Br. Bugnolo speaks on the War in the Ukraine and how this means the imminent restoration of the Soviet Union and the Soviet invasion of the European Union. As a consequence of which, it will become apparent to everyone with a sane mind, that the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart was never done and that now more than ever this Act must be accomplished for the salvation of the world.

God bless you Br Bugnolo.
I thank God for your apostolate. Without you we would be confused by what seamingly appear as contradictory information. Pls be encouraged that you are a light to the world and salt of the earth.
Amen and 2nd your post. This is the 1st site I check each day.
Accdg to the Bible, Jesus told St. Peter that the gates of hell would not close on the Church.
Here is were we need to take a cue from St. Benedict who advised philosophers to make a distinction whereupon one reaches a contradiction.
The contradiction is that current state of affairs of the organized religion known as Christianity (in all its denomimations, Catholic and Protestant) has undoubtedly fallen into the hands of Satan. This has been empirically proven by the homosexual abuse of boys and its coverup by nonhomosexuals, and it was proven again recently by the widespread complicity of clergy with the Covid genocide.
We must make a distinction between “the Church” and the religion. Otherwise the prophecy Jesus told Peter has failed.
What this means is the Church will persist but in a new form, or perhaps an old form. Perhaps a return of “the Way” as it was called in Book of Acts.
The focus will become the Holy Ghost. This Person of the Trinity has been largely ignored by Christianity since Nicaea. And it was a mistake since Jesus foretold He would be remitting the Holy Ghost after His (Jesus’) ministry upon earth concluded.
John chpt 4: “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”
You are making the distinction in the wrong place, the place to make it is between Pope Benedict XVI, the catholic, and Bergoglio the globalist usurper puppet. The Church in communion with Benedict has not succumbed to globalism.
Huh? Benedict is fully on board with Vatican II, and hence with the Novus Ordo Antichurch.
Yeah, that is why he restored the Ancient Rite of the Mass and said the implementation of the council was detrimental to Tradition. (sarcasm)
Amen to that!❣🤲❗
Your first mistake, which erodes your credibility, is that there is only one Church. The Roman Catholic Church is the only Church and it is not a “denomination.” Protestant ‘churches’ are Ecclesiastical Assemblies, but outside the Church.
Thanks for sharing and your guidance!
Sadly, i see so much biased opinions and i want to stay neutral and prudent about this fact and i need to see what is really behind this before judging.
Dear Troll using an ip out of Washington,
Putin spontaneously kissed a boy on the stomach, which shows his real sexuality. That is why the WEF recruited him. This is a public fact. So I must infer that you are ignorant, enraged, and paid to troll.
Brilliantly summed up. Always look forward to your videos. God Bless you.
We must pray. This video is also not completely true. Putin is at this moment killing civilians and children, not only military targets. Many vaccinated are fine and I don’t see soldiers or others dying for miocarditis. And Sor Lucia was still her. What he says is conspiración theory.
I am part of a military family and your opinion about soldiers not dying from myocarditis is in grave error. Look into the court current cases involving DMED. It is a military database that tracks medical event data for military only. The numbers over the past year have *all of a sudden increased exponentially among vaccinated. I personally know 2 that have died here, alone, and many experiencing the issues indicative of clotting, 3 diagnosed with sudden MS, etc. Now understand that is a small sample of 1 branch in the military. Please, start doing more research before making public assumptions as if they were fact.
Should soldiers with such symptoms immediately apply for discharge?
Some members have been able to seek medical discharge. It appears that the severity of symptoms, combined with push from the member, an honorable (and medical) discharges are being processed. One, fairly sick with MS is getting medical discharge. An other that is experiencing slower progression of disease, is being retained.
Watching someone about to pass out, grabbing their chest, others suddenly getting shingles, etc are a common occurance now (These are just our personal accounts…a drop in the bucket, compared to all military).
