Introduction by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Gotti Tedeschi is the German nobleman whose dismissal, unbeknownst to Pope Benedict XVI, was one of the steps in the final conspiracy against the Holy Father. Restored by order of the Pope to his post, just days before Feb. 11, 2013, the event has marked the renunciation of Benedict with the aura of a mystery ever since. And this because, no one recalls an Auditor to his post to uncover corruption, and then resigns from office days later, unless a force has intervened and some constraint has been imposed upon the employer. Silent for neigh 8 years, Sir Tedeschi has decided to speak on the question of the threats by Bergoglio against Summorum Pontificum, the indulgence granted by Pope Benedict XVI to re-allow the Ancient Mass. Here is an English translation of Tedeschi letter to Tosatti, the original Italian of which you can find by clicking the tweet above. Tedeschi currently works in the financial industry.
by Gotti Tedeschi
Dear Dr. Tosatti, upon reading this Stilum Curiae on the Kingship of Christ, I exulted, stimulating me to write the following intervention on the Encyclical Quas Primas and Summorum Pontificum at risk of abrogation (from what we read).
For so long there has been no adequate discussion of Christ the King and of the worship, including liturgical worship, due to Him. Perhaps because we are ashamed to speak of King and royalty, as well as of Christ. Today it would seem that Pachamama is more fashionable?
At the close of the Holy Year 1925, Pope Pius XI published the Encyclical “Quas Primas” on the Kingship of Jesus Christ.
This Encyclical expounds the dogmatic doctrine on the Kingship of Christ, explains its sovereign rights and specifies the duties of submission. The reader of Stilum Curiae should reflect: a hundred years ago the Popes spoke of the sovereign rights of Christ the King and the duties of the faithful “subjects.
How times have changed! Today we speak above all of environmental rights and ecological duties.
Forgetting perhaps that if they affirmed the sovereign rights of Christ the King, the duties of converts towards nature would be well satisfied.
But what I would also like to mention is that this Encyclical, which has fallen into oblivion, also speaks of “secularism,” the compendium of all errors and heresies.
Today errors seem to be the pollution of the earth and heresies are no longer spoken of, thanks to doctrinal evolutionism. Could the Tridentine Mass be considered as heresy instead?
The secularism referred to by Pius XI is expressed in the expulsion of Christ from public life, from schools, from families even.
Against these secularist aspirations Pius XI proclaimed Christ King, King of peoples, of the family, of individuals, by right of Nature and of conquest, that is, thanks to Redemption.
The Encyclical says that Christ’s kingship is indeed spiritual, but it is also temporal, since the Father gave him an absolute right over created things.
This right is denied by secularism, which denies to the Church the right to be a teacher and evangelizer, seeking to bring her little by little to appear (and feel) equal to other religions, “lowering her indecorously to their level” (says the Encyclical).
This is with a view to replacing it with a natural religious sentiment. Is it for this reason that the environmental problem arises?
It is good, therefore, to make the “thinking” Catholic world reflect on the importance of the Kingship of Christ, ignored or driven out of society instead.
And allow me to observe that Christ also appears to be less and less honored in the liturgy of the Holy Mass. I pray and strongly hope that the Moral Authority, in this perspective, will not go so far as to deny Summorum Pontificum, that is, the apostolic letter of Benedict XVI published with the formula of motu proprio in 2007, which still represents for many Catholics, that form of worship that the Supreme Pontiffs have deemed the most worthy to offer to the Divine Majesty of Christ the King.
I would also like to recall how the apostolic letter Summorum Pontificum concludes:
All that has been established by Us in this Apostolic Letter given in the manner of a Motu proprio, We order that it be considered as “established and decreed” and to be observed from the 14th day of September of this year, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, notwithstanding anything that may be contrary thereto>.
Given in Rome, at Saint Peter’s, on 7 July 2007, the third year of our Pontificate.
It says: “established and decreed”, not suggested.
Thank you for your hospitality.
Ettore Gotti Tedeschi