Belgium: Parliament gives Ministry of Interior Dictatorial Powers to enforce Pandemic Controls and Vaxx program

Editor: It appears to be a hard lockdown and forced vaccination with discrimination against those who resist. We leave it to those fluent in French to comment below about the exact contents.

UPDATE: This video seems, rather, to be a warning video by Kairos TV to explain to Belgian citizens what the Government now has the powers to do, not what is actually been imposed.

Here is a report on the current conditions in Belgium:

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13 thoughts on “Belgium: Parliament gives Ministry of Interior Dictatorial Powers to enforce Pandemic Controls and Vaxx program”

  1. La vaccination obligatoire du personnel de santé n’est pas à l’ordre du jour, assure De Croo
    La vaccination obligatoire du personnel de santé n’est pas nécessaire, malgré l’augmentation des taux d’infection, estime le Premier ministre Alexander De Croo.

    “Quand je vois le chemin parcouru ces derniers mois pour convaincre les gens, il n’en est pas question”, a-t-il confié dimanche sur VTM Nieuws. Il a également indiqué qu’il n’y aura pas de durcissement des mesures lors du comité de concertation de lundi. Lundi, dès 14h00, le gouvernement fédéral et les entités fédérées discuteront des mesures de lutte contre le coronavirus qui sont encore nécessaires cet été. Les autorités s’attarderont notamment sur les grands événements et festivals prévus dans les semaines à venir. “Nous devons rester prudents, mais aussi ne pas paniquer”, a analysé M. De Croo, interrogé sur l’augmentation du taux d’infection. “La campagne de vaccination fonctionne. Nous n’allons pas nous relâcher, mais nous n’allons pas non plus renoncer à nos libertés.”

    En ce qui concerne les grands événements et festivals tels que le Pukkelpop, le Premier ministre a insisté sur l’utilisation correcte des coronapass. “Nous n’allons pas commettre les erreurs que, par exemple, les Pays-Bas ont faites”, a-t-il souligné. “Pour les coronapass, il faut avoir été entièrement vacciné depuis quinze jours ou recourir à un test PCR de haute qualité. Nous allons également empêcher les gens de tricher avec les coronapass. Je suis convaincu que le secteur de l’événementiel saura y faire face.”

    More to follow
    [on screen]
    State of emergency in Belgium
    Parliament voted Pandemic Law
    Supermarkets can stay open but any other business must close
    Good evening,
    Parliament met to vote Pandemic Law on the eve of parliamentary holidays
    This will drastically and definitively change the lives of the eleven million Belgians
    The Act on Administrative Policing in an Epidemic Emergency known as the “Pandemic Law” allows the Minister of the Interior to act alone in an emergency
    The following measures come into force immediately
    Borders between Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels are established.
    It is not possible to enter into a region other than one’s region of residence without proof of complete vaccination and negative PCR test
    Border controls are in place
    It is forbidden to return or leave the country. Controls are installed at the borders with neighbouring countries. Airports and train stations are closed
    Any Belgian citizen who is abroad and wishes to return to the country must provide proof of a complete vaccination and a negative PCR test
    Otherwise, they are prohibited from crossing the border
    Flanders has decided to leave its museums open and HORECA [hotels restaurants bars] but closes any childcare facilities: holiday camps, universities and schools as well as its cultural places
    Supermarkets can stay open but any other business must close
    Wallonia has decided to leave open all childcare facilities: holiday camps, universities and schools, as well as HORECA but closes its cultural places and museums
    Food shops may remain open but all other shops must close
    In Brussels, all structure leading to reflection and fun closes tonight. Including all childcare facilities: holiday camps, universities and schools, HORECA, museums and cultural sites
    Shops must close except supermarkets and only for food and necessity shelves
    Public places open in the three regions can only be visited by people who have been fully vaccinated and who are in possession of a negative PCR test at the hours of operation planned by the regions
    Other persons are entitled only to a limited time slot from 19h to 20h on presentation of a negative PCR test and by appointment
    If they can’t get an appointment, they have to get what they need delivered by people who have been vaccinated and have had a negative PCR test.
    places of worship and philosophical organizations can no longer be accessible to the public, either collectively or individually
    Gatherings and demonstrations in public places inside or outside are now prohibited, whether cultural, religious or recreational
    Online gatherings remain permitted but may be subject to control

  3. I keep on listening
    at some point it looks like a (very bad) joke when it says we can walk, use a “trotinette” (kiddy stuff) but NOT drie a car

    1. Yes!! It doesn’t seem real, some nightmare.
      There is panic somewhere, this is insane.

  4. it is effectively a “teaching” rather than a joke
    More translation to come (cut and paste)

  5. from 03:21 to 10!25 (end of female speach)