We must pray Many Many Rosary’s for the Conversion of Russia to our Blessed mother’s lmmaculate heart … Like she ecplicably asked
It is lamentable that we have an impeded Holy See. Bergoglio will never allow Benedict to publicly consecrate Russia to Mary’s Immaculate Heart. It saddens me to no end that Benedict could not have done the consecration.
As a career US military commissioned officer with over thirty years of service, Biden and his Washington establishment elites do not have a clue about good foreign policy.
May God give life to Benedict to outlive the antipope. May God’s Will be done, and Mary’s Immaculate Heart triumph!
P.S.- Thank you, Brother Bugnolo for addressing the message of Fatima.
Here is prayer for Pope Benedict XVI that found this past year and pray daily:
“ O Almighty and Everlasting God, Lord of Time and of all Providence, Who has given to the world the Vicar of Thy Son, to be a sure guide and unfailing bond of unity with Thyself.
Grant to us that restoration of Thy Servant, POPE BENEDICT XVI, which Thou has promised us through thy Saints: Bl. Ann Catherine Emmerich, St. Pius X and those children chosen by the Most Holy Virgin Mary: Melanie Cálvate and Lucia Santos.
Defend, support and restore him by Thy Divine Power and Send Thy Holy Spirit down upon him, to enlighten, strengthen and invigorate him both in body and soul.
And by Thy Mighty Power and Holy Angels, defend and protect him from all his enemies, who like a pack of dogs surround him ever ready to attack.
We ask all these things in the Name of Thy Eternal Son, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Who will comes to judge the Nations. Amen.
Last day I’ve watched the street view from some web cams in Kiev and Kharkov…how is possible that everything is normal? People going to work normally during the “invasion”? “Journalists” behind the “war lines” with people that are going to buy things at supermarket!? Ohh well! At this point is very difficult to understand what is real or not …
Both sides do not have sufficient men and weaponry for a WW2 style war, even though its open war.
Weaponry has moved light years beyond WW II. They have Neutron bombs, “Vacuum Bombs” now (and God only knows what else) ; they can deploy thousands of mini-drones to surgically pinpoint and guide bombs/ missiles, landmine-sowers.
The need for manpower “boots on the ground” is no longer as important as in WW II.
However Putin will not use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, (It’s not “the” Ukraine: which translated already means, “The borderlands”) because it’s the breadbasket of Europe AND Russia. Remember Henry Kissinger’s observation: “Who controls money, controls nations. Who controls food, controls people.” Putin wants “Food Security”– I wish the UK had that priority. . . however the God of history and Lord of nature (via cycles of solar weather manifested in decreasing sunspot activity) is causing such weather change at the beginning of this “Eddy Minimum ” (look it up, it’s real: see the defunded “Electroverse” Website for what’s really going on: not global warming, but global cooling until about 2054 or so.)
This means worldwide famines, (as Our Lady of Fatima warned) as in the Maunder and Dalton minimums. Decreasing sunspot activity affects the earth’s magnetic core, which in turn triggers volcanic and earthquake activity. –and BTW, earth’s due for a magnetic pole-shift. As Sr Lucia wrote long ago, “we are living through Chapters 8-13 of the Apocalypse.” Signs of the times, folks.
Ukraine has suffered war many times and when surviving war so many times; those experienced are acclimated to it. Of course, they would continue-on with life as normal as possible. Those in the U.S. are spoiled and weak since they are clueless to deal with any kind of true threat. Couldn’t even read between the lines of the Covid PLANDEMIC. By the way; Trudeau has allowed CCP Troops into Western Canada on a mostly uninhabited island who are exhibited to be training in a Military way…Insurgents into North America?
You should be elevated – you’ve earned my respect. You should receive great investment and should be elevated so that more can hear you.
Thanks brother.
Can you pls tell me who the sister is that you’re referring to that made the prophecy back in the 50s? this brings to mind the visions of Alois Irlmaier.
