The official Video of Biden Usurpation gets 38K thumbs down, 4k up

Click if you want to watch it. To hide how outrageously unpopular the video is, it has been unlisted, so you cannot find it in YouTube’s search englne.

Now ask your self, how Biden’s claim that 80 million adults voted for him, but only 4.2 thousand liked his inauguration and 38 thousand disliked it.

If you go by the ratio of thumbs up and down, that means that Biden got about 8,289,000 votes and Trump got 75,000,000.

Statistics don’t lie.

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

One thought on “The official Video of Biden Usurpation gets 38K thumbs down, 4k up”

  1. As of 22nd January 2021 it has received only 478,000 views. Over 500,000 people signed the Belgium Medics petition against the Scamdemic and got nowhere with their petition yet Biden gets to be inaugurated as President of America with such a low fan base. Something seriously wrong there….

    The Inauguration of the 46th President of the United States Unlisted 478K views


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