Ontario Premier ignites Uprising of Civil Disobedience after declaring State of Emergency


Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Canadians are my kind of people! When they are threatened, they respond with greater determination.

And so my heart rejoices, when I see these Canadians, threatened with a new State of Emergency by the Premier of Ontario, rise up in utter disgust with his abuse of power.

It is no longer Truckers against the Sanitary Dictatorship of Trudeau. It is now all freedom loving honest citizens against a corrupt political class which thinks it has the right to run a democracy as a dictatorship!

Here is the scene from the Wellington Bridge, just 2 hours ago:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hB5TPHmsSM0&feature=youtu.be https://twitter.com/isabellerivo/status/1492318502635646978

I practiced this kind of resistance at Rome, and terrified the police of the city after I criminally denounced 28 of them for writing me tickets for non-Sanitary compliance. They now leave me alone. But I cannot compare myself with this type of determined resistance, for these Canadian Truckers are frontiers men of a different breed, than once populated Christendom in all its quarters.

And if we all, in our own countries, begin to react with the same righteous anger inspired kick-back, we will soon have our former liberty back and more!

Truckers are men of integrity beyond what in modern times most of us have imagined. So the Canadian Truckers are appealing to the Armed Forces of Canada to come to the defense of Democracy!

But the Ontario Premier seems hell bent on doing everything he can to remind everyone, even those who comment on FaceBook that he is in charge and they better know that he is watching them.  Yes, 1984 has come to Canada:

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

9 thoughts on “Ontario Premier ignites Uprising of Civil Disobedience after declaring State of Emergency”

  1. Brother Bugnolo: that police not just gave you tickets (that you dit not pay) but they also mistreated you BADLY.

  2. As a Canadian, I cannot read or watch one of these videos without getting emotional. I am so proud of these truckers. Canadians have long been known to be an overly polite nation -almost to a fault, but here we are, leading the resistance and inspiring like movements worldwide. And we are not backing down. And the numbers are growing daily of those coming out in support and solidarity against this tyranny. It is beautiful to see and just powerful. This is God shining through these men and women. Praise God and all the glory be to God 🙏

  3. Speaking as a Canadian who has lived for over a decade in each of the battleground Ontario cities of Windsor, Toronto, and Ottawa, I, like many others were not looking for a fight. Dough Ford is a pawn in the centre of a global masonic stronghold. The battle is most intense here because the evil beast that oppresses humanity has established its last refuge here. This is where it will die, or we will all die. We are all fighting for our lives and the lives of our families.

  4. As of this morning, news outlets have reported the Ottawa Police have moved in and arresting truckers. This is what happens when a country like Canada takes away their citizens right to keep arms. This is no way to fight back against a tyrannical government.

  5. Brother Bugnolo, please give some attention to the actions of banks like TD in Canada who are actively acting in concert with the fascist Canadian Vaxzi government to harm the Convoy.

    Canadians need to come together to fight back against these banks and give them the PR and financial backlash they deserve by refusing to bank with TD if they are able. An example needs to be set so that other banks take notice.


    1. This has been going on for years in Canada. ALL the banks are in their circle…check out the WEF website. My first major job was for the Royal Bank of Canada and I can tell you that this “digital” stuff was on their radar all the way back to the 90s. I was mentioning today at the march in Toronto that no one cared when Christians, Catholics and Conservatives were being deplatformed and debanked. Everyone had a laiser faire attitude…but now it’s different. They are coming to the point where Catholics have been well before convid hit. (I passed one of our banks, Scotiabank, and it was ALL wrapped (no joke) in rainbow colours signage.)

  6. Br. Alexis, thank you for covering this urgently needed resistance in Canada over these diabolical destructive death inflicting mandates! These truck drivers and their supporters could teach Catholics how they must deal with the Globalist anti-Christ Snake which they have continued for 9 years to honor as “the Vicar of Christ,” despite all the conclusive evidence this man cannot possibly be Our Lord’s Peter!

    They, including nearly all conservative Catholics, continue to honor this Snake (and thus are destroying the very foundation of the Church) by continually calling this man “the pope!” They honor him every time they participate in a communion done in union with this Snake, or in which praying for this man’s intentions occurs! They give honor to this anti-Christ Snake, whose “Father is the Devil,” when they tolerate the promotion of these destructive masks and death shots even in their own parishes! THANK YOU TRUCKERS FOR GIVING US AN EXAMPLE OF FACING DOWN EVIL IN OUR OWN CHURCH! and thank you Br. Alex for your faithful stand!

    1. In fact, if 50K Catholics came on pilgrimage to Rome and began to occupy the Piazza of St. Peters, there is really nothing anyone could do about it, since there are not enough police forces to arrest everyone.

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