I forget her name. She was italian. Perhaps Aiello…
Beata ELENA AIELLO (prov. Cosenza 1895 – Roma 1961)
“…l’ora della giustizia di Dio è vicina e sarà terribile! Tremendi flagelli sovrastano il mondo… E se gli uomini non ravviseranno in questi flagelli i richiami della Divina Misericordia e non ritorneranno a Dio con una vita veramente cristiana, un’altra guerra terribile verrà da Est ad Ovest, e la RUSSIA con le sue ARMI SEGRETE, combatterà l’America, travolgerà l’Europa e si vedrà specialmente il fiume Reno della Germania pieno di cadaveri e di sangue…”
I seem to understand it as TACTICAL NUKES of FRANCE…
against the bridges and fording areas of RHONE (France)
and RHINE river (Germany). Airports and crossing areas
are excellent targets for the tactical nukes.
UK will NOT agree with this “defensive” decision, and will
reveal the secret undersea location of French SLBM submarines (my interpretation of a prophecy by the German catholic voyant Alois Irlmaier).
“Gli uomini offendono troppo Dio. Se io ti facessi vedere il numero dei peccati che si commettono in un sol giorno, ne moriresti dal dolore.”
“L’Italia sarà umiliata, purificata nel sangue, e dovrà molto soffrire, perché molti sono i peccati in questa nazione prediletta, sede del Vicario di Cristo.”
She said nothing about tactical nukes. She could just as well be refering to Russians new supersonic conventional missiles.
Blessed Elena Aiello. Beatified by the true Pope, Benedict XVI, on the Feast of the Exultation of the Holy Cross – September 14, 2011.
You might be right.
God bless Brother hes a beacon of light in this darkened world I was always wondering about the fake Sister Lucy 🙏 please God protect Brother and our true Pope Benedict and that someone will be grace filled as Brother said to push for the Consecration
Dear Br. Bugnolo, what are the relevant references to our Lady of Fátima?
Thank you.
At 2:52 you stated that reportedly Putin had asked “Pope Francis” to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and that Bergoglio refused.
Indeed there were reports stating that.
If Putin is a WEF puppet, why do you think he would have done that?
Was the whole scenario was Kabuki theatre, with both Putin and Bergoglio reading from WEF / globalist scripts?
The Evangelicals in the USA refuse to believe that Emperor Constantine had a spiritual experience and conversion to Christianity. They need him to remain seen as on par with Caligula so to legitimize their story that Christiniaty went awry in 325 until Martin Luther and Calvin. We hear all the time on youtube and radio from Evangelical pastors who despise Constantine. Even newage people repeat this story.
Likewise, some today refuse to believe that the Almighty God, King of the Universe, is helpless to evangelize Putin.
Smoke and mirrors! Now so many Catholics think Putin is some great “Christian” leader! But digressing, I asked a Russian workmate of his opinion regarding Putin and he said to me “which one, we’re on number three you know?”
I guess you deserve a reply: it’s my point of view as well.
May we get your comment, editor, please?
Is it my job to answer all questions under the Sun? Do I know everything. On the one hand I am asked to know everything, and on the other hand I am accused of thinking I do. I will pass on this…
We can, by our efforts and prayers, affect the lives of individual people, but there is no way, except by the grace of God, that we can escape the juggernaut that is Revelation. It’s in the Book.
These are terrifying times we live in. It’s very easy to let our focus be shifted to dramatic events, frightening news and so on instead of where it should be — upon God.
What should we do? The same Book tells us:
5″Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6″In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.”
This is harder than it sounds, and it takes practice. Better to start before the crisis comes.
I have always said that if I could only have one book of the Bible, I would choose Psalms. Everything that is in the rest of the Bible can be found in Psalms, and so can every human circumstance under the sun.
Here are a few verses I will be praying back to God every day, probably for the rest of my life:
145:18 “The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him, to all that call upon Him, in truth.”
