by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Many have asked me to comment about the act which Bergoglio will perpetrate on March 25, since the Vatican Press Office had announced that he will consecrate “Russia and the Ukraine” to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as he calls for an end of the senseless bloodshed of this war.
Subsequently, the Vatican Secretary of State made it known that it was inviting all the Bishops to participate, “if they can” in this act.
Now, it is announced, that not only Russia and Ukraine, but all of Humanity will be consecrated.
Well, I am all for promoting consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as that is the fundamental vow of my religious life and I have striven for 40 years to live this, since my youth.
But an act of consecration is not a game and as a religious act of piety it has certain requirements.
First, no one can consecrate that which is not under his power of dominion. You can consecrate yourself, but not another persons, unless that other person is your child or someone in your legal custody.
Second, you have to use the right words. If you omit the word consecrate, it is not a consecration. John Paul II liked using the word, “entrust”, which is not the same thing. To entrust something, is to ask another to look after it. But to consecrate something is to dedicate it solely to the service of the other to whom it is consecrated.
Obviously we can in the strictest sense only legitimately consecrate something to the One and True Living God. But since all the Saints in Heaven live for Him alone and are united to Him in Beatific Vision, persons and things can also be consecrated to them, since virtually speaking, such a consecration is a consecration to God too.
Thus one can consecrate oneself to Our Lady, who is the Mother of God, that is, the Mother of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. And this has been done for centuries. You can also consecrate yourself to Saint Michael the Archangel, since he is chief commander of God’s armies.
But you cannot consecrate anything to anyone if, as I said you have no authority over it.
So a priest cannot consecrate your house, if you the owner do not agree to it explicitly. And no priest can consecrate a parish, without being the Pastor of the Parish and having the Bishop’s approval. Likewise, no Bishop can consecrate a diocese other than the one in which he has jurisdiction. And Emeritus cannot consecrate the diocese, unless he be deputed by the present ordinary Bishop who governs.
And not even the Pope can consecrate any nation, without consent of that nation, through it’s monarch or government, or by some special concession or delegation of God.
Now at Fatima, Our Lady said that She had been sent by the Most Holy Trinity to make known, that God has willed the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, and demanded that this be done by the Roman Pontiff in communion with all the Bishops as a fulfillment of this request.
Therefore, there is a special delegation and a special act requested of those so delegated.
The act must be the consecration of Russia. You cannot include any other intention, because that is not authorized by the delegation.
The act must be done by the Holy Father, the Successor of Saint Peter. And not the presumed one, but the real one.
The act must contain the explicit words, “I consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary” and make clear that this is done to fulfill the request of Almighty God verified through the miracle of the sun at Fatima, or at least contextually refer to that.
The act must be done in concert with all the Bishop who have the same intention and do the same act. It is to be presumed that they should all do it at the same moment in time, because it is an act of piety, not a Mardi Gras commemoration.
So if an antipope does it in communion with all the bishops, some of whom know he is an antipope and others who know he is a heretic and others who are very confused, such an act can have no effect, because God will not be mocked by conceding grace for an act which He has not asked or in a manner violating His will.
Nor can an antipope do it, since he has no jurisdiction over anything, in the sight of God. Nor will it be a valid act, if in the sight of men it is held to be valid, because men must obey God, not God men.
But what if Pope Benedict XVI consecrates Russia at the same time in his private chapel?
That is not what is requested. The Bishops of the world in consecrating something in communion, must as men know who is the pope and consciously unite themselves to his act. Otherwise they are not formally intending to participate in the act of Pope Benedict XVI, but rather in the act of Bergoglio.
Those who would want the situation to be otherwise are simply trying to force their personal desires and judgements upon the Most Holy Trinity and make God an instrument of satisfaction of their own wills. And that is an august sacrilege. You go to hell for such presumption.
And you go to hell for saying it is a sin, to call that presumption.
UPDATE: Here is the official prayer of “entrustment and consecration”, which as you can see, does not meet any of the conditions:
Thank you, I had wondered about this.
Just as I thought upon seeing the “breaking news” last week.