    Telework is now mandatory across the country. No one can go to their workplace. All services that can remain active must operate only remotely
    Regions are currently working on funding remote working for infrastructure that remains open in different regions
    All aid, support and therapy organizations must be online only
    People who want to adopt a child or engage in medically assisted reproduction such as ART are required to be vaccinated
    The mask is again mandatory throughout the territory of Belgium, in public spaces, both inside and outside
    Everyone can only see the person or persons living under the same roof. Any connection or human contact with other persons, other than online communications, is prohibited
    Curfew is re-established throughout Belgium from 8 pm to 6 am
    It is possible to travel in one’s region of residence or in another region with a complete vaccination and a negative PCR test, only on foot, scooter [trottinette] or bicycle
    Cars and other means of locomotion are prohibited in order to limit interregional travel within the country
    Public transport is closed
    Every person must come to his commune within the next three days to register in a data bank where his personal data, his state of vaccination will be referenced, if he is not vaccinated the reason of his non vaccination and his criminal record
    This database shall be accessible to any public service or related body, as well as to private services, if they so request with a detailed statement of reasons
    At least three hospitals per region must be closed to change their orientation in order to set up rehabilitation centres, which will welcome people who would be in opposition to the measures and disobey them
    The rest of the hospitals must remain open and requisition all necessary personnel, even medical students, to ensure urgent care
    All non-urgent care is postponde, including care for people who are ill but not vaccinated
    All health workers are required to work in the remaining open hospitals. If they refuse to attend the requisition, sanctions will be applied and these people will be recorded
    Regarding housing, anyone refusing full vaccination will be forced to leave his place of residence
    If the latter is owner in a building or in a rooming hous, it will be forced to sell said property to the first buyer and to relocate in a center of re-education before relocation
    other acquisition will be the subject of an in-depth study on the motivations of future buyers and their philosophy regarding vaccination
    Any person without a permanent home or undocumented by immigration who cannot provide proof of complete vaccination and negative PCR test are automatically brought to rehabilitation centres and must bear a distinguishing sign to be defined by the centre
    Any person who disobeys the measures will be punished with a fine of 10 to 4000 euros, accompanied by either a working sentence of 20 to 300 hours, a prison sentence of one day to three months, or an electronic monitoring of one month to three months, an independent probation sentence of six months to two years
    The probation sentence requires the person to whom it is imposed to comply with specific conditions imposed by the judge
    Given the limited number of places in the penitentiaries, even with the nine hospitals that will be dedicated to it, the sentences of work of independent probation and the electronic bracelet will be favored
    the electronic bracelets are currently in order because the Belgian state was in shortage of them
    They should arrive from China as soon as possible
    As a result, people who are sentenced to imprisonment or work will lose their jobs, but will be assigned to public service tasks without contaminating the vaccinated
    Persons sentenced to imprisonment, work or electronic surveillance will be deprived of their parental rights and will automatically lose their civil and political rights, access to their bank account and any aid or allowances they receive for a period of at least two years
    Any person in possession of information concerning opponents to the implementation of these measures is obliged to transmit it to their neighbourhood agent and/or to notify the authorities concerned via the green number provided for this purpose
    If it turns out that a person has heard of such information and has not disclosed it, they will be detained in rehabilitation centres
    Any information conveyed on behalf of these new measures, in any way, can be analysed. Only authorised national presses may transmit information related to these measures
    In case of proven misinformation, sanctions may be applied depending on the degree of dangerousness of this false information
    Any unvaccinated person must wear a distinguishing sign at all times during his authorized travel and/or during the performance of general interest work and must state it aloud in case of interaction with other persons
    Police must intervene by all means necessary to enforce the measures
    These measures are in effect until further notice

  6. from 10:25, when the journalist from Kairos magazine puts things into persepctive
    [presenter, Kairos magazine]
    The measures envisaged in this issue have therefore been applied, are at this very moment or are likely to be in the very near future
    Some recall dark moments in history. These policies are worthy of a totalitarian state, as shown in the bill, which repeats as a point:
    – Limiting entry or exit from the territory
    Closure of facility (institution) Categories
    Conditions, limitations and prohibitions on the sale and use of goods and services
    Limitation and prohibition of assembly and travel
    Conditions of work organization
    Conditions and limitations of access to institutions or facilities
    A list of businesses, businesses and services necessary to protect vital interests or essential needs
    Identification of health protection measures
    And requisitioning necessary people and things in the absence of available public services

    Many people have already had to be vaccinated to access hospital care or not to lose their jobs. What is happening in France is clearly coming here [to Belgium]
    government plans to take these measures, but that the Minister of the Interior can take them alone in the event of an emergency
    It means that one person can decide for more than eleven million Belgians
    The sanctions attached to these measures are those set out in this issue, without any planned gradation and equal to an offence which would correspond for example to manslaughter. Convictions are recorded on the criminal record for three years
    So the offences are punished
    [image on screen]
    1) with a fine of 8 to 4000 euros which can be cumulative to
    2) 20 to 300 hours of community service
    3) independent probation two months to two years
    4) electronic monitoring from one to three months
    5) imprisonment from one day to three months

    This bill clearly violates the fundamental rights and freedoms of any citizen or resident in Belgium
    AS written in the Belgian constitution, in particular:
    – The principles of equality and non-discrimination (articles 10 & 11)
    – Individual freedom (article 12)
    – “no sanction without law” as principle (article 14)
    – Home inviolability (article 15)
    – Freedom to worship and express opinions (article 19)
    – The right to respect for private and family life (article 22)
    – Children’s rights (article 22bis)
    – Freedom and right to teach (article 24)
    – Right of assembly and demonstration (article 26)
    – Freedom of movement (as written in European law)
    – The right to led a life in accordance with human dignity (article 23)
    which includes, among other things, health protection, but also, and everyone tends to forget, the right to work, decent housing, social security, mental health protection, medical and legal social assistance, and cultural and social development
    These rights have been written in the constitution to be clearly affirmed as essential in our society. So they must be assumed by the people who represent the Belgian population, and in particular the parliamentarians
    So we’re far away, we’re really far away… we reach the totalitarian strata, so we can ask ourselves how long we’re going to let this happen and how long we’re going to sit still

    1. I think it is a warning from kairos channel to explain to Belgian Citizens the powers the Ministery of the Interior now has to use against them, if it wants to.

      1. When there is a total breakdown in civilization like this what happens is interesting. New York City, an urban jungle, was in this mode when I was there. People would try to get locked up in prison. The city caught on, charged a nightly rate about the same as the YMCA. I don’t know if they’re still doing it but that’s what this reminds me of. People will turn to crime or give up on independent life.

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