57:1 “…yea, in the shadow of Thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast.”
91:9 “Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;
10 “There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.”
27:13 “I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.”
I have many scriptures in Psalms underlined because they speak to my heart. I expect I will be living amongst them for a good little while.
It’s going to get worse and worse, then better ( for 3 1/2 years), and then a lot worse. What better thing can we do than drawing close to God?
Brother Bugnolo, you are in my daily prayers now. I pray for your protection, provision, and direction of God. May He richly bless you.
Draw close to God by drawing close to His Mother. Our Lady of Fatima asked us to make the Five First Saturdays. Our Rosaries and Fatima devotions are the way to draw close to Jesus now!
I must respectfully disagree. The best way to draw close to God is simply to draw close to Him.
I was praying some of the Psalms yesterday, found myself in tears, and was struck so hard thinking that I need to really memorize some parts of the ones that really bring me comfort and more confidence in God, especially during these times that are only going to get worse. Now, I’m reading this comment. I better get memorizing. My friend has Psalm 91 (Psalm 90 – Douay Rheims) memorized. It’s beautiful.
Also, remembering the words of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Gospels are a HUGE source of comfort.
Was the imposter Lucia even a nun? Seeing the way she received Eucharist from Pope John Paul II, I find it hard to believe. Regardless, there is no doubt that Irma Dores was silenced prior to 1960 to prevent the release of the 3rd secret and consecration to Russia. By withholding the 3rd secret, did the Vatican became a secret society in 1960? Did Our Lady reveal the 3rd secret to Sister Sasagawa in Akita?
I would presume she was a nun, since substituting one nun for another, in a monastery besieged with visitors for one nun only, is an easy temptation for an unscrupulous superior.
The Catholic Church was over run by the enemy prior to the 1950’s. (Bella Dodd). By the 60’s many Catholics did not know the faith so they did not see through the smoke and mirrors. Sister Sasagawa’s message was confirmed by Bishop Ito as corresponding to the Fatima message. By 1960 the Vatican was completely in control by the enemy. Many faithful Catholics fought the liturgical reforms and still do to this very day! Viva Christo Rey!
Here its been reported all day that Ukraine says there are now about 200 dead Ukrainians due to the war. After three days of “War”, theese numbers are in fact incredibly low. The Russians must therefore conduct a very careful type of attack, to avoid civilian losses. The Media present it as “Surprising Tough Ukrainian Defence”. That is just not true. The Russians are clearly not using all their weaponry, because if they did then we would have 10 000 killed by now. Where is the heavy bombing, e.g. “Carpet Bombing”? Where are the Thermo Baric Missile Systems? The death toll just does not add up to qualify this as a “Full Scale War”. A silly comparison perhaps, but 50% of the Iraq army was killed in the first 24 hours of Gulf War 1. And in Somme, 60 000 were killed in the first day, and 21 000 in the first hour. I am not saying Putin is a humanitarian, but the death toll clearly indicates that the methods Putins army are using, is very limited. The most destructive and powerful weaponry or methods, are not in use.
Until Our Lord acts through the upcoming Great Monarch and frees all of Europe from this tyranny.. Our Great Hope!
Viva! Yes, the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!
Is this all a distraction so we forget to hang them all for their Covid jab genocide?
I think that is one purpose the WEF wanted this war. But real people are dying with real bullets and real Christians are being victimized.
Thank you, Brother
The danger with this viewpoint is that it fits the “covid” narrative script. The big picture is what we were warned about by Our Lady of Fatima. So when people think this is just “Brandon” doing something “stupid” they are unprepared for what is really going on. Catch up on “Trials Tribulation and Triumph!” If we are in the Minor Chastisement then we have to go through it. This is all explained in the above referenced book. Here on Br. B’s channel he had Dom Minutella who stated clearly the Chastisement started with the idol worship in St. Peter’s Basilica, 2019!
