Editor’s Note: Marie Cafeo was my only living aunt. She passed away suddenly, last week after a stroke. This splendid video shows her life in pictures, often with her sister, my mom, Doris Cafeo. Particularly beautiful is her life from years gone by… The very tall man in the more recent photos, is her son, my cousin Gerry Manna, about whom I wrote when he too passed away suddenly in March of 2020 A. D.. My aunt’s husband did me the great favor of obtaining for me the grace to heed Christ’s call, on the day of his funeral, which was the Feast of St. Anthony of the Desert, hermit.

Heartfelt condolences on the loss of your aunt, Brother. What a beautiful slide show presentation of her clearly wonderful life, filled with love. Thank you for sharing it.
“There is an immense nobility in life, an immense greatness that can only be discovered with immense respect.
“Life is a mystery. True life is a mystery as deep as that of death and it is not given to anyone to discover it, one must be worthy of it because, precisely, it is in this life today that all the lights and all the liberations are contained, provided that we are in equation of love with the Heart of the Lord and that we really want to love.”
“ And that is precisely what I find at Mass: they [the deceased] are all there, all there, all there! under the same gaze of the Lord, all there in his love, all there in his heart which beats in ours!”
Fr Maurice Zundel (+1975)
Julie expresses it well. Condolences, Brother. Thank you for sharing. Splendid indeed.
Utterly fabulous.
Thank you for sharing these endearing moments with your readers.
Heartfelt condolences and God bless.
I lost my Mamma Rosella last September. We are also NY Italians. I watched the whole video. It touched me deeply. Your Auntie reminds me so much of my tiny little mother. My heart breaks considering how much we lose in this mortal life when our loved ones go before us. Sigh. Requiescat in pace.
My prayers and condolences, Suzanna, for your mom! Having a little Italian mom with a big heart is one of the greatest blessings God can give anyone!
You and your family will be remembered in my Holy Masses as your dear Aunt now enjoys the Celebration of Life.
God bless you all 🙏
Fr a
Thanks Father! Let us pray for her soul and not forget than many are forgotton in purgatory for centuries because we do not pray enough for them. While we do not know the fate of anyone with certainty, Aunt Marie rejected the scamdemic entirely and never got the DeathVaxx, which shows she was squarely on the side of the Truth.
May your beloved Aunt, by the Glory of God, Rest In Peace. What a treasure your Aunt is…Beautiful Family filled with magical moments and love as gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Don’t know where you hail from…Appears as midwest America. Gorgeous flowers!!! Life of the American Dream.
Your taste in music is superb…And, particularly partial to ‘Lara’s Theme’ near the end. Made me weep and weep…Since it was one of my own Mother’s favorites from Dr. Zhivago. My own Mom was a child protégé’ Pianist and often played it; although, she was partial to the song played with a Balalaika. Thank-you and hope God is hearing all of our prayers out here for you, your family and your Aunt. God Bless…
I did not make this video, it was made by a contractor working for the Funeral Home which provides this service to clients. But it was exquisitly done.
Great that she rejected the mRNAvaccine that the dark ones want us to take: she had a long nose vs gates, schwab and adhanom.
Tonight’s candle will also be burned for her.