Dr. Taylor Marshall discusses Viganò’s call for the Great Catholic Reset

Editor’s Note: It appears from Dr. Marshall’s comments, that he is 100% on board with the call for an investigation. He is actually delighted at the possible outcome that Benedict XVI’s renunciation of the papacy is not valid, or the Conclave’s election of Bergoglio was illegitimate.

After Patrick Coffin and Archbishop Viganò, Dr. Marshall is the 3rd strongest voice on this. But I am not surprised, that with the Archbishop’s embracing of this position, that Dr. Marshall has followed suit.

All I can say, is that this Easter is going to be the best in 8 years.

Now, let’s hope that some non-Voting or voting Cardinals get on board. Especially one “appointed” by Bergoglio, since that would be of maximum shock value.

I do believe that Dr. Marshall’s testimony will be crucial in convincing EWTN to open the question, and if that happens, a lot of Bishops in the USA and round the world will begin to open their hearts to the light of truth.

Archbishop Lenga and Bishop Gracida, now’s the time to get publicly on board with Vigano’s call — though I know you were on it before him — so that this snowball can roll down hill all the faster, and gain the maximum speed and velocity to shatter the complicit silence of the College of Cardinals, which will be the last hurdle.

And all of you, need to start contacting those priests before who seemed to be sitting on the fence and get them now to publicly back Viganò’s call.

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

7 thoughts on “Dr. Taylor Marshall discusses Viganò’s call for the Great Catholic Reset”

  1. Not for publication:
    I can hardly wait for Michael Voris to have a hissy-fit denouncing Vigano & Taylor Marshall.
    At First, I think Voris (if he’s smart) will just try to ignore Marshall and hope nobody pays attention to him.
    I do know that the Vatican pays close attention to Marshall: plenty of American Catholics who do not attend the Latin Mass pay close attention to him.
    *Somebody* should encourage Marshall to try to get an interview with Cardinal Burke.

  2. How long will it take to conclude this entire affari? What would be the possible outcomes?

  3. Thank you. Seems like a lot of variables and charachters to consider. Hard to imagine it would be a brief process, especially given the individuals have kept silent for 9 years.

    “Accordingly in accord with canon 442 §2, the elected suffragan can determine the time and place of such a Council and the questions to be discussed, the length of the discussion and whether to move it from one place to another as may seem opportune or necessary. He can also dissolve it or extend its sessions.”

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