Stew Peters: DHS Memo naming Resistance as Terrorists & Kingston on 5G’s role in Genetic Control

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4 thoughts on “Stew Peters: DHS Memo naming Resistance as Terrorists & Kingston on 5G’s role in Genetic Control”

  1. The Revelation 13 beast will destroy The Babylonian Harlot.

    The beast makes war with The Saints & overcomes them.

    Get out of Babylon.

  2. At this point in time, ANY PERSON who believes that the saviours are people within any government, or main sleaze or controlled media, or freemasonic agents of satan in this evil age is a complete. . . [you can fill in the blank yourself].

    It has become necessary for us to separate from people including family members who are in this category because they are unable to think rationally, and they are also filled with and spew absurd animosity toward us who try to help and awaken them with indisputable TRUTH.

    GOD HAS FORETOLD THIS to us who have eyes to see and ears to hear-

    51 Think ye that I am come to give peace on earth: I tell you no, but separation:

    52 For there shall be from henceforth five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three

    53 Shall be divided: the father against the son, and the son against his father, the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother, the mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
    LUKE 12 : 51- 53 [DOUAY RHEIMS BIBLE]



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