Our Hopes are with Pope Benedict XVI on this 9th Anniversary of his Declaratio

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, commemorating the visit by the Immaculate Virgin to Lourdes, France, in 1858, when She opened the miraculous spring which has cured hundreds of thousands of all kinds of maladies in the last 164 years.

But it is also the 9th anniversary of the day on which Pope Benedict XVI ( whose resignation was demanded by the godless German and Austrian clergy — who wanted sodomy approved and blessed in the Church — and by Globalists preparing already for the Scamdemic) outmaneuvered all the enemies of Christ.

By renouncing in Latin the ministerium, rather than the Papal charge, or munus, he gave the appearance of an abdication without abdicating, thus protecting the Apostolic See in its essential and spiritual sense of being taken by the forces of globalism, and opening the door to those Catholics who lived their faith in heart and mind, to discovering the truth, as the globalist puppet who would be installed as Antipope made evident that he was not of Christ.

Our hopes lie with Pope Benedict XVI for his restoration and the triumph of his most intelligent maneuver. While many continue to criticize him today for what he did, it remains that he did what he personally could do and in the way which would legally undermine his enemies.

The adherence to Bergoglio and his papacy is all but non-existent among all believing Catholics.  While many still do not understand what happened in February of 2013, all are spiritually prepared, when Bergoglio exists stage left, for the restoration of Catholicism with a return to Pope Benedict XVI.

On this 9th Anniversary, I ask, therefore, that all join me in a Rosary to the Mother of God, healer of the sick, for Pope Benedict XVI to give him and his successor the strength to do the Holy Will of God and crush the forces of globalism and Freemasonry world wide.

Amen. Let it be! Alleluia!

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9 thoughts on “Our Hopes are with Pope Benedict XVI on this 9th Anniversary of his Declaratio”

  1. Prayers that today, Pope Benedict XVI, and all those Faithful Bishops in union with him, will do the Consecration Of Russia to Our Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart, exactly as she requested, separating the counterfeit Church from The True Church Of Christ, and making visible, for all to witness, the restoration of The Peace of Christ, in His One, Holy, Catholic, And Apostolic Church, Through The Unity Of The Holy Ghost. (Filioque) 🙏💕

  2. Praying for the return of our true Pope Benedict XVI and his Order to the Bishops to once and for all time to fulfill the request of “Our Lady of Fatima” underscored by the apparition of ‘The Most Holy Family’ of the final apparition on the day ‘The Sun Danced’ to ‘Consecrate Russia to Her Most Immaculate Heart’.
    May the blessings of the ‘Most Holy Family’ keeping the Earth safe continue until such time the stubborn and arrogant relent, bow to ‘Our Lady’ and the consecration happens.


    The wolves in the Vatican and bad bishops are certainly trying to destroy our beloved holy Pope Benedict XVI and his legacy.

  4. We’re uniting our Rosary today with yours, Brother.
    …Wouldn’t it be awesome if Our Lady prepares the way for her Son’s Second Coming by defeating His enemies through a beautiful, frail, old man–His Vicar–and the little remnant Church! What a complete and utter humiliation it would be for Satan to be defeated by a mere woman and an elderly man, so to speak! …Please, Lord, let it be so!!

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