Putin announces New Purge, Power Struggle erupts in Kremlin

https://twitter.com/anders_aslund/status/1504581399185170436 https://twitter.com/anders_aslund/status/1504612428188983297

And it looks like China has realized that she and the USA are real superpowers left, and that Russia is not worth risking anything on:


And this news has shook the Kremlin, and sparked at attempted coup or internal battle:


Putin, himself, is living in fear of being poisoned:

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3 thoughts on “Putin announces New Purge, Power Struggle erupts in Kremlin”

  1. Guess ‘The WEF/CCP Cabal’ has been ultimately successful since the world has been reminded of the ‘Bad Ole Days’ when ‘Scorched Earth’ was the beloved warfare making the new Nazi/Communist mix the desired SLAVERY for today since it’s SO efficient with ‘depopulation’…As effective as ‘Baby Butchers’ slicing-up children in the womb when still alive.
    And NOW, we have Putin imprisoning his trusted compatriots HE’S chosen to surround himself with for years…’Bad Ole Days’ for SURE.

  2. “And it looks like China has realized that she and the USA are real superpowers left, and that Russia is not worth risking anything on”
    Or it means that China has, either in accord with Russia or on its own, decided to march in the opposite direction. This would be consistent with the revelation to Aloeis Irmlaier that Russia would invade Europe and China would expand towards the Pacific, Alaska, and Canada.

    Australia is already getting ready to repel invaders, if this report is true: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10617533/United-States-deploy-THOUSANDS-troops.html

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