St. Michael the Archangel has driven the Russians from Kyiv!

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Saint Michael the Archangel is the holy protector of Kyiv. His golden statues tell this from the domes of many buildings in the city. (See featured image above).

Thus, when Putin godlessly attacked the Ukraine, and especially Kyiv, its capital, he directly offended this great Archangel.

In response, Saint Michael stirred the warrior spirit of the Ukrainian people and of all courageous men and woman of the world, who rushed to the defense of Kyiv.

And today, Saint Michael had his victory, for on this day there are no more Russian Federation forces in the country of Kyiv. They have all fled, being driven away by the fierce attacks of Ukrainians and after having confusion sown among them, their commanders, their supplies, their movements and even in their minds.

God is just. Saint Michael does protect his people!

And woe to all who have taken the side of the forces of darkness! For Saint Michael’s sword will not defend you, until you repent!

Attorney Callender: Why I have filed suit against US Govt. for genocide via the DeathVaxx

“Editor’s Note: The take away on this video is: This is a master plan that has been extraordinarily well coordinated … ” — Explains why you should under NO circumstance go to a hospital in the USA any more. Shows that the Nazis are not in the Ukraine, they are in the USA in the GOP and Democrat parties who have set this entire Scamdemic up.

My one warning about this video is that Callender says that for 2000 years the “owners” have been controlling us with fear. That makes me infer that he is anti-Christian, and perhaps a Mason or a Jew, because no one else would name the Christian Era as the cause of all problems.

For that reason, I would caution that his testimony is what might  be called disruptive disinformation, since he is pushing the narrative that all the tech necessary is already developed and working, which is an opinion which goes against all the commentators I have seen so far about the Great Reset. He is also saying that graphene hydroxide is self-assembling in the human body with the proper fundamental components. I am no expert in biology or chemistry, so I would not find that credible without scientific papers to demonstrate that. Rather, all the articles I have seen on graphene manufacturing say that it is extremely difficult to manufacture and requires high technological and clean invironments.

So keep in mind that Callender is ex-military, and thus may be part of a US Military Intelligence operation, and everything he is saying may not be true.

New Wave of Terrorism in Israel inspired by Islamic Cleric’s Numerology?

Editor’s Note: In this video, a popular Israeli commentator explains that an Iranian cleric has spread through the Mosques of Israel the notion that the Koran teaches mystically the state of Israel will cease to exist on July 8th of this year.

I do not understand anything about what is going on, but since I have been covering Globalist numerological superstitions, I would only point out that July 8, 2022, is 9 Dhul Hijjah 1443 AH in the Islamic Calendar, or 9/12/1443.  So if this Iranian cleric is a Mason, perhaps he is sending a signal, because 9+12+1+4+4+3 = 33 which is the Masonic symbol for the percentage of fallen angels, and which represents a day or event to advance the cause of Satan on earth.

Father Kramer says WWIII will break out after a disaster strikes Iran (Israeli nuclear attack ?). But if this cleric is indicating that Iran will nuke Tel Aviv, for example, on July 8 of this year, then such a counter attack might be the response.  I am only speculating. But July 8, 2022 is certain a date to watch, since as Klaus Schwab said, after the Pandemic, they will reduce the world population further, “by wars which we will create”.

Christians of Chernihiv welcome back Ukrainian forces with joy

Editor’s note: Chernihiv, NE of Kyiv, is one of the major cities which held out against Russian siege for 4 weeks. The return of Ukrainian forces was the occasion of tremendous exaltation, therefore, of the local population. — This video shows to those Westerners who support Russia, how much the sentiments of them differ from those of Ukrainians.

Translation of the Ukrainian:

What about all those photos of Nazi Flags in the Ukraine?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Today a faithful reader asked me in private this question. And having responded in private, I think my response is something worthy of an Editorial here at FromRome.Info. We need to move away from name calling in regard to the different views about the Russo-Ukrainian War and begin to think about the facts and reports that we see in the news.

So, here is my response to the Question:

What about all those photos of Nazi Flags in the Ukraine?

