Pope St. Pius X foresaw Pope Benedict XVI as the true Pope until his death

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo


In 1909, during his audience with the Franciscans, Pope St. Pius X fell into an ecstasy.

When he came out of it, he was asked, “What I have seen is terrible! Is it I or one of my successors. I do not know. I saw a pope flee from the Vatican, walking upon the cadavers of his priests.”

Of a second vision, sometime before his death on August 20, 1914, the Saintly Pope said again, now with more precision: “I saw one of my successors, with my same name, who fled, walking upon the cadavers of his brothers. He will take refuge in a hidden place. But after a short rest, he will die a cruel death.”

The source of this testimony is repeated by several Italian authors, such as Antonio Socci, as something which was considered credible by even those who work in the Vatican, but I can find no certain person or source for it.

As for what these words of the Saintly pope mean. First, let me explain that the term, “brothers” in the mouth of the Pope in those times refers to his brother Cardinals. Second, the Italian, which I have translated as “with my same name”, means one who has the same name. This could be Pius or his baptismal name, Joseph.

Well since Pope Pius X there have been 2 popes named Pius: Pius XI and Pius XII, but neither of them had to flee the Vatican, nor did either die a cruel death — a phrase which I translated literally from the Italian, and which means a death in which there is a shedding of blood.

But Pope Benedict XVI’s baptismal name is Joseph.

So if this vision pertains to him, then it not only foretells a horrible end for him, but signifies that in the mystical visions of Pope Saint Pius X, God had revealed that Pope Benedict XVI will be the true successor of Saint Peter unto the very day of his death. And that means Bergoglio was never the pope.

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21 thoughts on “Pope St. Pius X foresaw Pope Benedict XVI as the true Pope until his death”

  1. This reminds me of the Prophecy of Our Lady Of Fatima that the Bishop dressed in white, the impression it was the Holy Father, dies a cruel death. I for some reason always believed it was to be Benedict XVI in the vision and the reason that Sister Lucy did not recognize him from the vision is because it wasn’t the real Sister Lucy as it said in one of the articles I read recently because there was a Fake Lucy from the late 1950’s on. Anyone have any thoughts regarding this?

    1. The late Father Gruner can be seen on Youtube, in an interview filmed sometime not long before his untimely death, condemning the fake Sister Lucy theory. He was one of the world’s leading authorities on the whole subject of the Fatima apparitions and knew the family of Sister Lucy well. He considered it possible that the Sisters at her Coimbra convent may have occasionally used a stand-in who was a relative of Sister Lucy when she was suffering from ill health. This nun had a family resemblance. Father Gruner considered that some of the letters carrying Sister Lucy’s name were, however, faked on a typewriter( later a computer) which is a machine she never used. See the interview yourself and make your own judgement.

      1. A lot more evidence has come forth since then. And some evidence has disappeared. I myself saw on the official website of the Order of Carmel, Sr. Lucia listed as having died in 1958. And when I asked about that, that entry disappeared without explanation.

      2. He was wrong on that, happens, he was right on so much but on the Fake sister Lucy he didn’t have information available today such as the scientific evidence of dental work, facial anysis, etc.

  2. “Respect for God disappeared from human hearts. They even want to erase the memory of God. This perversity is nothing more than the beginning of the last days of the world.” – Pio X.

  3. Brother Bugnolo, is there any validity to the claim made by a Dr. Franco Adessa in, “The Diabolical Secret of Paul VI’s Mass” published in Chiesa Viva, July-August 2019?https://www.chiesaviva.com/528%20mensile%20ing.pdf

    I refer to the liturgy of the Norvus Ordo mass, specifically the English translation of “Deus Universi.”

    The YouTube channel known as Defeat Modernism has recently posted a narration of said article. It’s highly sensational in my opinion, esp. the art work on their home YouTube page for said video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3X464pUhhxs

    1. It is true that in Scripture only one being is called “god of the universe”, and it aint the Lord God of Hosts. So while I discounted this for years, now I see that it is a valid argument. Paul VI was from a masonic family and when changes like this are introduced one must presume the man has not changed.

  4. “Pray for me that I may not flee for fear of the wolves.” Pope Benedict XVI
    Prophecy can change with prayer. Pope Benedict XVI has remained in Rome and taken up a cross for the Church. We must unite our prayers with this Holy humble servant of Our Lord Jesus Christ and his Church.

  5. Realistically, the demise of PBXVI is imminent as is the death of Antipope Bergoglio. We don’t have time to waste anymore in extracting the Destroyer from the PO & his supporters from the Vatican & its Episcopates if we are to preserve the Papacy intact. PBXVI obviously did what he was directed to do by Heaven but no progress has been made on the ground by those consecrated to act against heresy, apostasy, idolatry etc. etc.

    The CC must be cleared entirely of all the filth PBXVI alluded to prior to his faulty resignation & for this to happen physical force will have to be used. Numbers will be our bedrock & use them we must in order to overthrow the ecclesiastical & governmental tyranny we have been subjected to. Canon Law supports Pope Benedict & we must also. Ex military put a viable plan on paper & then advance it by undercover worldwide recruitment. Numbers will follow if determined & clear-cut directions/actions are proposed & are seen to be capable of success. The Italians & EU citizens should take care of the Vatican while Americans, Canadians, Australian, Indians etc. are better placed to do the same in their lands. Such action must be carried out at the same time to have full effect, but you know this anyhow.

    1. If you are saying that Benedict’s abdication was “what he was directed to do from heaven” I strongly disagree. Heaven showed its displeasure with the lightning strike on the dome of St. Peter’s that very day. A Pope must remain pope until death. Look at the chaos that would have been averted.

      1. Lighting is not always a sign of displeasure. When the Dogma of Papal Infallibility was declared, lighting also struck the Dome of St. Peter. In fact, being the highest structure at Rome it is struck during nearly ever lighting storm.

      2. PBXVI still holds the Keys (Office) of the Papacy but to do this he had to resign the ministerium (administration) while still holding the munus (papal authority) in order to quell the coup d’etat from Masons within the Church against him. This, of course, never happened before & was the result of the satanic coercion & disobedience to the Papacy itself by the majority of Cardinals that forced this action. That majority still holds the reins under JB but the great reckoning will come soon & will be unimaginable.

    1. That is weird. As for not receiving notices, if you share the notices from FRomRome.Info with others WITHOUT REMOVING the unsubscribe link, your friends might accidentally unsubscribe you.

      Yes, I checked my email and see that my email company is MARKING HUNDREDS OF VALID EMAILS as spam! I think Big Tech does not want anyone to write to me…. thanks for the hat tip…. check your spam folder too….

  6. Just 4 u; not intended 4 public consumption:
    @ ur recommendation, I procured a 1st ed of Ivereigh’s bio, TGR. Read Prologue & Epilogue & thought 2 myself the whole of his snout had gone up the subject’s exhaust. Wondered whether I could bear an entire tome of sychophantry. Since I’d shelled out…. Two things have caught my attention so far: that a young candidate should so very early in his formation express a keen interest in doing formation work struck me as extraordinarily odd… unless we think in terms of a planted agent; that a seminarian should ask a priest to lie for him to a dying priest calling the sem to his sickbed was beyond any credible motive — save that of fear of some kind of exposure. I can’t help anticipating that more such peculiar moments will present in due course.

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