😔The painting depicts a real boy, Nikolai Nizhnikovsky. As a result of the bomb explosion, Nikolai's brother was killed, and he was left without legs, hand and cannot see with one eye.
— U24 (@u24_news) July 8, 2022
Art by samsonovtattoo#WeAreFromUA #RussiaIsATerroristState pic.twitter.com/lF0jgFEvAI
Makes me cry…Pootain KNOWS he’s being supported and is only following WEF/CCP/UN/WHO orders. He doubts he will EVER be brought to Trial…As the WEF/CCP Cabal is assumed to win and they’ll never do it. So DISGUSTING…And, this poor little boy is by far NOT THE ONLY ONE. Pray to God and send as much help as possible.