Dec. 14: Armed Forces protest DeathVaxx Obligation, at Rome

Report and photos by Eugenio Dangelo

On December 15, 2021, the DeathVaxx obligation for law enforcement agencies comes into force, based on an anticovid DPCM issued on December 6.

For this reason, more than 2300 men and woman among the law enforcement agencies joined employment-rights organization known as O.S.A. (Operatori Sicurezza Associati) which sponsored the demonstration on December 14, the day before they were to lose their jobs for refusing the DeathVaxx.

The event was scheduled from 15:00 to 18:00 in Piazza “Bocca della Verità”, in the historic center of Rome, next to the Circus Maximus. There were no parades or clashes with the police, but interventions on a stage by famous people.

However, some lingered beyond 6:00 pm and talks began at around 3:20 pm.

Andrea Libero Gioia, the president of the Italian resistance resilience association presides over the stage and presents the characters who intervene with their speeches;

The following spoke to the crowd of Police, Carabinieri and Military:

  • The chairman of the “Angels for Salvation” committee Cisco Orlando who invites them to provide the Italian prosecutors with irrefutable proofs of the lethality of vaccines
  • The MP and candidate for mayor of Palermo, Francesca Donato
  • The comedian Sandro Torella
  • Elena Fini
  • Vittorio Emanuel, Longshormen and activist
  • and others

di Eugenio Dangelo

testo originale

Oggi 15 dicembre 2021 entra in vigore l’obbligo di Siero di Morte per le forze dell’ordine, sulla base di un DPCM anticovid emanato il 6 Dicembre.

Per questo, oltre 2.300 uomini e donne tra le forze dell’ordine sono iscritti a O.S.A. (Operatori Sicurezza Associati), che ha organizzato una manifestazione in dissenso, il 14 Dicembre, il giorno prima della loro perdita del lavoro.

La manifestazione era prevista dalle 15:00 alle 18:00 in piazza “Bocca della Verità”, nel centro storico di Roma, accanto al Circo Massimo. Non erano previsti cortei, e in seguito non c’erano nemmeno scontri con le forze dell’ordine, ma c’erano degli interventi su un palco da parte di personaggi famosi.

Tuttavia, alcuni si sono dilungati oltre le 18:00 ed i discorsi sono iniziati circa alle 15:20.

Andrea Libero Gioia, il presidente dell’associazione resistenza resilienza italiana presiede il palco e presentava i personaggi che sono intervenuti con i loro discorsi;

Sono intervenuti:

  • il presidente del comitato “Gli angeli per la Salvezza” Cisco Orlando che invita a fornire alle procure d’Italia delle prove inconfutabili della letalità dei vaccini
  • l’eurodeputato e candidata sindaco di Palermo Francesca Donato
  • il comico Sandro Torella
  • Elena Fini
  • Vittorio Emanuele
  • ed altri

Br. Bugnolo’s Monthly Appeal

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The year of Our Lord 2021 has been a terrible year for the world, with the roll-out of the long-planned and desired project for world-genocide by the BigPharma left-hand of international Freemasonry, in particular the Skull & Bone Lodge’s New York Banks.

If we can believe the statistics they feed us, more than 3 billion souls have received this mark of the beast and will soon die horrible hopeless deaths.

During this world tragedy, I have tried here at FromRome.Info to do my little part by telling the truth day by day and sharing the most informative and detailed information about the reality of events of this year.

And this I could not have done without your support, interest and encouragement. Thank you!, which began in 2013 as a blog for theological commentary about the events of the day, has grown in recent years into a small but highly read publication, with now about 8 million readers per year. For this I thank each one of you for reading, sharing and recommending our articles to friends and relatives.

With the new year, FromRome.Info looks to expand activities to cover the torrent of news which is expected to pour out of Rome and the Vatican on the occasion of the change of power at the Vatican. Whatever way the news and stories develop, FromRome.Info is in a unique position to bring unbiased, objective reporting about what is really going on in the Church, free from the rose colored glasses of controlled ecclesiastical and secular media, which now only publish the Globalist narrative talking points.

To do this, I hope in the coming year to add staff and open a formal office at Rome, where the staff can work 24/7 covering the expected wave of information.

If you wish to help me keep publishing FromRome.Info and grow this electronic journal. (Note, that, I cannot be certain how long I will be able to be supported by electronic payments, seeing that the Globalists will sooner or later impose political-tests to participate in the electronic economy.)

Italian Himmler of DeathSerums inaugurates sacrifice of 5-11 year olds

Summmary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Today goes into vigor the latest unconstitutional and totally immoral Diktat of the Goldman Sachs Dictatorship in Italy, headed by Mario Draghi, member of the Lodge of the Illuminati.

His DeathSerum leader officer is General Figliuolo, who is notorious for launching terroristic mad raving discourses in favor of the DeathSerum as if he were some sort of Vampire looking for more blood and death as his morning turn-on.

His latest discourse is that DeathSerum supplies are of sufficient level to sustain DeathVaxxing door by door, which is a rhetorical flourish, at present, since Italy has no such forced program.

But Italy now has the obligation to DeathVaxx all military forces and police and to allow parents to bring in their children, ages 5-11 years, to receive the DeathSerum which will forever destroy their DNA, gravely if not permanently sterilize them, or make them incapable of having human children, in addition to the very high risks of sudden death anytime in the first 3 months after forcible injection.