Spiro interviews Lawyer from Front Line Doctors’ Lawsuit against FDA

A lot of reports about this lawsuit said it involved 45,000 deaths in three days. But from this video it appears that the correct phrase should be, that the Vaers System recored 45 thousand deaths within 3 days of having taken one of the Vaxxes. There is a massive cover up in the CDC.

Here is the lawsuit’s filing:

Motion for Preliminary Inju… by Jamie White

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2 thoughts on “Spiro interviews Lawyer from Front Line Doctors’ Lawsuit against FDA”

  1. Dr. Jeff Barke at rx4liberty, interview posted last night, I watched the whole thing. I might have been dreaming it was pretty late but I think he said the real number is well over 1M due to low reporting. Which makes sense because the fake number is about 10000, and they have a statistically studied and proven, and published, 1% reporting rate.

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