Thank you for your insights and very relevant information. I am praying for discernment and I pray that you remain safe. Are you able to leave Italy since it will suffer…I guess we are all going to suffer. Lord, have mercy!
Yes, we are have a part to share in sin and its sufferings. But we never suffer alone when we may seem to think we are alone. We suffer with the Saints for the Glory of God and the Beauty of His Holy Spouse the Catholic Church! Our Lady of Fatima pray for us!
Dear Brother Bugnolo,
Thank you for your fine presentation. Also, thank you very much for being one of the few analysists to speak of the great work that Dr. Peter Chojnowski has done in exposing the fact that there was, indeed, an imposter Sister Lucia. Perhaps some of your readers would like to look at Dr. Chojnowski’s website to review the amazing and truly scientific evidence that he has provided to make his airtight case. This includes, facial recognition, handwriting analysis, voice analysis and much more.
Dr Chownoski has done excellent work but he is a sedevecantist and harbours that wing of rabid anti catholics.
There is a lot of evidence in support of sedevacantism, as the White Smoke 1958 site presents. In the interviews there, there is info found nowhere else, especially in part 3, which also exposes the double agent Malachi Martin.
There is a lot of alleged evidence. But unless you have, for example, Cardinals or popes, who said that white smoke meant something other than an mistake or difficulty getting the stove to work, then you have to interpret it according to the fact that after the Conclave all the Cardinals accepted John XXIII as the pope.
Both sides are evil. Ukraine has been taken over by the globalists and in 2014 they put their puppet in power.
There are two oligarchies. Putin on the other side is also evil.
This is a manufactured war. People confuse one head of the snake for another without realizing that it is the same beast that wants to devour us.
We are the target. This is the classic Marxist Hegelian dialect. The same media, the same globalists, and Putin who have been lying to us for decades and promulgated the covid genocide are now dictating the narrative and it is sad to see even good thinkers fall for it.
Everything we see seems scripted to a pre-determined outcome. The delphi technique.
Like you, I am surprised that so few can see what is really going on.
I put it down to decades of brainwashing through television screens and all the media. Very few people can think for themselves anymore.
Thank you for all of this. It is worth giving a special mention of the website of the very brave Dr. Peter Chojnowski and his wonderful apostolate that is challenging and exposing the CENTER of the greatest evil powers on earth — THOSE WHO MUST SUPPRESS FATIMA (AND EVERYTHING RELATED TO FATIMA) AT ALL COSTS; THOSE THAT HAVE INFILTRATED AND NOW UTTERLY CONTROL THE PUBLIC FACE OF THE (FAKE) “CATHOLIC CHURCH,” THE “CHURCH OF DARKNESS” (per Anne Katherine Emmerich)
Is the USSR the head of the 2 headed beast that appears dead? Is China the Red Dragon that gives life to the head?
I think the USSR is the head of the Beast which is slain and replaced with 3 heads…and then is healed….to make one head…
Br. Alexis, You are certainly right that Russia’s complete conversion will be needed to wipe out the conditions in both Russia and in now Anglo-American globalist NAZI run Ukraine (since the globalist coup in 2014) that seem certain now to lead to WWIII . The consecration of Russia was done with the intention of Russia even though Russia was not vocally named left the failure to require all the Bishops to join him in this consecration the major cause of its partial effect. So the communist ruled Soviet Union did fall and so I think it is without justification to insist the communist rule of Russia MUST return. There is legitimate reason then to restrict “Russia’s errors” to its period of actual Communist rule. However, the lack of the full consecration still resulted in communist Russia’s pre-fall errors to spread world wide which has even overthrown the US Republic and now Canada!
I think it is a most serious error to overlook that it was the West’s interference to Ukraine that created this crisis that boldly threatened the security of Russia and the reason Russia has been smeared incessantly ever since Trump’s installation by the West’s Communist/Fascist Deep State!
