MAMM releases Notices for Liability for lack of informed consent on Covid Serum Shots

MAMM.Org has released Notice forms for those who may be threatened with the obligation of taking the Vaxx. These documents are made available here for the information of the readers of FromRome.Info, but their publication by the same does not constitute legal advice or endorsement of their contents nor of MAMM.Org. We advise you to read them and take legal advice before using them. However, that MAMM has taken this step, we consider newsworthy at the international level, even if the documents themselves are only applicable to the USA.

To Medical Personnel who give the shot:

To School Administrators and Education Officials who require the shot for students:

To Employers who require employees to get the shot:

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2 thoughts on “MAMM releases Notices for Liability for lack of informed consent on Covid Serum Shots”

  1. Is there a way I can print these notices? When I click on the enlarge button, there is no way to print the document. Nor can I find these documents on the website. Thank you,

    1. You must press the icon for Download in the lower tool bar AFTER clicking on view on Full Screen. The icon looks like a page with a down arrow…

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