Interesting what was posted elsewhere:
“[Stigmatist Antonio] Ruffini was asked point blank in his home: ‘Is John Paul II the Pope who is going to do the Consecration of Russia ?’ He answered: ‘No, it’s not John Paul. It will not be his immediate successor either, but the one after that. He is the one who will consecrate Russia.’ ”
Nothing to see on Friday. No Consecration till after Pope Benedict XVI passes.
Absolutely d’accord with you on this topic.
But it will not remain without aftereffects…. 😟
The full text of the sacrilege, for I will not call it a consecration, has been released:
The antipope just couldn’t keep himself from inserting his freemasonry, social justice, and pachamamic Earth worship into it. Best case scenario for Heaven’s Response to a fake consecration would be that it be ignored, but with idolatry added to blasphemy, now I’m not so sure… I too expect a drastic response from Heaven to this mockery.
According to what archbishop Gänswein, Pope BXVI’s secretary, told CNA Deutsch, Pope Benedict will not participate in the consecration, but “join in prayer” Bergoglio’s call. Andrea Cionci says that this “prayer” might be a prayer of reparation!
Selbstverständlich wird sich der emeritierte Papst Benedikt XVI. dem Aufruf von Papst Franziskus im Gebet anschließen im Hinblick auf die Weihe Russlands und der Ukraine an das Unbefleckte Herz Mariens.
Of course, the emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. Joining in prayer Pope Francis’ call for the consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Reading this I was thinking about the Consecration of the Mass and how every word matters, and the exactness and intention which is also necessary. It’s an awesome thing to ponder that which we have the privilege to participate in at every valid HolyMass , and how Jesus left us His Divine Body and Blood and Priesthood and Church .
Why waste any time or thought on this bogus “consecration” nonsense? Pray the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary every day for the protection of all those you love and everyone they love – both the living and the dead – especially the souls in purgatory and those living in serious sin. Ask Christ to also bring about the complete failure, defeat, and destruction of everything His enemies and ours are doing in their deceitful war against us. We can do all things in Christ Who strengthens us, but without Christ we can do nothing. Viva Cristo Rey!
Thank you, Brother. I have deep admiration for the love and suffering that has not been wasted by you. To write with such force and clarity, seems to me, impossible without a tremendous persevering love of our Lord, Our Lady, St. Francis, and the Holy Roman Catholic Church. The sanctification of a great amount of suffering must have been endured to bring forth the consolation, insight, rebukes (in and out of season), encouragement, and affirmation that you and your Father Guardian Angel provide. Thank you.
Traduction française :
On ne se moque pas de Dieu … À propos de la Consécration au Cœur Immaculé
It is interesting to note that Putin, when he visited Rome and met with Bergoglio, presented him with an icon of Our Lady of Fatima and asked him to consecrate Russia. Bergoglio set the icon aside on a table. Putin fell to his knees and kissed the icon and blessed himself. Bergoglio dismissed the request to consecrate Russia.
Fr. Gruner (RIP) also offers some very interesting insights regarding the consecration:
Hello, Br. Bugnolo. Today Francis is consecrating ourselves, the Church and all humanity, especially Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so I want to share with you and your readers this:
The three servants and the fig tree:
A king sent to tell three of his servants, “Soon your enemies will surround your cities and your lives will be in danger. Plant a fig tree at the entrance to the city.” The first did not do as his king commanded him. The second dug a winepress, planted a vineyard, and erected a watchtower. The third did what his king commanded him. Then, when his enemies surrounded the cities of his servants, the king said to his armies, “Go and rescue those cities at whose gates you see a fig tree.”
God Bless you, Mary
Pope Pius in his Apostolic letter Sacro vergente of 7 July 1952 consecrated Russia to the virgin Mary… He did this after he had previously consecrated the world to her.. Look it Up..
There were two consecrations at different intervals..
john B
Hi Brother Alexis. Very correct to say God will not be mocked with this phony and useless consecration. It will have nil effect as war in Europe is already rolling. In any case, this has come way too late ,and the Church , the Vatican, italy ,and the whole world will pay for it in blood.
The Vatican has been pressed to do a proper consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the last one hundred years, and only now has gotten round to doing it. What does that say about their obedience to God?
The influence of Freemasonry both within and outside the church has caused this disastrous situation .Only Almighty God can rectify the situation by punishing mankind to get us back on the road to proper Christian living. What a punishment it is going to be.