Br. Bugnolo PLEADS WITH you!

IMG_20200809_100058A Great Catastrophe has fallen upon our brothers and sisters in Beirut, Lebanon. I am sure, that by now, you have all heard the news. How a large stockpile of ammonium nitrite exploded and wiped out a third of the city, making homeless more than 300,0000 Lebanese, including 80,000 children.  More than 6,000 were physically injured and more than 220 died. 50% of all Lebanese live below the poverty line, and the country is currently hosting nearly a million refugees from the Syrian Civil War.

Here is the recent Discussion I had with A. J. Baalman of Ordo Militaris Radio TV about this important topic:

I know that some of my 1700 regular readers are very generous and help me with my monthly expenses. And I thank you for that. But now I want to speak with all my other readers, not for myself, but for the Christians of Beirut, who will have no where to live during the coming winter, have lost their jobs and cannot afford even to buy food.

I ask you, my readers to make a sacrifice for these Christians of Lebanon. About 25% of Beirut is Catholic, and it is a city very beloved by Our Lady. Lebanon is the only country in the Mideast with a population which is nearly 25% Catholic. The Lebanese have been loyal allies of Catholics in the West for nearly 1000 years. In recent years, many have emigrated, because the Country has been devastated by civil war, an invasion from Syria, and the intrusion of the Hezbollah Militia, supported by Iran and Syria.

The poor alone remain. And they are desperate, as can be seen from the rioting yesterday in the capital.

So I ask you to make a sacrifice with me, for the Christians of Beirut. Of the monies my benefactors give for my monthly bills, I am going to donate $1000 to the Beirut Humanitarian Relief Fund. I will make this possible by tightening my belt, as it were — as a Franciscan I do not even have a belt, I wear a rope cord — during the next few months, and live very frugally.

I would ask, therefore, the 1600 or so of my readers, who appreciate FromRome.Info, and who are the silent majority, to join with me and make a sacrifice, similarly. Donate what you can to the Beirut Humanitarian Relief Fund, though this link here below. I ask you to consider $100, which is not even 25% of the monthly cost to feed a family in most countries. For those who have pension funds and investments, I ask you to consider a donation of $1000 like I am doing, though I have not these things. I ask all to remember, that by alms, given for love of Jesus, we can erase the temporal punishment due our many sins.

Please be generous. Donate what you can to the Beirut Humanitarian Relief Fund, though this link, where you can use one of more than 30 currencies including Bitcoin.

I thank you in advance, and I am sure that Our Lady will bless you for it!

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