Monthly Archives: August 2021
The Great Reset, 200 Years in the Making
Sweden: 2 Weeks of Maskless Public Schooling prove Delta Variant does NOT exist
Israel: Rothschild President wants to microchip babies to control social distancing
Germany: It’s open season for Police Brutality against anti-DeathVaxxers
Vatican moves to regularize the title of “Pope Emeritus” and checkmate Benedict XVI
Founder of Brighteon speaks with Drs. Cowan and Kaufman about Fakedemic
Poland: After Cabinet Meeting, President Duda takes stand against Mandatory Vaxx
Vaxx won’t Kill everyone? — The truth is, however, the Pandemic was designed for population control…
This video opens with the evidence to convict Fauci for premeditated murder for advocating Remdesivir, a highly deadly antibiotic, which has killed all the Covid patients. Covid was used as the cover to hide the deliberate plan to genocide Americans.
Man who discovered the cure for Lupus speaks. Amazing cure is very simple, detailed at beginning of this video.
Bergoglio rids himself of the last Catholic official who prayed with him
Fr. Altman unloads on Bergoglio, “Who calls himself the bishop of Rome”
Ireland: Waterford anti-Vaxx protest on Aug. 28th
USA: Judge stripped anti-Vaxx Mom of parental rights
USA: Strategic Deception of Citizenry a U.S. Govt. policy
Controlled Catholic Media: Don’t pay attention to news about Bergoglio’s upcoming Exit
USA: Microscopy Expert reveals whats in the Vaxx: G.O., Metals, Parasites
WHO backs Digital Vaxx Passport Technology backed by Bill Gates
USA: Lt. Col. Stewart Scheller speaks to the Nation about corruption in the US Marines
USA: 11 States have banned or restricted Vaxx obligations
USA: 88% of those who died by WHO protocols could have been saved by Hydroxychloroquine
If you had a loved one who died in a place where hydroxychloroquine was banned or restricted or refused, send this video to your attorney and sue the doctors, hospital and politicians who killed your love one.