2 thoughts on “The Obbligation of Resistance”

  1. Here in the US we’re up to ~202B vaxxed, the adult population over 18 is ~209B. Even if the insanity stops immediately we’ve been decimated. Both sides of my family tree are littered with soldiers who fought for this country, going back to the Mayflower on my mother’s side, Revolutionary War on my father’s side. His family came from Germany, they were granted land in Virginia at that time, in return for their service, it was there that generations farmed and are buried. My mother’s side were land developers, surveyors, bridge builders, one of them designed a lot of the bridges and other infrastructure we still use today. My brother worked for almost 20 years on projects with the Army Corps of Engineers in the Everglades and Savannah River. My father and maternal grandfather were both veterans. All of my ancestors would be up in arms if they were here. This is a total disgrace. I may just be a debilitated old consecrated woman but believe you me these evil people have no idea who they’re dealing with now. This ain’t about a free hotel room on the Mexican border food stamps and a cell phone. They’re messing with real Americans now. We know how to feed ourselves put a roof over our heads and God willing we sure as hell know how to defend our land.

  2. 209.1 M, not B, adults over 18
    202.5 M, not B, vaxxed
    I WISH the numbers were billions. Likes I said, we are totally utterly and completely wiped out. I don’t think the magnitude of what’s happening here has set in yet. As a 911 survivor I’m well aware of where this is headed. I was there when they had to use dump trucks to haul the body parts out in NY.

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