Controlled Catholic Media: Don’t pay attention to news about Bergoglio’s upcoming Exit

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4 thoughts on “Controlled Catholic Media: Don’t pay attention to news about Bergoglio’s upcoming Exit”

  1. National Catholic Register does not believe in the Bible as written about the end times….at least not when I tangled with them back in 2012-13, as I vaguely recall. All I distinctly remember is I avoid them like the plague. I assume nothing has changed.

  2. JB is an Antipope as he was not canonically elected & so has no authority to name anyone to succeed him. Why do Catholic websites still insist he is pope but a bad one. They should be supporting the release of Pope Benedict who was forced out of office & made a false resignation in order to preserve the Papacy. Why don’t they inform themselves as to what happened in February 2013 & what led up to the coercive action of St. Gallen Group (Mafia) who were in league with NWO elites – Obama, Clintons, CCP, Deutsche Bank, UN, etc. Are they afraid their websites will be shut down by an illegal papal JB order? They certainly haven’t studied Canon Law in relation to papal resignations & elections & have left all Catholics open to the NWO tyranny of forced eugenic injections containing poison, parasites & other nasty ingredients, none of which have been taken by the elites themselves.

  3. Bonjour. Je pense que cette info sur la démission de François était totalement infondée. Il vient d’ailleurs de la démentir. Celà étant, il peut toujours changer d’avis ou peut-être n’a t-il pas voulu que celà soit rendu public maintenant. Nous verrons bien… ☺

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