20 thoughts on “Marshall, after 8 years, recognizes that Bergoglio is a heretic”

      1. This today, from Sandro Magister’s newsletter:
        Pope Francis Introduces Changes into Canon Law
         “The Catholic Church moved to codify what had previously been a corpus of rules and regulations on various issues into one Code of Canon Law in 1917 (then updated dramatically in 1983, under Pope John Paul II). Here is the text of Francis’s motu proprio dealing with this subject: (link)
         The Francis pontificate, says editor-in-chief at The Pillar website, J.D. Flynn, “seems to be moving towards a kind of ‘corpus’ approach to canon law, in which a variety of decrees need to be tracked and retained and synthesized in order for interested parties to know what the law is. That approach has its own set of strengths — it allows lawmakers to respond quickly to perceived problems — but it takes a lot of getting used to.
         And it is one of the most distinctive, though rarely mentioned, aspects of the Francis papacy.”
         Here is an overview: (link)
         In another commentary, Vaticanist John Allen calls Pope Francis the “Henry Aaron of Motu proprii” and wonders what the meaning of “decentralization of power,” often claimed to be a Vatican goal, can be in the wake of Francis’s frequent legislating: (link)”

        So: God help us, anti-pope Bergoglio is going to “revise” Canon Law. (Many will believe he can.)
        Expect the same historical insight, intellectual and spiritual clarity that suppresses the Latin Mass, and “reforms” women’s contemplative orders.

      2. You are caught in the false Globalist narrative that Bergoglio is a pope. You cannot be a pope unless your predecessor has given up the munus, by death or free act. Benedict has done neither. Without the munus you have no authority to change canon law.

  1. Brother, I think this video was mixed up with the Veritas one with the FDA whistleblower. I do not see the one about Benedict. Thank you.

  2. I believe that you have the wrong video attached to this title. It is a duplicate of the article immediately preceding this post also.

    1. thanks Deb, there was a database error, and everything that could go wrong, went wrong…. Now it is fixed.

    2. Salutations and Sia Lodato Gesu Cristo Br.Bugnolo,
      I just have to ask this…
      I understand everything is possible to Our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ. However is it possible for someone to be saved asking for repentance after having sold they’re soul to Satan. (A direct sin against the Holy Spirit!). Also if these individuals have knowingly sold they’re soul are they not dead in spirit? Is it sin to “murder” them to save the lives of innocent, for they are already dead? If the Arch Angels exterminated evil men who have done so as stated above, are they murderers?
      Pace e Bene!

      1. When you say, “sold their soul”, you are using a metaphor in regard to all those who did not actually contractually sell their soul to the devil. Then from your metaphorical assertion, you take it as a literal statement and ask questions. That is like saying, “All men are liars, St. Thomas Aquianas is a man, St. Thomas Aquinas is a liar in everything he said”. While it is true that all men have sinned, and thus that all were liars, it is not true that St. Thomas after he turned to the Lord and began to faithfully serving him was a liar, and thus it is false to say everything that he said was a lie.

  3. Thank you! Got it!
    I actually heard this video the other day and passed it along. The work is slow and steady but picking up steam.
    Thank you brother for al you do!
    Pax Christi

  4. FYI: I was saddened to see CM criticize Marshall’s first video on the subject. They did not call him by name, but it was obvious. Marshall, in this second video, does not say CM by name either. At least both sides are trying to be respectful; it is appreciated.

  5. So he inches closer to the truth. Why won’t he just say it? Bergolio ain’t the Pope. I find it easier to say this than to say a heretic is Pope. The latter is a scandal and means the Papacy lacks supernatural protection.

    1. Marshall began his career in the Church in the Diocese of Washington DC as a convert from Anglicanism. That puts in context all his inhibitions.

      1. Also opus dei I believe. They have that small bookstore /chapel on K street in DC, used to go by there myself back in the day.

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