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Father Leo is a patron saint for the poor, for outdoorsmen, lumberjacks, the sick, those afflicted with small pox, plague, those discerning a vocation to be a Friar, Religious, Monk, or Priest.
He is a great patron for Franciscans and all who are devoted to Our Lady, to the Most Blessed Sacrament and to the Mass, to the restoration of the Altar Railing and the Latin Mass in particular.
And certainly he would be a patron for parish security and defense.
Plus he is a patron saint for German Americans and for all clergy serving in the USA from a foreign country. He is also a patron saint for Pastors and Assistant Pastors and all clergy who are raising funds to build a new Church. — Father Leo pray for us all!
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Father Leo Heinrichs, Pray For Us!
Instead of defending himself, or evading the gunman, Fr. Leo bent down to retrieve the Host the gunman had flung at him. His first and only concern was the desecration of the Blessed Sacrament. One wonders how many Clergy, Religious or Faithful even believe in the True Presence these days, or would sacrifice themselves defending it?