Quebec Trucker Convoy Arrives in Quebec City

This video is in the local language of Quebec, Quebecois, and so it appears that they are in Quebec City. The honking confirms that they are not in Ottawa. But perhaps our Canadian readers can add information in the comments below.

Here is a live stream:
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13 thoughts on “Quebec Trucker Convoy Arrives in Quebec City”

  1. In Canada, for anyone who doesn’t know this, we have two official languages; English and French. Where I’m from (Ontario), English is the predominant language – most of Canada is predominantly English-speaking with the exception of the province of Quebec (although French is quite common in some parts of New Brunswick). The people in these videos are speaking French; a dialet that is a bit different from the french in France – apparently, according to a couple of family members (and hearsay), the French of France frown upon the Quebecois’ dialet because it isn’t “proper” French (chuckling a bit here) , but I digress..

    Anyway, I am very happy to see Quebec and the rest of Canada so united right now. This has not always been the case. In fact, if you’re Canadian visiting some parts of Quebec and you do not speaking French, watch out!

    When I was a little girl in the 90’s I remember Quebec almost separating from us (Quebec Act) – the vote was so close; it almost happened! They did not want to be associated with the English-speaking Canada (they wanted to be their own country but use Canada’s resources still!) and from what I remember (and my father telling me), they were quite spoiled by our government, receiving all kinds of special socialistic favours and handouts (to their detriment of course). They were basically the preferred, spoiled children of Canada. The English-speaking knew it, and so, resentment brewed. I remember my own father being resentful, so much so, that he wouldn’t put me in a French-speaking school at the request of my grandma! (He now regrets that decision.)

    Ah, but now we see why that was…..divide and conquor (Solve et Coagula) in any way possible. The Oligarchs knew what they were doing in the 90s – they wanted to separate Canada (weaken the country) and stir hatred, anger, and resentment between the anglophones and the francophones.

    In my opinion, what I think is important to know, is that the Quebecois people (as a whole) have always been more proud of their culture and their heritage than the rest of Canada (at least over the past 30-40 years); they’re a very strong-willed people. This doesn’t bode well with the globalists/internationalists/ oligarchs/freemasons. Also, for the longest time they were very Catholic – I think the most Catholic province of Canada. This is why I think that Quebec, out of all of our provinces, got hit the hardest (not downplaying what the rest of the provinces went through and are still going through) because they had the greatest treasure of all – the True Faith and turned away from God (just like the rest of us) and His Holy Catholic Church. Nothing good can come from that except a severe punishment. I say this, but I also know that much good will result in all of the suffering we have coming because we have an awesome God Who, in His infinite

    goodness and mercy, is waking up His people so that they will come to Him, repent, and amend their ways.

    Imagine if our world kept going the way it was going? More people would fall into the hell fire, so in a great way, there is a silver lining to all of this present pain and suffering. Just my thoughts…..

    1. A great analysis Michelle. As a New Englander whose family migrated from Trois-Rivieres many years ago, the French roots are in my heart. I pray that the one true faith catches fire there again.

  2. On admire le courage et la persévérance des Canadiens/des Quebecois: organiser des démonstrations pour la liberté en plein hiver!

    Bonne chance à vous tous!

  3. les quebecois depuis plusieurs decades ne savent pas ce que
    c est qu etre catholiques , il n y a pas eu d enseignement
    catholiques . ils ne savent plus rien mais faut prier pour
    que no;s pretres enseignent ce qu un catholique doit etre
    ils ne savent plus rien , prier pour nous
    pray for us the one who should though the quebecers the
    true faith didn t do it for decades
    pray that we have priests who will teach us the true catholic
    faith . pour finir les quebecois parlent la langue que les
    francais parlaient en arrivant en amerique

  4. it s not only quebecers who use in vain and doesn t
    speak well, english spoken too use in vain the
    holy name and the f… so many times in one phrase
    priez au lieu pour les quebecois afin qu ils puissent
    connaitre ce que c est qu etre catholiques
    ils n ont pas eu enseignement depuis decades
    no teachings over many decades

  5. The people filming the video aren’t really saying anything of much importance. Just commenting here and there on things they observe. Saying things like “so and so would have love this. I think she stayed home because it was too cold…” or “hey, look at that…” and noting how there are many people.

    But yes, a good showing indeed.

    On a different matter, it seems that we may have U.N. troops on Canadian soil and some of the goons in Ottawa this weekend may have been U.N. and not Canadian.

  6. I can confirm everything that Michelle Mailloux wrote.

    Also, the video does seem to be from this past weekend in the City of Quebec – the Capital of the Province of Quebec.

    I truly hope that the actions of the Trudeau government and the fact that the House of Commons just accepted the Emergency Act, will bring Quebecers (young and old) closer to the rest of Canadians.

    Quebec has fallen a long way away from God, through the Intercessions of St joseph, May God Help Us!

  7. Indeed, “Vive le Quebec libre!”
    Thank you for this video of the amazing Quebecois turning out and marching en masse in the ice and snowstorm! What an inspiration, seeing them so cheerfully walking down the Grande Allee past the Plains of Abraham park to the magnificent Parliament Building. Beyond, you see the Old City walls, and in the foggy distance, the spire of Notre Dame de Quebec Cathedral and (briefly) the signature Chateau Frontenac which towers over (invisible in this footage) the mighty St/Lawrence River.
    It all brings back great memories of my time there many years ago, when the place was very Catholic, and when I was a French literature student at Laval University.

  8. Is there a way to attach a photo in these comments? I found one of protesters carrying a huge crucifix.

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