Monthly Archives: March 2022
CIONCI: Q. & A in Italian, on the Great Question of our Day: Benedict XVI
Fr. Kramer: Br. Bugnolo has grossly misrepresented my comments on Russia
Editor’s Note: I do not understand the substance of Father Kramer’s objection to my comments here in the Editor’s note to the repost of his interview by Mr. Glazov. But out my great respect for this man of God, I publish this public notice here, for record.
Russian Dissident’s Chief of Staff speaks about how the War will lead to Putin’s downfall
The DeathVaxxes are all fruits of brutally ripping living Babies to pieces
FDA to authorize 6th dose of Pfizer DeathVaxx
Twitter and Discord are infected with Groomers
John Henry Weston admits that Benedict XVI may still be the true Pope
Editor’s Note: I never thought I would see the day. I had come to doubt that Weston had this much integrity. If I had a bottle of spumanti, I would be toasting him right now. This will open the flood gates of truth among many Catholics in the English speaking world.
Weston makes his remarks regarding the video with Fr. Kramer and Fr. Gruner published the other day, again, here at FromRome.Info, which Ann Barnhardt brought everyone’s attention back to, a few days ago.
Covid Pandemic was necessary to establish mass Surveillance under the skin
Drone Footage of Irpin, Ukraine, which was “liberated” by the Russians
USA: Covid Rapid Antigen Tests could be toxic to children and adults
Lawyer: Mortality rates in US Military up 1100% and rising exponentially
Editor’s Note: Back in December, I observed that the increase, in mortality in the USA of 30% in the 3rd Q, and of 250% in the 4th Q, would mean that the mortality might increase as high as 1000% in the 1st Q of 2022. I got a lot of criticism for that, but this news seems to confirm that my guesstament was correct.
USA: Federal Judge bars US Navy from enforcing DeathVaxx mandate
Patrick Coffin responds to his Critics, regarding Bergoglio not being the Pope
ITALY: Google coverups Antipope by calling all dead popes, ex-Popes
Editor’s Note: Now that it is increasingly clear that Benedict XVI is the Pope because there is no such thing as a Pope Emeritus — as Cionci has eminently proven with dozens of articles in Italian newspapers — Google in Italy appears to have been asked by the Vatican to cover it up by renaming all dead popes, “Ex Popes”, to make them appear to be Popes emeriti, like Pope Benedict.
Cionci’s tweet says in Italian:
L’ultima ridicolaggine: per mascherare il goffo tentativo di far passare BXVI (unico vero papa) come “ex papa”, adesso sono tutti ex papi quelli semplicemente morti. Quos Deus perdere vult, dementat prius.
The Massacre of Ilovaisk, when Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014
Glazov interview Fr. Kramer on the Faux Consecration of Russia
Fr. Kramer holds the opinion that Pope Benedict XVI intended an expanded ministry, which is not established by anything Benedict XVI has said, but is the interpretation of Ganswein, which he later withdrew. — This interview is primarily about what is i the Third Secret of Fatima.
Father’s opinions about Putin are based on not knowing that the WEF put Putin in power or that Putin is a young global leader chosen by Klaus Schwab. He is also not informed about the principles of just war, for he argues that since territory was owned by the Tsar, then Putin, whose political team (Soviets) murdered the Tsar, has the right to the Tsar’s lands, which is most certainly false, since murderers have no legal right to the property of those whom they murder. etc. For the most part, Father Kramer simply regurgitates Russian talking points, all of which upon investigation can be demonstrated to be false. For example, he cites votes which were never monitored by impartial observers, and ignores those which were, all of which voted to stay with Ukraine.