The fascist Anglo-American banker and corporate heads’ actions to subdue and destroy Russia began with the overthrow of the Catholic Tsars and their financing of Lenin’s communist takeover of Russia; for the Tsar’s opposition to England’s 3 attempts to retaking America in the 1800’s. Today, its hatred of Russia is for its anti-globalist stand by using Ukraine to threaten Russia’s TREATY GUARANTEED access to the Black Sea by destroying the Russian friendly Crimean peoples and by moving to make nations like Ukraine and Poland that border Russia NATO member to be able to move in their missiles that could hit Moscow in 2-3 minutes, a violation of “neutral territory” agreements previously made by the West!
The Western media has also failed to tell you that for 8 years Ukrainian NAZI forces have been shelling residential areas in Russian speaking populated Eastern Ukraine with now 14,00 civilian casualties listed on record. So Russia is not the aggressor here. It also seems evident that the partial consecration of Russia did indeed cause the fall of communist tyranny though only its full conversion will eliminate the unjustified the deep seated distrust and even hatred between Russians and Ukrainians for what their GLOBALIST RUN LEADERS, ON BOTH SIDES DID TO THEM! Russia’s full conversion would totally disarm and expose the vile plans of the Anglo-American Deep state agenda of a One Word government! To me, if Russian nukes fall on our Western military installations we can mostly blame a decadent post-Christian West for it!
You still need to read a little bit about history. There were never any Catholic tsars. Russia is controlled by the Rothschilds as is the United States. Read who he is and what German Gref says.
Is Trump good or bad in your view!! I’m very confused!
His family has served the Brown Brothers Harriman (Skull and Bones) bank for 100 years or so. So draw what conclusions you may from that.
I believe the blatant ineptness of Biden is being staged in order to bring Trump back to power by popular acclaim.
It’s incredible how many Americans-even Christians!-think that “Trump will come back and save us!” I don’t dare speak a word against him at church.
To my mind, he is a Freemason and part of the NWO just like the rest of them. I had him pegged as the Antichrist, but after learning more about this situation with the popes, I’m not as sure.
We will know who is who when the 3rd temple starts going up on the Temple Mount.
Does anyone else see a strange similarity between the two popes and the two presidents. One of each of them has been done out of his job unfairly, and is waiting in the wings to make a comeback. The other is busy being a spectacularly bad pope/bad president. Coincidence?
I think, as Br. Alexis has so very well pointed out that despite Trump’s possible well meaning desires to free America from globalism, and end their American interventionism all over the world, he has not been able to win over his banker friends to his view, something I can easily imagine he had hoped to be able to do being a disciple of Norman Vincent Peal and his “positive thinking” gospel. In a recent statement Trump confessed that “we need a savior, and I am not him.” It is because of our evil monetary and banking system that will never let anyone save this world until at least this system is destroyed, but even then if there is not a massive spiritual awakening among Christians, that system will go from bad to worse in a completely digital money system! That’s the “Great Reset that the Globalist’s want for total control of mankind. According to Revelation it is certain this much worse system will at least to some degree be implemented. Too many “conservatives” tend to put the blame on Trump when its the sin, division, and apostasy within our “Christian” churches (from our own fornication with the Great monetary and banking Whore of Babylon!) that is the primary reason Trump has not been able to do anything.
Don’t allow yourself to fall into confusion. Pray your Rosary every day as Our Lady of Fatima asked! Trump is evil. Bad evil. No good will come out of this because we are now in the Minor Chastisement. Excepting of course the Glory of God! Learn what that means and steel yourself for the consequences! God bless you!
Br. Bugnolo, thank you so much for nailing Vlad the Impaler Putin is, how he is a WEF puppet but it scares me the power of Rothschild which gives me pause where is the strength within all of Christiandom to put this down.
Thank you Br. for all you do and I am hearing that Putin is targeting US Biolabs in Ukraine, financed by the US DOD…would you have any information if this is happening?