The answer to your question why you may see a Nazi flag or a Flag of the German Wehrmacht in the Ukraine, is in my opinion, that the Ukrainians were starved to death under Stalin. 10 million of them. So when Hitler invaded they saw it as a liberation. Many still think that way. They are not antisemitic or Nazis, they are just Ukrainian nationalists. In fact, here in Europe, when many youth want to irk a Marxist, they make a Nazi salute or Mussolini salute as they pass him. It has no historical significance to them, though. And if you ask them, you find that they are not Nazis at all, they are just grasping for something they barely know about as a sign of their present malcontent.

As for why Zelensk would be in a photo-op with such a flag — presuming that photo is authentic an not Russian propaganda — I think what I just wrote is the explanation, having actually met with Ukrainians in Europe and spoken with them at length..

When I compare this to Americans who often are seen with Confederate Flags, I find similarities. Having lived in the South (Florida, Alabama, Arkansas briefly) many years, though being from the North, I know that many Southerners show that Flag not because they want to start a civil war or are racists, but because they admire the culture of the south and the achievements of the South and want to display their disassociation from the culture or identity of the North.

Also, as I know happens in the USA, if the MSM finds one confederate flag — or as in Canada when Trudeau actually sent a friend to insert such a flag in the Trucker protest — the MSM uses it as a tag to pin on them to make them look bad. I see that the Russians are playing the same game in Ukraine. So I do not draw any conclusions from it, but I do continue to gather information on persons and groups.

I think it is ridiculous to claim Zelensky is a Nazi, just as it is ridiculous to claim that Hitler was not a jew. Hitler pretended to be German because he wanted to use Germans to destroy Europe. He actually killed more Germans and Christians than Jews, but you would not know that from history books, since they do not draw out the conclusion!

I do not see Zelensky even being accused of using Nazi flags to genocide anyone or promote racism. His politics are quite the contrary. Nor is he a Peronist, who plays all sides. He knows, as I have explained, that the Azov regiment was founded to protect coal by a Jewish Oligarch. That some members waved those flags or use them as signs of Ukrainian nationalism, not National Socialism, is understood for what it is, not what scaremongers in the West would want you to believe it is.

And the claims of physical abuse or murder against units or persons in the Azov regiment or elsewhere, are, if they are true, signs of grave corruption, but not reasons to throw the 43 million Christians in the Ukraine under the bus. The Azov regiment moreover is composed of foreigners, not entirely, but it by no means can be claimed to represent only native sympathies.

Actually I think it is the non-Christians in the west who are trying to convince the Christians in the West, through these images of Nazi flags, to throw Christians under the bus in the Ukraine, so that the NWO objectives can be achieved. And I think Christians who fall for this kind of manipulation are very naive. Moreover, the present government of the Ukraine is doing more than any other government in the world right now to defend Christian families and preserve their traditional way of life. So to turn against that government because of a few flags I believe is totally insane.

In addition, one must understand what a flag is and what waving a flag means. A flag is a symbol. It is is therefore equivalent to a sign or word. Thus waving a flag is equivalent morally to saying something. But what you say means what it means in the context of what you do. If you wave a Confederate Flag while shooting Nazis in WWII, then you are clearly not signifying that you are a Southern racist who wants to lynch black people or start a civil war in the USA. You are signifying that you are an American who has the zeal and courage in battle as the Southerners did in their war of self defense.  Likewise if you wave a Nazi flag while shooting Jews, you signify something different than if you wave the same flag while shooting Russians. To ignore this is to allow ideological presuppositions to distort reality itself.

Finally, let’s consider some facts:

1) The Azov Battalion pledges loyalty to a Jewish President and Prime Minister.

2) Russian Federation Forces did destroy a Holocaust Memorial, and are destroying Christian Churches, but is not exclusively seeing out Azov members.

So if Russia is waging war to fight Nazis, they are certainly not showing it. And if Azov are real Nazis, they are certainly not showing it.

Now does Jesus say we should judge people by their words or deeds?

As for the photo which is featured above in this article, before you draw any conclusions, ask yourself where was the photo taken and whether the flags being flow were being flowed as memorabilia or a unit designations or political statements of the group or individuals. Otherwise, if you jump to conclusions to justify a war against Ukraine, someone might find a similar photo one day of youth in your own country and justify genociding everyone in your neighborhood on that account, while quoting what you said on your own social media profile about the above photo. So remember, crows come home to roost.