2 thoughts on “Vatican runs massive deficit, must lay off 33% of workers”

  1. Perhaps we should start by canning the antipope and then work our way down. Looking for a friend.

  2. What percentage of that 33% may have been pressurised unnecessarily into getting a covid vaccine by the Vatican and/or is it more a case that 33% have refused to be covid vaccinated?

    Is this what the Vatican calls as allowing ‘alternative work solutions to be found for the interested party’?

    ‘Vatican: No punishment for those who refuse Covid-19 vaccine’

    ‘……“protecting the community may include — for those who refuse vaccination in the absence of health reasons — the adoption of measures that both minimizes the danger at issue and allows alternative work solutions to be found for the interested party.”….’ 19th February 2021 https://www.vaticannews.va/en/vatican-city/news/2021-02/vatican-healthcare-coronavirus-vaccine-employees.html


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