Dr. Jane Ruby and Robert Hirschman: Video footage of the things growing in Arteries & Veins

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5 thoughts on “Dr. Jane Ruby and Robert Hirschman: Video footage of the things growing in Arteries & Veins”

  1. This is something that blood-transfusion services should
    be easily aware of.
    If somebody can contact many of them in several hospitals
    and have a pool of experiences from many countries, would
    be a decisive and highly significative scientific proof.
    Taking the risk of an mRNA epigenetic modification
    “therapy” is not justified and surely cannot be compulsory.

    And if You think that in Argentina they managed to reduce
    mortality six-fold to seven-fold, with the old, simple and cheap
    anti-hypertensive drug TELMISARTAN (80 mg x 2 a day).
    In their Intensive Care Units in two hospitals in Buenos Aires mortality diminished from 24% to 4%, and mean hospitalization time was shortened from 15 days to 9 days.


    Giancarlo Rossi (vaccinato con JANSSEN che pagherà i 100 euro dal 24 febbraio 2022)

  2. Thank you Brother for posting this video. Oh my. Please post a link to http://www.gettr.com so that I can share that to my community on Gettr. Thank you, Thank you Thank you and God Bless you!

    1. The share buttons are tech way outside of my ability. That Gettr is not included is not my decision, it’s too new of a platform to be included in the plugin that shows the share buttons.

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