contemplating. any further info on whether Bergoglio supports it, as I would expect of the head of the clerical Homosexual Network Strangling the Church (TM).
We pray to Our Lady of Mount Carmel: protect Holy Father Benedict, and Holy Mother Church!
In Corde Christi,
Bro. B.
Outstanding report, Brother Bugnolo. What an outstanding landmark this monastery truly is. Your last few words regarding Bannon should have been the opening remarks and the title of the report, but ultimately, neither Bannon nor his institute are more important than what such a remarkable wonder of the Church represents for Chrystendom.
It is the ultimate irony, that an institute called Dignitatis Humanae, Of Human dignity, should require the most denigratory behavior as a condition to enter the Monastery, the living of a lie.