6 thoughts on “QUEBEC to impose vicious Monetary Penalty for being unVaxxed”

  1. The laywer names it “a close call”?
    Find another laywer, because the vaccin is still experimental.

  2. If I lived in Quebec, I would rather be flat broke from paying fines than dead from the Lethal Injection. Hopefully enough people in Quebec will agree and fight for their right to live.

  3. I live in Ontario just a few mins from the Quebec border, and my elder (undeathvaxxed brother) lives in Montreal. There is zero way that he will (or I if this comes to Ontario) pay a single penny.

    This got me thinking today about how I am an anti-“Christ”. We here are all anti-“Christs”. To these people, the deathvaxx is their Christ, their Messiah, their Savior. The deathvaxx gives them life. In the Deathvaxx do they believe they breath, move, and have their very being. To receive the Deathvaxx is a sacrament by which even the move vile and vicious low-lives are seen as “righteous” and “virtuous” because they “did the right thing”, and that’s expiated all their sins.

    Indeed, of this “Savior” I want no part. As far as this “Christ” is concerned, I am and will always be an “anti-“Christ”.

    Kyrie Eleison.

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