13 thoughts on “Courage and Cowardice (sottotitoli italiani)”

  1. I love that St Pio used to exhort his penitents in Confession to Have COURAGE!!! One time he appeared to me in a dream when I was undergoing shocking experiences in my life. He said, “Be of Good COURAGE! We are taking care of you!!” I remember the verse from the Old Testament: “Be strong and of good courage for the Lord your God is with you.” WE ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS BATTLE!!

  2. Grazie. Stavo pensando che i Santi hanno seguito l’esempio di Gesù, che con fierezza evitava un pericolo inutile (“passando in mezzo a loro se ne andò”) e invece con estrema dignità/fede va sulla croce, dopo aver chiesto al Padre di poterla evitare, se era “volontà” del Padre che la evitasse. La sua umanità si è messa volontariamente nelle mani della “superiore” volontà di Dio Padre, perché sapeva che il Padre lo ama e non sbaglia.
    (Com’é difficile dire due parole su Gesù. È “troppo” grande).

  3. The speech does not humanly make a turn. I don’t even have a hard time admitting that I’m not a hero. If I were faced with situations that require particular courage, I would trust only in God, with the certainty that God would give me what I need to face them, without being overwhelmed. God does not send trials beyond our abilities and when he sends them he also gives the strength to live them. The Saints drew courage and strength to face martyrdom from their faith in God, something that after 63 years of eclipse of the Church (operated by the Masonic Powers themselves who today want to exterminate humanity) the last generations and not only do not even know what it is. That said, someone should also explain how to arrest a guy named Rothschild, whose family controls nearly every National Bank in the world, as well as the Basel-based Bank for International Settlements, the Fed and the ECB. A guy belonging to a family whose wealth is estimated at 500 THOUSAND BILLION DOLLARS. In comparison, Bill Gates looks like a beggar. Maybe that’s also why Melinda (not the apple of the ad, but Bill’s wife), filed for divorce. A family that, without ever attracting particular attention, holds all humanity in its grip. A family that seems to have a privileged, direct, habitual relationship with lucifer from which it receives power and instructions. A family that, after having financed the Illuminati of Bavaria, has had and has FOR CENTURIES the power and the will to start wars with which to exterminate millions of Goyms each time (non-Jews) and from which to draw astronomical profits, from those Napoleonic to the first and second world wars, soon also to the third. It seems to me that it is enough to convey the idea of ​​the characters that we should arrest. Some might rightly say to start with the mayor of the country or the doctor traitor of the Hippocratic oath, but before we get to the real leaders who pull the strings of this infamous history, we are all dead, including the mayor and the doctor. Let’s be realistic and keep our feet on the ground. The reality is that only God can save us. That God that most people do not even know who and what he is. That God that most people wonder in their hearts what he does all day in Heaven, if he does not deign to avoid us nightmares like that of compulsory vaccination. This is roughly the way the man in the street of our time thinks. The reality is that we are living what St. John “saw” and reported in his book of Revelation, two thousand years ago, we are living what Jesus Christ himself prophesied in the Gospels. The most hallucinating aspect is the lack or loss of the Faith, of that Faith that in past centuries pushed people to face and overcome the plague or cholera, with prayer and fasting, of that Faith above all that saved their souls, from the spiritual plague of eternal damnation. In conclusion we are (I put myself in it too, if only out of solidarity) humanly with no way out. The only way is the spiritual one (prayer, prayer, prayer, for oneself and for others) and who, like Br. Bugnolo, knows a little bit, should focus on this. The salvation of a soul is worth more than the entire universe. If only one person out of a hundred gets the message, that’s a good result. For the other 99, God have mercy on them. Amen.

    1. You are wrong. God alone can save us from sin and death. But God orders us to establish a just order in this world, when He says, God make disciples of all nations, and preach the Gospel to all creatures. St. Thomas explains, this, when he says, that it is as certain sort of sacrilege for Christians to allow unbelievers to rule over them. As sons of God we should war against Sacrilege. And if we do not, and we stay at home and say, God save us!, we have false piety, the piety of cowards.

      1. The vaxxed are not victim souls. Some of them are victims since they were vaxxed without their consent, or after being fooled with lies. A victim soul is a pure honest Christian who accepts God’s Providence sending suffering and conflict, so as to offer itself with Christ Crucified so as to extend the triumph of His merits.

  4. Fra Alex, may I suggest you; to open a Telegram channel.
    It’s very easy to watch and share on Telegram.
    You can upload Videos directly on your Telegram channel, people can share them quickly and even download them. You can also post links, pictures etc. You can allow a comment function below your content as well.
    It’s also possible to create a group chat (private or public) aside of your channel.

    I’ve seen that YouTube is coming after you and even when I tried to promote your website there, my comment was canceled within a minute.

    May Jesus Christ bless you Fra Bugnolo.

    1. Telegram is a CIA operation, full of government spies from the USA to UK. Anyone on Telegraph is foolish in my opinion….

      1. Maybe so, but what app would be secure? Even here it wouldn’t be a tough thing to discover ones identity really quickly for the CIA. Same goes with emails and generally social media. Basically everything on internet. Only having a smartphone to begin with. But we can live in fear, or use the tools we got at disposition as long as we can, to inform our fellow human beings.

  5. 100% correct. Its not more information that we all need to end this crime in progress or more comments from keyboard warriors.
    All the info is known about the perpetrators, their planning, the virus pretext, the poision jabs.
    Now we need all hands on deck -nobody excluded. Everybody can do something to contribute.
    We need all ordinary people to simply practice using our God given abilities (call it courage or not being lazy) without any anger, or loudness or confrontation and lets end his by Christmas-worldwide.

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