by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
This appears to be a chemical property of human skin under rare genetic occurrences.
Therefore the cause may not be magnetism, but a mRNA side effect or tissue alteration due to some toxin or compound in the vaxx.
According to Scientifically Based Life, this phenomenon can be explained by the fact that some humans excrete more sebum than others, making their skin exceptionally sticky.
Other factors which may favor coins and magnets sticking to the upper arm:
- Presence of sweat or moisture
- Natural lack of body hair at sites of vaccine injection or blood transfusions.
So the Vaxx may have nothing to do with it at all. But the production of sebum, a natural product of the sebaceous gland needs to be studied in relation to Vaxx side effects in the vicinity of shots.
However, the conversation goes on…
First of all, this is not a “vaccine.” Vaccines contain antibodies that prevent disease. This monstrosity is an Experimental Eugenics Depopulation Lethal Injection Bioweapon that will kill EVERYONE who has been injected within 2 to 10 years.
Why? Because Messenger RNA contains cytokine storms of spike proteins and prions [Prions cause Mad Cow Disease in cattle]. EACH jab, according to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, contains 50 BILLION spike proteins which replicate in the human body, fighting the heart, lungs, and brain for oxygen UNTIL THE VICTIM DIES !!! There is NO CURE !!!
Spike protein “vaccinations” were created at the Wuhan Institute of Virology to kill each and every human being on planet earth who is inoculated. This is global genocide. Bill Gates, who is an ardent follower of the Georgia Guidestones [which mandates that there can be NO MORE THAN 500 MILLION people on Planet Earth], gave him justification to go into the Vaccine Experiment Business and quadruple his income. Saint Fauci is deeply enshrined in this conspiracy, along with Satanist Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum. These are DEMONS !!!
The worst part of the Lethal Injection is a phenomenon called by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Simone Gold, Dr. Lee Merritt, and Health Ranger Mike Adams as FREQUENCY TRANSMISSIBILITY, commonly also called “SHEDDING,” where a “vaccinated” person can contaminate an UNVACCINATED person through breathing, belching, farting, sexual contact, or anything expelled by any human orifice, since the spike proteins are microscopic, and by depriving the victim of oxygen, cause anaphylactic shock, toxic blood clotting, fatal lung paralysis, mitochrondrial cancer, and DEATH !!!
We, the UNVACCINATED, are at risk from being anywhere near the WALKING DEAD who have taken the Lethal Injection !!! Do your research, and stop believing these lying monsters in the government and in the media. Both presidents, 45 and 46, are responsible for promoting OPERATION WARP DEATH !!!
We need a leader of this Republic who has the courage to come out against the worst mass murder in human history about to be seen.
We, the UNVACCINATED, will inherit the earth if we survive the carnage. But what will be left for us?
Additionally, the blood supply in the hospitals are fully contaminated with “vaccinated” blood. Beware of this before getting any surgical procedure that requires transfusions. It won’t be long before all insurance companies go broke because they can’t pay any claims for medical or death benefits. Hospitals won’t accept you without insurance. FEMA has ordered 562% more body bags than they did in 2020. I wonder why…
Meanwhile the only way to avoid magnetic substances and/or committing “vaccine suicide” is to NOT take the shot, and to stay far away from anyone who has taken it!
Just smear a slight coating of corn starch on the place you wish to test and see if anything still sticks.