I have no information about this. I am sure that if they are there, they are being targeted like all US associated facilities, but this does not mean anything really.
It’s quite clear that the population of Russia do not support Putin in this war.
Dear Br. Bugnolo,
You’re in my prayers always, every day.
Ave Maria!!
This is a very timely video Brother Alexis. All the recent events we have seen in both the Ukraine and in the west indicate that the consecration of Russia to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart was never done properly to the satisfaction of heaven.
The very fact that the Vatican failed to release the authentic third secret of Fatima, as instructed in 1960 , and at some point replaced the real sister Lucia is a sign that the masonic hierarchy in the church did not want their plans for vatican 2 and the New World Order interfered with .
Our Lady stated at Fatima that “if my requests for the consecration of Russia and the five first Saturdays of reparation are not complied with, Russia would spread its errors abroad ,and there would be much suffering for the world, the Holy Father and the church.
Just look at the anti christian western society today with abortion up till birth , the promotion of sodomy, pedophilia and degeneracy everywhere ,and you realize the west has been totally taken over by marxism( The Errors of Russia) .
The only solution is for Catholics to pray the rosary every day and offer it to Our Lady for the genuine consecration of Russia by the Pope, and the all the worlds bishops as heaven requested in the first place .
Once Russia converts to the true faith, we will then see the Triumph of The Immaculate Heart and a period of peace . No more Klaus Schwab.
“The beast I saw was like a leopard, with the feet of a *bear* and the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast appeared to be mortally wounded. But the mortal wound was healed, and the whole world marveled and followed the beast. They worshiped the dragon who had given authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can wage war against it?” Apocalypse 13:3
I’m still really confused what to believe over all this. I agree with your video as a possibility, but when I think the MSM are so propagandising Putin as evil, we know we should turn what the MSM say to opposite to be accurate. Also Paul Craig Roberts, and other highly-informed in this subject, report how patient Putin has been and his having been forced into this. Some believe ‘the bear’ has a new weapon they could use that would put a stop to the wests’ antics immediately – that is also spoken of in a message given to Luz de Maria de Bonilla by St Michael the Archangel. I realise Putin could be an actor put in place on the world stage though, but my gut feeling just says he isn’t.
“What Russia is REALLY doing in Ukraine” – (19 minutes from a man living in the Ukraine – it has the ring of authority and worth your time)
I don’t think that URSS is the strategic target of Putin
His target is to get back his Russian persecuted
Russian brother and protect them from the evil lying Kabale organization that rule the occidentale world and make the truth revealed to the sleeping populations
He is an instrument of God
God wants people to choose between Him and the son of perdition – son of Caïn- and to be able to choose they must see the truth which will be revealed soon to the whole world
This is Gog vs Magog
Then the judgment
Putin asked François to consecrate Russia to our virgin Maria but he refused:
Let’s see where the bullshit come from.
Come Holy Spirit visit the souls of your faithful. Fill with the grace from above the hearts you have created.
But Putin did ask Francis to do that, so!?
In Jesus’ precious name, amen!
I am inclined to agree with you about the consecration having not been done. As I understand it Fatima is considered a valid miracle and only a Catholic prelate would think that offending the Russians is worse than offending God by not carrying out his command.
As for Putin being onboard with WEF agenda, I am inclined to agree with Martin Armstrong’s assessment of Putin which is that he isn’t. He actually knows these WEF people and really doesn’t like them. Betting against Armstrong is generally a losing proposition.
Galen, you do not see that you have contradicted yourself? If the Consecration needs to be done, then Putin is not the govt that Our Lady wants in Russia.
I don’t get the last part, on the spiritual event, with all the Russians converted to the Catholic Faith. Cheers brother.
“Brother Bugnolo from Rome Affirms the Findings of Sister Lucy Truth. How long before we penetrate the Vatican Modernist Citadel? How is that Reign of Peace After the Consecration of Russia Going for You? The Fake Sister Lucy Lied.”