Catholics Worldwide Warn the Cardinals that Benedict XVI is the Pope

In a Universal Declaration of Canonical Facts

Introduction by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The Church is headed into a historic and terrible battle of confusion in the next few months or year, when it will no longer have two rival Popes, but one or none, and the time will come for the College of Cardinals to elect a successor to one or both.

The canonical irregular situation which followed from the apparent Renunciation of Ministry by Pope Benedict XVI in February of 2013 — a canonical act which has no precedent and is non-existent in the Code of Canon Law of 1983 — and the uncanonical Conclave of March 2013, which illegitimately pronounced as elected Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the Cardinal Archbishop of Buenas Aires, threatens to be continued ad infinitum unless Holy Mother Church confronts this irregular situation with a canonical investigation and Conciliar judgement — at least at the level of the Ecclesiastical Province of Rome.

To this end, to ward off such a disastrous consequence as the perpetuation of this schism and irregularity, members of the Catholic Faithful from the entire world have written an appeal to the Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church to warn them of the impending canonical shipwreck of the Church of Christ and to mark a line in stone, as it were, as to the canonical facts and realities.

I am proud to be one of the collaborators which brought this petition into its present form, and I endorse it 1000000%. I believe it is a great act of charity to the entire Church, and especially to the Sacred Hierarchy, in accord with canon 212, in that it respectfully and properly notifies them of the situation of which I speak here.

The petition has been prepared in the following languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Arabic and Russian.

Here is an image of the petition. If you would like to  know more, or if you would like to sign it, click the image or go to this site:

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

38 thoughts on “Catholics Worldwide Warn the Cardinals that Benedict XVI is the Pope”

  1. Veni Sancte Spiritus — raise up courage in at least one legitimate cardinal’s soul that justice for the Chair of Peter be vindicated — and bring to repentance him whose cowardice capitulated the deceit.

  2. Such an honor to sign it !
    Thank you Brother Alexis, you were the first to show me the canonical truth. God bless you.
    Un seul Dieu, un seul Sauveur, un seul Pape !
    Catholiques fidèles de France et du monde, le temps est venu de s’éloigner de l’antipape et de se lever en faveur de Benoît XVI !
    First thing to do : pray and sign.
    Second thing : write to at least one cardinal.
    Third : share.

  3. Thank you Brother,
    I support any petition that calls attention to the illegitimacy of the Bergoglian papacy. But he has appointed 73 cardinals, Benedict appointed 39, and John Paul appointed 16. So the majority of the cardinals are actually invalid and any future conclave cannot elect a real pope. The Church seems to be in a real dilemma at present. What are your thoughts on this?

    1. It is my expectation that Bergoglio exits stage left first, and the Cardinals return to Benedict XVI, ask him to consecrate Russia to prove that he is the true pope, and its conversion will prove that.

      1. Dear God in heaven let it be as you say Br. A Oh please Lord let not the “abomination of desolation” become our reality

      2. Che possa succedere così Fra Bugnolo!!!! Lo spero con tutto il cuore
        Un grande abbraccio in Cristo sotto il manto di Maria insieme al Serafico Padre San Francesco!!!!!!!
        Pace e Bene

    2. Bergoglian “cardinals” are anticardinals actually: canonically they do not exist.
      At the moment only 49 POTENTIALLY elector cardinals exist, all of them apparently schismatic and excommunicated because of their allegiance to the antipope: among those 49 ones, many cardinals are strong supporters of neomodernist, globalist, masonic policy and it is highly unlikely that they revert their allegiance to Pope Benedict XVI.
      Bishop Gracida clearly addressed this horrible problem in his historical declaration “I believe” 4 years ago.

    3. I’m not sure it really matters at this point. It’s all gone ! Be prepared. I’m just amazed that the human race couldn’t last longer than a few thousand years. Lucifer has ruined everything. Does that make me a bad person thinking this is the end and we can’t do anything about it.

  4. Hello Br. Alexis. Thanks much for your insightful commentary and analysis regarding the disturbing issues of today. Regarding the controversy surrounding Pope Benedict’s resignation, I wonder if anyone should really care which of those two, Benedict or Francis, is the actual pope. It seems like the both of them were/are deeply involved in the Freemasonic machinations which have the Catholic Church in a stranglehold, the likes of which only the Immaculate Heart of Mary can rent asunder. The Benedict or Francis question at this late date seems like a distraction.

  5. November 30, 2021 AD, 11:00 GMT I’ve just checked the DECLARATIO website: it is working again, with some changes. It look like they are still working on that website: its content is not complete.

    1. Hello. I will write in Spanish (sorry)… Desafortunadamente, la página lleva una semana con problemas. Inicialmente pensábamos que se debía al número de visitas, pero hemos averiguado con los asesores de Wix y ahora sabemos que se trata de una falla técnica. Ahora bien, es Wix quien debe resolverla, y extrañamente nos han dilatado el asunto. La semana pasada pude trabajar un poco e insertar y publicar unas cuantas firmas, pero el fin de semana el editor dejó definitivamente de funcionar y no he logrado continuar con el trabajo de inserción (manual) de las firmas. Tengo aproximadamente 900 firmas represadas en mi correo electrónico. Gracias a Dios, la iniciativa ha tenido un apoyo significativo, y esperamos que lo siga teniendo en el mediano plazo. Esperemos en Dios que los problemas técnicos puedan resolverse y tanto la página como el editor se reactiven pronto. Seguimos elevando al Cielo nuestras oraciones por esta intención. Bendiciones…

  6. The page is working again!
    We have added the Polish version of the Declaratio, and now the signatures will not appear on the home page but will be available through a PDF file that can be downloaded through the link “FIRMANTES / SIGNATORIES” and will be updated periodically. Blessed be God!

    1. Gracias, Grazie, Thank you, Merci 👍🤗

      I’m checking right now the downloadable list: wishing I could at last find my signature there. I tried 3 times to sign.

    2. Dear dr. Acosta,
      the Declaratio website has been much improved!! Well fine.

      At last I can find myself on the list: my two very early signings were unsuccessful but at the third try

  7. After signing I received an email with the subject ‘Thanks for getting in touch’ with a message promising to get back to me as soon as they can, and a link labeled ‘Back to Site’ which took me to another site, which looks like it’s offering the domain ‘’ for sale. Is that just a temporary glitch?

    1. They had serious tech issues which are supposed to be fixed. But has nothing to do with this petition, other than having done the English translation.

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